WAGNER & HOWARD, Editors and Publishers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Dollars Worth of Improvements Made to Arkansas City This BuildingSeason.

The following is a partial list of the improvements made in ArkansasCity since March 1, 1885.

Farmers Co-operative Mill, just commenced: $250,000

Mrs. Gilstrap, residence: $1,500

Dr. J. Vawter, residence: $1,500

Mrs. J. Boucher, cottage: $400

John Delzell, cottage: $700

Mrs. W. H. Henderson, addition: $600

J. S. Wetmore, residence: $800

John Brown, barn: $600

Burroughs block: $30,000

W. W. Curtis, residence: $2,500

R. G. Norton, residence: $3,000

G. W. Miller, business room: $12,000

Mont. Anderson, residence: $3,000

J. W. French, residence: $1,800

W. A. Nix, cottage: $600

N. S. Buckner, addition: $400

M. Thomas, cottage: $500

Wm. Thomas, barn: $300

G. B. Shaw & Co., improvements: $900

A. A. Davis, residence: $1,000

John Brown, residence: $1,200

T. J. Donnelly, residence: $600

J. W. Mansfield, cottage: $700

Frank Austin, residence: $2,000

O. P. Houghton, add store room: $6,000

Mrs. A. Williams, residence: $1,000

I. Eads, cottage: $300

G. W. Miller, cottage: $500

J. B. Crew, barn: $350

A. Leonard, residence: $1,000

E. Stewart, cottage: $500

J. W. Mansfield, addition: $250

Robt. Hutchison, addition: $250

Jos. Hoskin, residence: $800

Mr. Thomas, addition: $200

D. G. Lewis, residence: $1,000

H. Ford, residence: $1,000

D. J. Buckley, residence: $1,750

Lafe McLaughlin, improvements: $800

Newell Pond, cottage: $500

G. W. Childers, addition: $1,000

McLaughlin Block: $25,000

John H. Starr, cottage: $400

Bishop & Chapel block: $25,000

F. J. Hess, residence: $2,500

Newman, Hess & Co. Cottage: $600

Frank Robinson, residence: $1,000

Kendall Smith, residence: $1,500

S. Hoyt, gymnasium: $4,000

T. J. Mitts, cottage: $500

Geo. Howard, residence: $3,000

H. G. Bailey, livery stable: $2,500

J. C. Topliff & Co., business block: $40,000

Rev. Ira Putney, cottage: $500

H. L. Booth, cottage: $500

Mr. Shultzheiser, cottage: $300

D. Weir, addition: $100

J. H. Creger, cottage: $500

Wes Ferguson, residence: $1,500

F. L. Walker, residence: $2,500

G. W. Herbert, cottage: $700

Mr. James, cottage: $500

L. S. Ball, cottage: $500

R. Fitzpatrick, residence: $1,000

D. Fullerlove, cottage: $300

J. C. West, cottage: $300

H. S. Ford, residence: $1,300

S. B. Scott, cottage: $700

Ed. Hutchison, residence: $1,300

J. Knowleton, addition: $400

S. B. Scott, cottage: $600

D. Pickard, addition: $650

Ed. Grady, residence: $1,200

Ed. Grady, store room: $12,000

J. M. Shelton, residence: $800

Frank Houghton, cottage: $300

J. M. Shelton, residence: $1,000

Herman Godehard, bakery and store room: $15,000

Wm. Thompson, cottage: $600

J. M. McGill, addition: $200

T. R. Houghton, addition: $300

Al. Daniels, addition: $200

Chester Hill, residence: $1,000

John Landes, residence: $3,000

Frank Beall, residence: $2,500

Ed. Malone, cottage: $700

R. Fitzpatrick, cottage: $650

Rev. J. O. Campbell, parsonage: $3,000

J. W. Patterson, livery stable: $1,000

G. W. Glotfelter, residence: $1,000

Mr. Gordon, cottage:$450

Tom Seymoure, cottage: $500

W. C. Edwards, cottage: $350

Hugh Ford, residence: $1,000

J. L. Howard, cottage: $700

Dr. Westfall, cottage: $750

Dr. Vawter, cottage: $1,250

Mrs. Hand, addition: $600

J. L. Howard, cottage: $750

W. H. Henderson, cottage: $750

G. W. White, addition: $350

Will Mowry, addition: $250

A. V. Alexander, residence: $3,500

Maj. Woodin, addition: $350

J. S. Pickering, residence: $1,000

J. P. Witt, residence: $1,000

Mr. Jones, cottage: $600

A. Means, residence: $1,000

Henry Nelson, addition: $450

Asa Burr, cottage: $400

A. P. Smith, cottage: $600

Jacob Moyer, cottage: $450

Jos. Bittle, residence: $2,000

M. L. Crocker, cottage: $700

S. C. Smith, cottage: $450

J. L. Howard, cottage: $500

J. W. Weir, cottage: $700

Dr. Vawter, barn: $200

Arkansas City Bank, addition: $3,000

G. W. McMullen, residence: $1,200

Huey & Rogers, flouring mill, fixtures, etc.: $30,000

V. M. Ayres, residence: $2,000

O. Ingersoll, residence: $3,000

J. H. Punshon, residence: $1,000

Asa Burr, cottage: $450

Creswell block: $22,000

T. J. Raymond, residence: $1,000

Henry Hultz, residence: $900

Wm. Cox, residence: $1,500

J. W. French, residence: $1,000

Isaiah Pile, cottage: $500

J. W. Hawkins, addition: $250

Hugh Ford, cottage: $750

W. M. Sawyer, business room: $2,000

Dave Carter, residence: $1,700

L. D. Davis, residence: $1,000

Wm. Rose, residence: $1,200

J. C. Ware, residence: $1,500

C. R. Sipes, addition: $250

Mr. Adams, addition: $300

Irving French, cottage: $800

Lyman Fairclo, addition: $400

S. B. Scott, cottage: $500

W. M. Rhodes, grain house: $500

Houghton block: $22,000

Union block, in construction: $24,000

Jos. Bittle, business room: $12,000

Kroenert & Austin, business room: $12,000

Jos. Sherburne, business room: $12,000

S. B. Pickle, business room: $12,000

Santa Fe Depot, addition: $1,000

Johnson Loan & Trust Company block, under contract: $34,000

Addition to National Bank, under contract: $45,000

Allen Ayres, residence: $2,000

Navigation Company:



TOTAL: $763,800

Note...following items were added November 7, 1885, that had beenleft out!

Danks Bros., improvement: $2,000

Central Block, $20,000

The above is a list of buildings going up and improvements made in ArkansasCity since March 1, 1885, to the present date. This resume does not includethe thousand dollars worth of painting, repairs, etc. There is not anothercity in Kansas that can show a record that will equal the above. Capitalistsseeking for a place of investment would do well to come and investigatethe many resources offered at Arkansas City. It will pay them.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

A Citizens Committee.

Last Monday evening several of our leading citizens met in the officeof Judge Pyburn, for the purpose of organizing a citizens committee, itsobject to be to protect and promote the interest of Arkansas City, in anyway that would tend to help and sustain the rapid growth of the Border City.A. J. Pyburn was called to the chair, and M. N. Sinott was elected secretary.A temporary organization was made and an adjournment was taken until Tuesdayevening at the same place, when a permanent organization was made by electingA. J. Pyburn, president; H. D. Kellogg, vice president; M. N. Sinott, secretary;N. T. Snyder, assistant secretary; W. D. Mowry, treasurer. A finance committeewas also appointed consisting of the following: A. A. Newman, H. O. Meigs,and W. D. Kreamer. Also an executive committee as follows: G. W. Cunningham,Wm. Sleeth, Amos Walton, H. D. Kellogg, N. T. Snyder, T. H. McLaughlin,W. D. Mowry, A. D. Prescott, and F. P. Schiffbauer. Committee made an assessmentof $5.00 on all members and it was also decided that any citizen of goodstanding could become a member by paying the same fee.

The following are the charter members.

Names selected by the committee: Chas. Sipes, Geo. Howard, Geo. Cunningham,Wm. Mowry, Rev. Fleming, F. P. Schiffbauer, A. J. Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, Jas.L. Huey, Wm. Sleeth, W. D. Kreamer, A. A. Newman, A. D. Prescott, JacobHight, T. H. McLaughlin, O. S. Rarick, Jamison Vawter, J. P. Johnson, H.D. Kellogg, Ed. Grady, O. P. Houghton, M. N. Sinnott, Geo. W. Miller, N.T. Snyder, Amos Walton, Jas. Ridenour.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Amos Walton has been in Winfield the greater part of the summer attendingto the K. C. & S. W. Railway business for our people. If he was an efficientcommissioner and was interested in Arkansas City so much as he now pretends,he would have several weeks ago awakened our citizens to the great perilhanging over them and stirred them up to action sooner. The mighty howlhe raises now, alas, comes too late. The fabric is too thin. The votersare not to be deceived by his apostasy. They will vote for J. D. Guthrie,a good and honest Republican, on next Tuesday, and remand Amos Walton andhis well feigned affection for our town to the duties of his West Boltonfarm once more. "So mote it be."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

A newspaper man in our town said in a recent issue of his paper thatthe K. C. & S. W. Depot was to be located east of the Walnut River,and that the population to build a railway line from Winfield to Geuda andCaldwell, passing three miles south of this city, had been withdrawn, andthe excitement it created has subsided. That editor should be relegatedto the state of Arkansas the remainder of his life. `Tis strange that inthese modern times, we find men who are not capable of judging the fourpoints of the compass correctly.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Winfield has been a city of the second class for almost six years. Duringthat time 1,243 voters have registered. We don't say that Winfield has thatmany voters now, as no doubt several hundred have moved out west and takenclaims. Of course, every name on the registry books was counted, and noallowance made for any that might move away during the six years. Of course,Winfield has a population of 7,000divided by two.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Teacher's Department.

1. Where in relation to the word which it limits, should a relative pronounbe placed? Where an adjective? Where an adverb?

2. Parse the italicized words in the following sentences.

The boy closed the shutters, which darkened the room.

I know who was elected president.

3. In the sentence, "Mary studies," is the verb transitiveor intransitive?


1. What is meant by an inter-colonial war?

2. What three presidents of the United States died on the 4th of July?

3. Where were the two conventions held that nominated Lincoln?


1. Tell why rain falls.

2. What is meant by the zodiac signs.


1. A man was offered $1,125 for a house in cash, or $1,181.80, payablein 8 months. He chose the latter; if money is worth 9 percent to him, howmuch did he lose?

2. What sum must I invest in U. S. Bonds, whose market value is 116,and which draw 6 percent interest, to secure an income of $18,450 in currency,if gold is worth 115?

3. A man bought a farm for $6,000 and agreed to pay principal and interestin three equal annual installments. What was the annual installment, interestbeing 6 percent?

Answers to questions will be published every two weeks. We have onlyreceived a few answers to the questions of last week and we would like tosee more promptness on the part of those who are interested in this work.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.


On Saturday morning, the 24th, twenty of the officers and members ofthe Woman's Relief Corps met at their hall according to previous arrangements,to make a visit to the Arkansas City Relief Corps, upon an invitation extendedfrom them, going by Arthur Bangs' four-horse buss and private conveyance.Arriving at about 11:30 a.m., we were received by a committee of ladiesof the Relief Corps at the Leland Hotel, where dinner was waiting us, consistingof the good things of the land in abundance, and served in magnificent style.After dinner we were escorted by the committee to their hall and in theregular business of the order found them earnest and energetic, doing muchfor the relief and encouragement of the members of the G. A. R. and theirfamilies. After the disposal of business, initiation of new members, etc.,some half dozen members of the G. A. R. Post of the city called, greetingus with words of welcome and good cheer, and a general social time was indulgedin, until we were compelled to prepare for our return home, starting around5 p.m., delayed by the storm, arriving safely about 9 p.m., thanks to thecareful driver furnished by Mr. Bangs. All are enthusiastic in praise ofthe Arkansas City Relief Corps, their earnest, energetic president, Mrs.J. Q. Ashton, their pleasing and agreeable manner of receiving and entertaining,and wishing we may have many opportunities of meeting and mingling withthem in the future.

Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

The Neutral Strip.

From the Clark County Chief.

SIR: I am in receipt of your letter asking information relative to the"Public Land Strip," south of Kansas and Colorado, it is opento settlement if surveyed, etc. In reply I have to state that said landhas been partly surveyed into townships, but none of it has been sub- dividedinto sections. The lands are open settlement, but no other steps can betaken toward acquiring title until the land shall have been surveyed intosections and until congress shall have extended the provisions of the publicland law governing the sale of or entry of the public lands, over the stripreferred to.

No right or title to said lands is vested in any Indians.

As to the prospect of a law attaching said lands to some land districtin Kansas or Colorado, this office cannot anticipate the actions of congressin the matter.

There are no maps of said strip issued by this office for distribution.

Very respectfully, A. J. SPARKS, Commissioner.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

The Citizen's Executive Committee was called together yesterday and metin Judge Pyburn's office for the purpose of taking steps to plank the westbridge over the Arkansas. A. A. Newman, Maj. Sleeth, and T. H. McLaughlinwere appointed as a committee to solicit aid, and were instructed to purchaselumber and repair the bridge. Our friends west of the city will in a fewdays be able to communicate again with us over a new bridge.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Oh, yes, the Democrats are going to get there. No doubt about it. Thisis the manner in which they progress. A Democratic rally was advertisedin an out township Tuesday evening, and "Hon." E. C. Gage wasto be the speaker. "Hon." E. C. was at the schoolhouse at theappointed time, but the crowd was not. Ed came home and recited his beautifuleulogies on Capt. Thompson to father McGinnis.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

The musical comedy of "Fun on the Bristol" will occupy theboards of the Highland Opera House Tuesday evening, Nov. 10th. Among thecompany may be mentioned Miss Bessie Cottrill, who, for years, was the primadonna with McCaull's Opera Company, and is considered a vocalist of rareaddition.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

S. F. Steinberger's Drug Establishment.

Upon an invitation extended, a representative of the REPUBLICAN visitedthe drug store of S. F. Steinberger in his new quarters in the Cresswellblock. Since locating in our city, Mr. Steinberger has displayed enterpriseand business tact. From a small establishment his drug store has grown tobe an extensive one. The large room which he occupies in the Cresswell blockwith his mammoth stock is well adapted for the wants of his business, andmany are the encomiums passed relative to his handsome drug emporium.

As you enter the room your vision is captivated by the neatness displayedin the general arrangement, the elaborate shelving on both sides loadedwith pure drugs, medicines, etc., the handsome range of Walnut counters,the well filled show cases, and the affable proprietor, or his assistant,John G. Cooke. The sense of smell is greeted with the redolence of puredrugs, which so many drug stores in Kansas fail to possess. Passing to therear of the room, we encounter the prescription department, which occupiesan area of about 20 x 25 feet. This department is presided over by Mr. Cooke,who is a pharmacist as well as a druggist. He is a graduate of the VanderbiltUniversity, of Tennessee, and thoroughly understands the preparation ofdrugs from the crude material as well as their compounding into medicines.The drugs you see displayed in this mammoth establishment are the fruitsof Mr. Cooke's mental skill. He manufactures them from the crude article,thus furnishing this community with unadulterated medicines. Since Mr. Steinbergerengaged Mr. Cooke, he has purchased the necessary apparatus to carry onthis preparation of pure drugs. Even the water used for prescriptions isput through in process to purify it before it becomes an ingredient of amedicine.

Beneath the shelving and under the counters a thousand and one drawershave been arranged to contain druggists' sundries, each drawer being labeledwith the names of contents. In fact, every article bears its label, andis always found in its place. There is no chance for errors to occur inthis well regulated drug store.

In addition to the above, we add that Mr. Steinberger has a full lineof the best brands of cigars, a large stock of toilet articles, fancy soaps,perfumery, etc. Also paints, oils, brushes, etc. It can be truly said thatMr. Steinberger is the possessor of a lucrative business and a handsomebusiness establishment. May he continue to prosper.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Capt. J. B. Nipp, Republican candidate for treasurer, is limited to twoterms by law, and his efficiency and fidelity entitles him to the recognitionof a second election. He has now learned the details and duties of the officeand has become more valuable to the county than could a new man in the officewithout a two years tuition. It behooves us to vote for Capt. J. B. Nipp.He is an honest and capable man.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Dr. H. M. Marsh while returning home from this city Thursday eveningmet with an accident when about a mile north of town. It was very dark andthe team left the road, running the buggy into a deep gutter, upsettingit. The team broke loose, and ran away. Cal. Swarts and John Daniels happenedalong about this time and assisted the Doctor in setting things aright.His team was caught and hitched up again and the Doctor progressed on hisway home.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Last Monday evening a number of the christian young men of the city metat the M. E. Church to consider the organization of a Y. M. C. A. A representativewas sent to the state convention at Emporia, and a meeting will be heldin the First Presbyterian Church next Tuesday evening to complete the organizationand hear the report of the representative. An interesting program has beenprepared and all are cordially invited to attend. All of the young men ofthe city who are interested in the cause and are desirous of engaging inthe work are earnestly requested to be present.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

W. M. Berkey, of Geuda Springs, was in the city yesterday. The citizensof Geuda, he says, are with Arkansas City now heart and soul, since theGeuda Springs and Caldwell branch propositions have been withdrawn. Theynow recognize the fact that their only show for getting a railroad is towork in conjunction with Arkansas City. Thursday evening a railroad meetingwas held in that thriving town. Jas. Hill addressed the assembly. He showedup the impracticability of a line going west north of Arkansas City to thesatisfaction of all, and stated that the most feasible route was to runthe branch of the K. C. & S. W. west from Arkansas City via Geuda. Thecitizens of Geuda want a railroad and want it bad. They have combined withArkansas City go get it. "So mote it be."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

A Lie.

There is not every fellow who wears a grand army badge that can givereminiscences of the war from his own experience and observation. Thereis a candidate on the Republican ticket that is said to be of that kind,and has no papers to show that he was ever in the army a single day. Democrat.

The above item is false. It was told for political effect. As every candidateon the Republican ticket is an old soldier and a member of the G. A. R.,it reflects on all. To be a member of the Grand Army, an old soldier mustpossess the necessary honorable discharge papers. Do not be deceived bysuch a damnable lie, for that is all it is.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Death of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan.

The Nation again bows in sorrow. Another great warrior has been musteredinto the presence of the Great Infinite and we mourn for him and give tributesof sorrow over one of the nation's gallant and distinguished dead.

Twice the savior of Washington, twice the savior of our nation. It ismete and just that we should mourn for him with a sorrow "heartfeltand patriotic."

Americans, one of your grandest heroes has folded up his tent and gonefrom you. A truer patriot, a nobler man, a better citizen never died thanGeo. B. McClellan, once commander of the U. S. A. in time of peril. Peacebe with him, and buried be all that has been said against him. H. T. SUMNER.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.

Next Monday evening at Highland Opera House the "Goldens" willappear. They will be here Nov. 2 and 3. The first evening they will presentthe "Daughter of the Regiment." [THERE WAS MORE...SKIPPED IT!]


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 31, 1885.


Begins Nov. 9, 1885; Ends June 25, 1886.


Tuition $2.00 per Month, Including One Hour's Exercise Daily in Hoyt'sGymnasium.

School Rooms Under Hoyt's Hall.


Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Penmanship, Drawing, Reading, Elocution,Physiology, Physics, History, Geography, Grammar, Composition and Rhetoric,Latin.


Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Commercial Law, Counting House Arithmetic. Instrumentaland Vocal Music extra.

For further information, call on or address the Principal.

L. F. ABERNATHY, B. S. Principal.


Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Election day Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Tonight is Halloween.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Next Tuesday is election day. Go and vote.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

W. M. Henderson has for sale a two wheeled buggy.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Capt. Burroughs has laid a street crossing leading to his block.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

New and attractive novelties in fine millinery goods at Mrs. Henderson's.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

One of the steel barges to be used by the Navigation company is almostcompleted.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

For Sale. A fine three year old filly, by F. W. Farrar, First NationalBank.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Remember the best place to get your watches repaired is at Hardway's,Steinberger's drug store.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Amos Walton is getting scared. He concedes that J. D. Guthrie is makingit a most awful "hot time for him."

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

McDowell Bros. have removed their meat market to the Lafe McLaughlinbuilding, adjoining the post office.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Hoskin & McComb offer a reward of $25 for a foot that can't be straightenedor disease of the hoof that their horse-sho*r cannot cure if it can be doneat all by shoeing.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The supper given by the ladies of the Christian Church Thursday nightwas well attended, we are informed, and we suppose, therefore, it was afinancial success.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Bob Grubbs is giving every person that purchases 25 cents worth of goodsof him a ticket which entitles the holder thereof to one chance on a $75silver water service. The drawing will occur Jan. 1, 1886.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The local editor of the Courier remarks that figures won't lie,in his list of the buildings gone up in Winfield this season. True, Bro.Greer, figures won't lie but Winfield editors will.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The Border Dancing Club, organized by Bob Hutchison, will give its firstball next Thursday night in the Opera House. This club has already a largemembership and its success is evident.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The Indian Territory is now solidly Democratic, owing to the civil servicerules. Who is there that is so insane as to dare promulgate that the presentadministration is not making a mockery of civil service?

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

A vote for Capt. Thompson for sheriff means the non-enforcement of ourprohibitory law. How can he enforce it, when he himself has twice violatedthe old prohibitory statute. He does not deny it, or attempt to.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The party gotten up by James Pentecost last Tuesday evening was not sowell attended on account of the inclemency of the weather. Those who werethere endeavored to redouble their enjoyment to make up for those who wereabsent.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The old landmark, W. M. Rose's log cabin, has disappeared, and is succeededby a handsome two story residence. One by one the reminders of ArkansasCity in her primitive days are eradicated to be replaced by substantialimprovements.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

MARRIED AGAIN. J. E. Cox is a much married man. He has just been marriedto Mrs. Sarah Baker, of Geneva, Illinois. This is twice within the past15 months. Mr. Cox's first dream of wedded bliss was of short duration.We hope his second will be more congenial.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

On Wednesday evening the first lesson in dancing was given in HighlandHall, by Miss High, of Wichita. About fifteen couples were present. Thereis a membership of 50 couples. Most of the time was spent in learning right,two, three, and left two, three, two, three.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

At the Christian Church social given Thursday night, the M. I. Band createdquite a sensation. It was the first time this band appeared before the publicand its playing was better than had been expected. We heard much praisepassed upon it and everybody prophesied success for it in the future.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The most amusing incident in newspaperdom is the Democrat's supportof Amos Walton. But a few weeks ago that journal was so bitter toward Amosthat it would not append his name to the Democrat's call for the countyconvention as secretary. Strange, that Amos was such a bad man before theconvention and such a good fellow after.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

T. W. Gant displayed to a representative of the REPUBLICAN Thursday theplan and specifications for the building of the Farmers Co-operative mill.The Association is only waiting for the K. C. & S. W. Railway to locateits line before they commence work. As soon as this is done, a large forceof hands will be put on and the mill pushed to completion.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

S. J. Smock is our candidate for County Clerk. In education and fitness,he is the equal, and in energy, industry, and character, the superior ofany other candidate. Besides he is especially deserving of the suffragesand help of the patriotic citizens of this county, having sacrificed hisbest years and his left arm in defense of his country, rendering him unableto make a living by manual labor, yet leaving him amply competent for theduties of the office of County Clerk.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Ochs & Nicholson in this issue of the REPUBLICAN advertise a closingout at cost of their large stock of dry goods. They are going out of businessin Arkansas City in order that more attention can be turned to their storeat Pawnee Agency. Messrs. Ochs and Nicholson will make Arkansas City theirhome. They do not intend to move away from here, but are determined to quitthe dry goods business. Their business must be closed up by January 1, 1886.Now is the time to secure bargains. The REPUBLICAN regrets to announce theabove facts for the proprietors of the Bee-hive are live, energetic businessmen,whose places are not likely to be filled soon.


Closing Out Sale at the Bee-Hive Store.

On & After Saturday, October 31, We will Sell our Immense Stock ofDry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and Gent's FurnishingGoods at Cost.

And Will Continue the Sale Until our Entire Stock is Closed Out.

Our stock is all new and complete in every Department. A large line ofSelz, Schawb & Co.'s Boots and Ladies Shoes, the best in the market,strictly at cost. A large line of Shawls and Flannels at cost. A large assortmentof Ladies' Coats all at Cost. We have the largest assortment of Clothingto be found in the city, which will be disposed of at cost.

Come Early While the Assortment is Complete.

This is an Opportunity that You Cannot Afford to Lose, for We Mean JustWhat We say.

Having a store at Pawnee Agency, Indian Territory, we cannot well attendto both.

Consequently We Have Decided to Close Out Our Stock Here, AND WILL POSITIVELYSELL THE GOODS JUST AS WE ADVERTISE.

Thanking the Public for the Liberal Patronage Extended to Us During theShort Time We Have Done Business in Your City, We Respectfully Solicit aContinuance of the Same During Our Close out sale, FOR WE KNOW WE CAN SAVEYOU MONEY.

Respectfully, OCHS & NICHOLSON.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

To the Voters. Voters, on next Tuesday you will be called upon to castyour ballots to select officers to fill the county offices of sheriff, treasurer,clerk, register of deeds, and coroner; also, for a commissioner from thesecond district . In our editorial columns you will find the names of thegentlemen who compose the Republican ticket. The bearer of each name isworthy of your support. With the exception of S. J. Smock for county clerk,Dr. H. L. Wells, for coroner, and J. D. Guthrie, for commissioner, fromthis district, the gentlemen on the ticket are candidates for re-election.They are all capable men. It is useless for the REPUBLICAN to extol on themerits of each candidate. [SKIPPED THE REST!]

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Wait Till We Get the Railroad Hands.

The Arkansas City REPUBLICAN of Saturday says that 1,014 votershave registered in that city, and claims that this registration indicatesthat A. C. is the largest city in Cowley County. The Courier reportedthe same day the registration of Winfield 1,243, which seems to tell anotherstory. Taking into consideration the fact that citizens of Arkansas Citykept hacks running with able canvassers bringing in the voters to registerfor a week or ten days previous to Saturday at an expense of six or ninedollars per day, and that Winfield citizens did not spend any time or moneyto get voters to register we may safely conclude that A. C. registered abouther whole voting population, say all but 36, making the total number ofvoters 1,050, as the REPUBLICAN claims, and that Winfield had she takenthe same course could have registered 300 more, leaving 42 unregisteredwhich together would make 1,375 voters. Then if A. C.'s population is fivetimes 1,050, or 5,250, as the REPUBLICAN claims, Winfield's population isfive times 1,575 or 7,875, and this is very nearly the relative populationof the two cities. Arkansas City is a great, prosperous, and growing townabout two-thirds as large as Winfield. Winfield Courier.

What a grand concession this is from a representative of a city thatclaims to be a perfect network of railroads. The Courier says inthe above that Winfield has 1,243 registered voters. Let us recapitulatesome. Just at present, according to the Courier of but a few daysago, there were 500 railroad hands at work on the K. C. & S. W. in andaround Winfield. This accounts for about 500 names on Winfield's registrationbooks. 500, taken from 1,243, and we have a result of 743, the number oflegal resident voters of Winfield. Multiply 743 by five and we have 3,715,the number of people who reside in the corporate limits of Winfield. TheCourier also says no hack was run to bring in the floating population.This is false. The same authority but a few days before said Hank Pariswas running a hack and bringing in voters to register. You can bet, andsafely too at that, that Winfield registered every voter's name in thatcity. Because it was to their interest to do so, and all talk to the contraryis absurd. Winfield "is a great, prosperous, and growing town abouttwo-thirds the size of" Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Police Court Items.

The following are the names of the parties arrested for being drunk onthe Sabbath Day.

John Doe (real name unknown) fined $2, with costs, $6.

Geo. Y. Alverson fined $2, with costs, $6.

James Kelly, fined $1 and costs.

Charles Bundrem, fined $2, with costs, $6.

G. Schofield, fine $2 and costs.


Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

J. L. Huey has been in Chicago this week.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

J. M. Collins is on the sick list this week.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell are expected home today.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Chas. Schiffbauer is building an addition to his residence in the firstward.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Miss Jessie Pixley, of Winfield, visited Miss Minnie Stewart over Sunday.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

E. L. McDowell has one of Job's mammoth afflictions on his right cheek.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Samuel Hoyt, the father of our Joe, is visiting in the city. He camein Thursday.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Chas. Danks has once more made his appearance after a two weeks wrestlewith malaria.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Mrs. J. W. Ruby, accompanied by her mother, came home today from herNebraska visit.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Mrs. C. C. Sollitt has so far recovered from her severe attack of sicknessas to be able to sit up.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Dr. Reed has removed his office to North Summit street, north of Dr.Brown's drug store.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Maj. W. M. Sleeth returned home Tuesday, leaving Mrs. Sleeth at Clevelandto regain her impaired health.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

W. F. Snyder, the genial traveling passenger agent of the Bee Line, wasin the city yesterday and called on the REPUBLICAN.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

MARRIED. W. H. Nelson returned to Arkansas City yesterday, bringing withhim his happy bride. The REPUBLICAN extends congratulations to them.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Patriotic Jim Ridenour writes from Rochester, Indiana, that could he,he would not give his home city for the entire Hoosier state.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, last Sunday morning, a girl babe.Weight seven pounds. All parties concerned doing well.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Cal. Swarts went over to Maple City Thursday evening and addressed alarge crowd of voters at the schoolhouse in that township.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Cal. Swarts and John Daniels went out and held a public meeting at JackOak Schoolhouse, Thursday evening. They report a big time.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Mrs. Marian Anderson, of Chicago, is visiting in the city at the residenceof C. C. Sollitt. Mrs. Anderson is the grandmother of Mrs. Sollitt.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

W. M. Rose, for two weeks past, has been suffering from an attack ofmalaria. He is now able to go around, although he is yet somewhat indisposed.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Chas. Dix returned to Arkansas City Monday. He brought his mother withhim from Cloverdale, Indiana. They have gone to housekeeping in the Pattersonproperty.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Dr. J. M. Wright and family are residents of Winfield. The doctor spendsthe greater portion of his time out on his Tisdale farm. He was in the cityWednesday.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Miss Nellie Childers and her brother, Harry, of this place, left Wednesdayfor Independence, where they will remain for a few weeks visiting theirgrandparents.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

An Edwardsville, Illinois, paper states that if J. J. Clark visits thatcity once more, he is liable to catch "Jessie." And so that isthe reason Jen visits Illinois so often.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

John Keown and L. C. Keown, of Illinois, are visiting in the city. TheMessrs. Keown are well-to-do citizens of the Sucker state. They are cousinsof T. D. Keown.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Sept. Andrews visited his best girl over to Wellington all last week.It appears to us that Sept. is making rather frequent visits to Wellingtonlately from some cause or another.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Elder John M. Thompson and family, of Valley Center, and Mr. Yoman, fromnorth of Winfield, friends of the Danks Bros., visited them the first ofthe week. Also the Chilocco schools.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Tinner Huber has moved his shop to the room under fraternity hall onNorth Summit street. Capt. Rarick and Chas. Parker will open their blacksmithshop in the building vacated by Mr. Huber.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Dr. Jas. Phillips, relative of A. G. Lowe, has been visiting in the citythis week. Dr. Phillips hails from Springfield, Illinois. He was so wellpleased with this country that he invested quite a sum of money.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The Courier says: "James C. Topliff and lady, and A. D. Hawkand wife, were up from the Terminus Monday. Go away from home to get thenews. This is the first time we ever heard of A. D. Hawk having a wife.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

A. Traband, who formerly resided here, but later at Larned, has soldout there and returned to Arkansas City to make it his future home. He willopen up his cigar establishment in a portion of the Lafe McLaughlin building.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Miss Minnie Randall, of Peoria, Illinois, is stopping in the city. MissRandall is a teacher of piano and organ music and has recommendations fromsome of the leading professors of music in the city of Peoria. She is asister of Mrs. U. S. Upp.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Mrs. A. G. Heitkam returned home yesterday from her Indianapolis visit.She was to have been here Thursday, but got on the wrong train at Mulvaneand was taken to Wellington; consequently, she was delayed 24 hours in reachinghome.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Mrs. Thos. Kimmel, while using a vapor lamp last Monday, was severelyburned in the face by the flames flaring up in her face. The burn was aroundthe eyes, extending over the forehead. Dr. Fowler was called in to dressthe injuries.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Lawyer Jenkins, for several days past, has been suffering from ivy poisoning.One side of his face and arm are the parts affected. His appearance wouldindicate to a casual observer that he had engaged in a "bout"with Sullivan and been knocked out in the first round.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

MARRIED. The REPUBLICAN is in receipt of the Portland (Maine) DailyPress, announcing the marriage of Dr. J. A. Mitchell to Miss HarrietE. Correy on October 20, 1885. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Hill,of that city. No cards were issued. The happy couple will arrive in ArkansasCity in a few days. Our gates are ajar and the banner of "welcome"awaits their coming.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Last fall Capt. Thompson, Democratic candidate for sheriff, was electeda delegate to the state convention by his party. Afterwards he participatedin a Republican primary convention, working hard for the nomination of HenryAsp. The Democrats could not stand this, so they requested Capt. not togo to the convention. "It is useless to say that Capt. remained athome." Now, the Democrat tells us that Capt. Thompson sold hisvote to Jas. O'Neil, of water works fame, while serving as councilman. Ittells you now that Capt. is an honest fellow and begs for your suffragefor him. Voters, which story will you credit.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Judge Soward, as register of deeds, has made a model officer. It is admittedby all that the office was never in so good shape before, and this has beensecured by a personal attention that knows no relaxation. No more honest,efficient, and deserving public officer is known, and he should be complimentedwith a second term by an unprecedented majority.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Fraudulent Ballots.

Beware of fraudulent tickets, Republicans. The Democrats are up to theirold tricks again. They are preparing fraudulent ballots to be used nextTuesday. They insert the name of one of their candidates on a ticket purportingto be the regular Republican ticket. In different localities other namesare inserted. In this way do they hope to slip in one of their gang! Lookwell to your ballots and see that the names printed thereon read the sameas those at the head of our editorial column.

The following is the law on the subject.

Sec. 218, page 357, of the compiled laws of Kansas: Any person who designedlygives a printed or written ticket to any qualified voter of this State containingthe written or printed names of person for whom said voter does not designto vote, for the purpose of causing such a voter to poll his vote contraryto his own wishes, shall on conviction, be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanorand punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars or by imprisonmentin the county jail not exceeding three months, or by both such fine andimprisonment.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. Railway News.

Monday word was received in our city to the effect that the propositionsasking aid over in Sumner County to build a branch west from the K. C. &S. W., between here and Winfield, had been ordered to be withdrawn. Thisis what our citizens have asked of the company, and it has kindly grantedthe request. Since the above has occurred, the K. C. & S. W. Engineershave been engaged in making surveys through the west part of the city. Fromwhat we can ascertain, a survey has been made into the city down on 13thstreet, branching off west through the draw on Bud Beck's farm, just acrossthe Arkansas. This is as it should be. Arkansas City is the natural placefor the branch to start west. The company has been granted the right ofway through the city on 3rd street, but it is likely to be changed to 13th.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

The W. R. C., of Winfield, visited the Arkansas City Corps last Saturday.The visiting ladies arrived in the city at about 11:30 a.m., and partookof a sumptuous feast which our ladies had prepared for them at the LelandHotel. In the afternoon the visiting corps was received in the G. A. R.Post-room. Mrs. J. Q. Ashton, president of our corps, presided. An addressof welcome was made, followed by introductions. A most social time was had.The following are the names of the visiting ladies.

Mrs. E. B. Dalton, secretary; Mrs. F. M. Pickens, treasurer; Mrs. J.H. Finch, chaplain; Mesdames W. B. Caton, Dr. Elder, L. Cure, F. Finch,C. Trump, H. H. Limerick, W. R. McDonald, J. Carmine, W. W. Tanner, L. Conrad,A. McClellan, J. A. Cooper, D. C. Beach, J. W. Holaday, J. G. McGregor,C. L. McRoberts, P. P. Powell.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

In another column of the REPUBLICAN appears the advertisem*nt of L. F.Abernethy. Mr. Abernethy came here from Iowa last week and has decided toopen a select school in the rooms under Hoyt's Gymnasium. Mr. Abernethyis young, energetic, and comes very highly recommended by his former instructorsand professors at the college from which he is a graduate, at Osage City,Iowa. We believe Mr. Abernethy will succeed in his undertaking and we hopeall who desire to send their children to a select school will visit him.See his ad. elsewhere.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

We never had a better sheriff than Geo. H. McIntire, and when we saythis, we know that we are saying considerable. Mr. McIntire has a statereputation for unusual efficiency and honor in the discharge of his duties.It would be the hight of folly for the voters of this county to substitutean untried man who cannot possibly fully learn the duties of the officein less than two years, in place of one who is already well schooled. Besides,we know "Mac" will enforce the prohibitory law.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

In this issue we copy articles from the Arkansas City Republicanand Traveler. A perusal will show the reader what the kick is about.We wish to remind the Republican that it is wrong in two particulars.First, in the assertion that Burden asked Arkansas City to help leave Winfieldout in the cold. Our people did not ask this. We knew that many of the Winfieldpeople were determined that Burden should be left out in the cold. We informedArkansas City people of this fact, and told them if they would stand byus, we could have the road through Burden and Winfield to Arkansas Citywithout a fight. This was when we believed the road was more than a merespur. The agreement was made only to be broken by the A. C. people withthe result as now seen. Secondly, the Republican errs in the statementthat a feeling still exists to remove the county seat to Tisdale. Burdenis the objective point and this accounts for the struggle to prevent ourhaving another road.

Burden Eagle.

Possibly of current interest...

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Moses Aaron Hopkins, who has been appointed Minister to Liberia, wasduring the war, an army cook. The old men who ordered the young darkey tofly around with the coffee pot and frying-pan will be astonished when theylearn that he is a college graduate and a representative abroad of the governmentfor whose defenders he formerly hustled hard tack.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, who is deriving fresh vigor and drawing freshprofit from the new republication of old "Uncle Tom," is describedas a hale and hearty old lady, very gray, but hardly ever blue. She willsoon go to sit down for the winter in her Florida orange grove.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

High School Notes.

The Cowley County Teachers Association met in the high school room onlast Saturday morning with an attendance of 35. After a few remarks by Prof.Limerick, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Thefirst subject on the programme was dispensed with on account of the absenceof Prof. Gridley. The second subject was opened by Prof. Weir. He gave avery interesting address on the methods to be used with the primary classes.He was followed by Miss Jessie Stretch and others. The importance of essaywriting was next discussed very ably by Rev. J. O. Campbell, Prof. Weir,and Miss Campbell. On account of the illness of the Arkansas City teachersand absence of others, the fourth, fifth, and six topics were not discussed.Business was attended to and after voting to have an afternoon session theassociation adjourned for dinner. As most of the teachers in attendanceleft on the afternoon train, the meeting after dinner was of little importance.It was voted to have the next meeting at Winfield.

Messrs. Wood and Inskeep of the Winfield Commercial College were at themeeting. The Arkansas City teachers rather give the city away by risingwhen called on and begged to be excused from duty on account of having thechills.

Prof. Barnes and wife attended the meeting of the association. Mr. Barnescame as a representative of the Winfield Tribune.

It was quite a disappointment to all that Rev. Harper was unable to fillhis engagement for Friday evening. A severe cold prevented his coming.

The high school is still flourishing in spite of the disadvantages theteachers labor under on account of Prof. Bryan's absence. New pupils arecoming in every week.

The janitor evidently needs a few lessons in the art of heating a schoolroom, part of the time the room is at the freezing point, and at other timesis too warm to be comfortable. Several pupils have contracted severe coldsfrom this carelessness.

The pupils desire to return their sincere thanks to the persons who havegiven so liberally toward an instrument; $16 is the sum now on hand.

In two weeks the high school expects to move to its new quarters. LUDO.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Teachers Association.

Cowley County Teachers Association met at Arkansas City last Saturday.Opening exercises were conducted by Prof. Weir. After a few brief remarksby the president, the discussion was opened by Prof. Weir, followed by MissJessie Stretch.


1. In what respect should recitations in primary classes differ fromthose in the advanced classes.

2. Importance of easy writing. The means to secure it.

Paper: Miss Campbell, discussion by Miss Florence Patterson, Prof. Wood,of the Winfield Normal school, Rev. Campbell, Alfred Wing, and Miss JessieStretch.

3. The teacher's preparations for assigning and conducting a recitation.

Discussion by Mrs. Amy Chapin, Prof. Weir, Prof. Wood, Miss Jessie Stretch,J. W. Warren, and Miss Campbell.

After a few minutes recess the house was called to order by the president,and the business coming before the association was transacted. An adjournmentwas made to allow the Winfield teachers to go home on the afternoon train.But those teachers living in this vicinity reconvened at the schoolhousewhere the remainder of the afternoon passed very quickly and satisfactorilyto all present. The afternoon session was on a par with that of the forenoon.In the afternoon as neither president or vice president were in attendance,Alfred Wing was chosen to preside protempore. The question, what are thesecrets in school government, was ably discussed by J. W. Warren followedby Mahlia Arnett, Mr. Stiverson, Alfred Wing, and Minnie Turner. The groundbeing almost entire covered and many new theories put forth. The associationadjourned to meet at Winfield Nov. 20th at 7 p.m. and the 21st.

Arkansas City Republican, October 31, 1885.

Skipped last letter list given by Postmaster Topliff.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

The Entire Republican Ticket Elected in Cowley County
By a Majority Ranging from 700 to 1,100.
J. D. Guthrie Elected Commissioner from the Second District ByOver 225 Majority.
A Full Vote Polled All Over the County Excepting in ArkansasCity;
But a Half Vote Failed Here.

Last Tuesday was election day and a good day it was for Republicans inCowley County. Every man on the ticket got there by a handsome majority.A great surprise was J. D. Guthrie's large majority over Amos Walton, forcommissioner of this district.



Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Halloween was last Saturday evening and it was duly observed by the boysof Arkansas City. Out-houses were overturned, signs and gates carried away.The boys kindly remembered us, although their visit gave us painnext morning.We were not "at home" at the time the boys paid us their appreciatedcall, but we can assure them we wish we had been. We still retain the handkerchiefwe picked up at the rear of our sand-burr lawn, which one of our visitorsleft behind. As the kerchief has a name stamped thereon, we know who camewhile "Betsy and I were out."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

LOST, STRAYED, OR STOLEN. A small Water Spaniel, of a red and white color,answers to the name of "Fritz." Finder return to O. Ingersolland get the reward.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

J. E. Parkins Meets Death Two Miles North of Arkansas City ThursdayNoon.
Was It an Accident or Suicide?

For the fourth time in the past 15 months, the REPUBLICAN has been calledupon to chronicle the sad intelligence of death caused by the cars on theSanta Fe.

DIED. This time the victim was J. E. Parkins, a well-known and respectedcitizen of Arkansas City. From a train boy and a passenger who witnessedthe deed, we get the following information.

Mr. Parkins was standing on the platform steps of the car adjoining thebaggage car. The newsboy was standing in the door-way when suddenly Mr.Parkins reached around, caught the railing of the baggage car, swung around,placing a foot on a step of each car and lowered his head between the twoplatforms. Just at this moment the boy cried out for him to desist. Mr.Parkins raised his head and glanced at the boy, but immediately bent downagain as low as he could and let loose all hold. The consequence was hefell between the two platforms and it is thought from the wounds that thewheels struck his head and body. A deep gash extended from the bridge ofhis nose back over his forehead; one side of his body was mutilated andthe bones in the left leg were broken in several places. The boy gave thesignal and the train was stopped, and backed to where the body lay at theside of the track. He was picked up and brought to the depot. Drs. Reedand Chapel were called to attend. He was still alivejust barely breathing.He died a few hours after being conveyed to his home.

It was also stated that up near Seeley he tried to commit the deed, butwas prevented by a passenger. Upon being stopped there he walked into thecar and sat down and did not get out until about two miles north of townwhere the train starts to come down grade. The train was running at lightningspeed, and it is a wonder that he was not killed instantly.

The deceased was a contractor and had the contract of putting up theBiddle building upon which work had been commenced. No reason is assignedfor him committing suicide and it is hard to credit his death to that cause.Some advance the opinion that he was intending to jump from the train andgo over to his stone quarry, two miles north of town, but that is not probable.

He leaves a wife and two children. The remains were interred in the RiverviewCemetery Friday. Whether Mr. Parkins intended to commit suicide or whetherhis death was an accident, we know not, but it is a very sad affair.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Probably Sensational.

It is talked that the new Oklahoma raid is led by Captain Couch, whohas become tired of waiting for the government commission to determine boomers'rights, and has decided to force an issue on the government. A letter wasreceived by the acting commissioner of Indian affairs from the agent atthe Ponca and Pawnee agency adjacent to the Oklahoma country saying thatbands of armed men daily pass his agency in the direction of Oklahoma andthey do not return. The agent thinks that their mission means mischief.The acting commissioner of Indian affairs at once telegraphed to the agencyto send without fail all possible details as to their movements and to makewhat arrangements he can to drive the intruders from Oklahoma. It is understoodalso that additional orders will be at once given to the military to forciblyeject all trespassers. The boomers claim to have sixteen thousand men enrolled,of whom ten thousand are old confederate and union soldiers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Here is the tickets an "ristocrat" of the third ward voted.

For sheriff: C. G. Thompson.

For treasurer: J. B. Nipp.

For equal rights.

For pure whiskey.

For cheap whiskey.

For pure religion.

For cheap religion.

It appears by the premeditated arrangement of names that this voter wantedCapt. Nipp to go in office on a platform of pure whiskey and pure religion.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

J. L. Glotfelter, of East Bolton, Drops Dead While Down in theIndian Territory.

DIED. Thursday evening it was told around on our streets that a man hadbeen killed down in the Indian Territory. We readily gave credence to therumor for it is getting to be not a rare occurrence in this vicinity formen to get killed. But this time upon running the item down, we ascertainedthat no one had been murdered, but that J. L. Glotfelter had dropped deadfrom heart disease.

Yesterday morning Wm. Roberts, who resides on the state line, was inthe city, and from him we learned the particulars.

As we were told, Mr. Glotfelter went down in the territory last Mondaywith his wagon and team. He stopped at a ranch on Wolf Creek, near whatis known as the "great bend." He was engaged in getting out postsfor one of the ranchmen and wood for himself. At night he slept at the ranchand during the day he worked. Thursday Bert Plumb and Al Green, of EastBolton, joined the deceased and took dinner with him. When Mr. Glotfelterfed his team at noon, he did not tie it, and when the horses had eaten uptheir feed they wandered off. The men on getting through eating dinner wentto catch the team, Mr. Plumb riding his mule after them and Mr. Glotfelterstarting around to head the team. Mr. Plumb succeeded in catching the horsesand was standing waiting for Mr. Glotfelter to come up. Mr. Plumb noticedthat he was a long time in arriving and when he came up he questioned himconcerning the cause. Mr. Glotfelter told him that in crossing a small hollowhe had an attack of some kind and that he had fallen and lain upon the groundseveral minutes. As Mr. Glotfelter did not like to ride one of his horsesback to camp on account of his being afraid of them, Mr. Plumb aided himon his mule and turned around to mount one of the horses. As he did so,he heard a dull thud, and glancing around he saw Mr. Glotfelter lying onthe ground. Running to the creek nearby he filled his hat with water, anddashed it into the face of the deceased. But it did not revive him any andin a few moments after the fall he died. As soon as possible Messrs. Plumband Green loaded the body in the wagon and conveyed it home, arriving aboutdusk Thursday evening.

The death is supposed to have been caused by heart disease, as he wassuffering from an affection of the kind. Once during the summer he had anattack, but recovered. Mr. Glotfelter removed here from Burden over a yearago and engaged in the implement business; and not finding that as remunerativeas he desired, quit in a few months. Several months ago he made the purchaseof a farm in East Bolton, four miles south of Arkansas City. The deceasedleaves a large family, who are in somewhat straightened circ*mstances. Hisdeath was untimely and very unfortunate to them, and the blow is very severe.It is hard for the many friends of jolly John Glotfelter in this vicinityto believe that he is dead. Up to the time of his demise, he appeared tobe hale and hearty. Again are we reminded that "in the midst of lifewe are in death." The remains were taken to Burden today for interment.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Conway Springs over in Sumner County are getting to be famous as beingauxiliary in the fulfilment of the Biblical saying, "Multiply and replenish."A married couple of Winfield, whose life had been barren for a dozen yearsor more, hearing of the grand results the springs had wrought, sought totry their efficiency, and lo! In due time the couple became the parentsof bouncing twins. And now the Wichita Eagle comes in and relatesthat it has it from its Conway Springs correspondent that a certain wellknown Wichita banker was at the springs last week anxiously inquiring forthe girl baby spring. There are eight springs, all of which are good asto general results but not reliable as to sex. It is the big, clear, fine,deep spring located nearest to the windmill pump that is only sure pop wherean heiress is desired. He was told further that the slow flowing sluggishones lower down were any or all safe enough where boys are wanted. He tookhome a jugful.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

High School Notes.

Prof. Bryan has returned to his work, and all moves on as before.

Prof. Marble, an old and experienced teacher, visited the school on Tuesday,and made some interesting remarks.

It is wonderful how the changes in the weather affect the pupils. Ona dark, gloomy day the interest is very hard to keep up; but on a brightsunshiny day, all are wide awake and ready for lessons, no matter how difficult.

A committee of ten has been appointed for taking the final measures inpurchasing our instrument. All will be much pleased when we once have it,as we have had no music this year, and all feel the need of it.

The monthly examinations have been dispensed with in the high school,but one examination will be held during the term. These examinations hungover the pupils like a dark cloud from one end of the month to the other,and we are glad to know that they will haunt us no more.

Some effort will be made soon to replenish the library. The studentsare proud of the library and want to make it more complete this year thanever before.

The question as to whether we shall have a literary society this winteris being discussed. Many favor the plan while others disapprove on accountof the ones held heretofore not amounting to anything.

Many pupils forget George Washington's glorious example for telling thetruth, when the deportment roll is called each evening. LUDO.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.


Cleanest, whitest, and best work in the city.

No chloride of lime or acids used; therefore, no destruction of clothing.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

H. B. CALEF, Proprietor. OFFICE: Youngheim & Co.'s Store.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.


WE ARE NOW OFFERING in our new stock of Fall and Winter GOODS.

Every article at BOTTOM PRICES. And we are waiting to show you the fineststock ever shown in this section of BOOTS AND SHOES, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES,ARCTICS, ETC. WE HAVE THE EXCLUSIVE SALE OF THE WHITNEY BOOT, The best customgoods made. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.


All of the best makes and latest styles, which we are making SPECIALLOW FIGURES ON As well as on all other goods. Remember we are the only housein the city that sells the FITCH BOOT And GANNON FINE SHOE, for Ladies andMisses. Custom Made. Every Pair Warranted. O. P. HOUGHTON, At the GreenFront.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

The Creeks have decided not to sell Oklahoma at any price. Last summerthere was a wish to get the sentiment of all the Indians on the subject.A council was held at Eufala, and it was then decided not to sell. On Tuesdaythis action was brought up for ratification by the Creek council. The billquietly passed the house of kings, but when it came to the house of warriorsit hung fire. The vote was finally taken, which stood 42 to sell, 42 tohold, when Speaker Tom Adams cast the deciding ballot in favor of retaining.Consequently, the boomers will have to stay out. The Seminole council hasappointed a delegation to treat with the United States commissioners, butit takes the action of both nations to dispose of the country.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Teacher's Department.

Dora Armstrong and C. Symington furnished the answers to the questionspublished two weeks ago. Nearly all of their answers were correct.


1. Captain Parker.

2. At New York, Oct. 7, 1765.

3. Some historians make no distinction between the two terms, callingthe First and Second Continental Congresses the Second and Third ColonialCongresses. The term, "Continental Congress," was doubtless usedwhen all the colonies were intended to have been represented.


1. A child may be taught to use language correctly without learning therules and technicalities of grammar. It takes the mature mind to comprehendfully the underlying principles of a language. Perhaps a child who is ableto read in the Fourth Reader may study grammar to advantage.

2. He is not responsible, although it is one of the requisites of a goodschoolteacher to see that no such injury is done.


1. The language of our best authors and the usage established by them.

2. Sing. Plur.

lady's ladies'

chimney's chimneys'

sheep's sheep's

Brother-in-law's Brothers-in-law's

Man-servant's Men-servants'


1. We have not yet received an answer to this problem from any of ourcorrespondents. One of them requested as to publish both the answer andsolution to it. We confess our inability to give an arithmetical solution,and, as we have no algebraical symbols in this office, we can furnish onlya very imperfect analysis by algebra. We believe the problem can be solvedby arithmetic.

In Ray's Higher Arithmetic is the following law of leverage: The power;the weight; the distance of the weight from the fulcrum; the distance ofthe power from the fulcrum.

From this law it is seen that the same ratio exists between the powerand weight as between the two distances on each side of the fulcrum; itis also seen that, when the true weight is placed on the lesser sideof the scales, it will balance a weight equal to 20 times the ratio, and,when it is placed on the greater side, it will balance a weight equalto 31-1/4 divided by the ratio. Let x = ratio. Then, 20x = 31-1/4 dividedby x, from which the value of x is found to be five-fourths. Substitutingthis value in equation, and we find the true weight to be 25 lbs.

2. 5 calves, 1 sheep, 94 lambs.

3. 12 feet.

4. $49.


Each frigid zone would be 25 degrees, each temperate, 40, and the torrid,50.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

GO TO ATWOOD'S if you want anything in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Queensware,Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Cutlery, Hams, Smoked and Salt Meats, Dried Beef,Canned Goods of all kinds. Goods delivered to all parts of the city. Atwood'sis the place for Choice Goods.

A. C. ATWOOD, First Door South of Opera House, offers a Choice Assortmentof Groceries, Staple and Fancy; Queensware, Wooden Ware, Willow Ware, Cutlery,Meats Dried and Smoked. Can Goods of all kinds, at lowest figures. Goodsdelivered free to all parts of the city.


All kinds of produce taken in exchange.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

The Situation.

If Arkansas City can down Winfield in getting the Caldwell branch ofthe Kansas City & Southwestern, it is all right. The Telegram willnot kick. The Colorado Midland or the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic willoccupy that territory with a line. Winfield don't propose to be left onany enterprise. Telegram.

This shows up the true animus of that branch west. The Telegramshows it was a Winfield project, notwithstanding H. E. Asp's claims to thecontrary.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Notice! Help Needed. To the citizens of Arkansas City, we the membersof the A. M. E. Church, desire to build a church at once. We ask the aidof all friends and supporters of the cause to help us in this good and muchneeded work.

Trustees: P. B. Andrews, Berry Banks, Allen Spickard.

Rev. J. YOUNG, Pastor. P. B. ANDREWS, Secretary.


Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Eleven States held election Tuesday last.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Calves are dying of blackleg in different parts of Wilson County.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The Arkansas City Select School prepares young people for business.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

For Anthracite coal, either nut or stove size, go to the Arkansas CityCoal Co.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

President Cleveland has issued his proclamation for the observance ofa day for the returning of thanks on Nov. 26.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

An Automatic door spring has been put on the post office door and allyou must do is to get out of the road and "let her go."

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The dancing school was well attended on Wednesday evening in spite ofthe rain. The glide polka and new quadrilles were taught.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The power of the press is being realized now, judging from the amountof cider that is being made from apples all through this country.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The election is past. Let us bury all political differences now and workin harmony for the advancement of our city and surrounding country.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

"Fun on the Bristol" Company has achieved wonderful success.Overflowing houses everywhere greeted it, and if you wish good seats, purchasethem early.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Taken Up. On farm 2 miles south of the city, a thin cow with white spots,about 7 years old, long horns, branded V O on left side. Inquire of Wm.Waggoner, on premises.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

M. N. Sinnott took charge of the post office Monday. No change has yetbeen made in the employees. J. C. Topliff has received the appointment ofdeputy postmaster. This is a novel team yoked together.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Farmers are busy gathering corn. They should improve the favorable weather.Much corn was damaged last winter by the failure of the farmers to huskand crib it before the long spell of bad weather set in.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we have secured anable and efficient teacher of vocal and instrumental music. Miss MinnieRandall will give lessons to our pupils at greatly reduced rates.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Don't plan anything else for Christmas but attend the grand fair, turkeydinner and oyster supper, which will be given by the Ladies Missionary Societyand Young Peoples Mite Society of the U. P. Church at Highland Hall.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Arkansas City Coal Co. always keeps blacksmiths' coal in stock.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The ladies of the Episcopal Guild will give a social, Nov. 17, at theBishop Block. All are cordially invited.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

If you wish to take music lessons, either vocal or instrumental, youwill save money by attending the Arkansas City Select School.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

It is getting to be a well recognized fact that the merchants who sowthe most advertisem*nts gather the best crop of business.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 7, 1885.

Be sure and bring the little folks to see "Fun on the Bristol,"at the Opera House on Tuesday evening. It is especially calculated to pleasethem, as well as the older folks.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Prof. Duncan, who is so well and favorably known in this city, will favorthe students of the Arkansas City Select School, by giving them vocal musiclessons for a very reasonable charge.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

W. M. Henderson has a corn crib for sale located southwest of the depot,size 100 x 16; also, a half interest in another, 14 x 140, northwest ofthe depot. He will sell them at a bargain.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Thursday evening the Border Dancing Club had its first ball. It was wellattended and well managed. No rude or disrespectable characters were there,and all had a pleasurable and harmonious time.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The executive committee of the Citizens Committee will go to South Havenand Caldwell Monday in the interest of the K. C. & S. W. Branch westfrom this city. The Caldwell Journal is in favor of the new road.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

In mentioning the improvements last week made in Arkansas City, we neglectedto publish the $2,000 improvement made by Danks Bros., at their foundryand machine shop. Also, Central block, valued at $20,000.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The Cedarvale Star says a Santa Fe official is there trying toget aid to build a road from Independence to that place. The Staralso says that the prospect for the building of the D. M. & A. is growingbeautifully less.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Faberizes the Winfield Tribune: Capt. Sinnott took charge of thepost office at Arkansas City last Saturday. He has been deputy county clerkfor some months, and will no doubt give good satisfaction as Democraticpostmaster.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The Government has established a weather signal station at Wellington,with J. H. Wolf, in charge. A day before a cold wave is to be there, a whiteflag six or eight feet square, with a black square three or four feet insize, is put on a very tall mast erected for the purpose.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Arkansas City has organized a Young Men's Christian Association. We wereunaware of anything particularly sanctified about the A. C. Dudes. We supposeDick Howard, of the REPUBLICAN, is the pillar. Good boy, that Dick. Courier.

[A McLaughlin-building-pillar, as it were.]

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Keep this in your memory! A complete dramatic company and superb operaticand specialty company appear in the great musical comedy, "Fun on theBristol." One continuous laugh the entire evening. We know you'll bethere. At the Opera House on Tuesday evening, Nov. 10.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The following marriage licenses have been issued by Judge Gans sincethe last issue of the REPUBLICAN.

Geo. N. Sheeks and Olive M. Hart.

Jesse Foster and Josephine A. Davenport.

Chas. A. Cunningham and Martha E. Burden.

Chas. La Page and Alice Parker.

Allen W. Wert and Mattie L. West.

Wm. S. Houseman and Rebecca N. Murray.

Nathan Shore and Sarah E. Jones.

James H. Mathews and Amanda E. Groom.

Isaac Warner and Rhoda Riddle.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

A "bad man" from the territory rushed into Balyeat & Co.'sdrug store Monday last, and drawing a revolver and pointing it at the proprietordemanded "whiskey or blood." For a few moments there was a stagnationin business in that drug store, but fortunately Chas. Wells came in at thistrying moment and he and Frank proceeded in getting rid of their unwelcomecustomer without acceding to his demand or doing any damage.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The K. C. & S. W. Once More.

Wednesday morning, bright and early, information reached our citizensthat some of the propositions to be submitted by the Geuda Springs and Caldwellroad in different townships in Sumner County asking aid, read to the effectthat the road was to leave the K. C. & S. W. between Arkansas City andWinfield. In Walton TownshipGeudathe proposition read to go west from ArkansasCity. By this it would seem that someone was determined to hurt the interestsof Arkansas City. Our citizens were once more aroused to action, and whenJames Hill, L. D. Latham, and H. E. Asp made their appearance upon the streetsin the afternoon they were besieged on every side by inquiries in regardto the matter. We were told by these gentlemen that we had been informedcorrectly. Immediately the citizen's committee marshaled its forces andcalled a meeting, requesting the railroad company to be present. The meetingwas held in Judge Pyburn's office, that gentleman presiding. Some very plainand sensible talk was indulged in by our citizens and the company. The latterwas informed that if any such propositions reading that the road would beextended west between here and Winfield, were submitted in Sumner County,no right of way through the city would be granted and the company's interestswould be fought by our citizens on every hand. This stirred the gentlemenup somewhat and after a conference among themselves they decided to complyonce more with the requests of Arkansas City. It was agreed that all propositionsto be submitted in Sumner County should be sanctioned by our citizen's beforesubmission. A copy of each petition calling the elections will be forwardedto the citizen's committee for perusal in order that no more "monkeying,"as Jim Hill expresses it, may be indulged in. We are glad to announce tothe public that it has been decided by the company to build its road westfrom Arkansas City via Geuda to Caldwell within the next 16 months and petitionscalling elections in the several townships will be submitted to that effectin a few days. This is as it should be.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

One evening last week a prominent citizen residing in the second wardwewon't mention his namehad a trying ordeal to pass through. Upon arrivingat his home after a hard day's labor, being tired and sluggish, he concludedto try the refreshing elements of a turkish bath. Telling his better halfof his determination, he repaired to the bathroom, where he reduced hisdress to a facsimile of that worn by Father Adam in the garden of Eden.At this moment a scream rent the air from the interior of the cooking department.Without a moment's hesitation or regard of dress, this good man broke forthe kitchen. There he found his wife suffering from a severe burn upon herface, received by the flaring up of the flames of the fire while she wasbending over the stove. He took in the situation at a glance. Out of theback door he ran, over the fence he jumped, and at a gait equal almost toMaud S., he sped to summon a physician. Not until he entered the businessportion of the streets did a thought of his nudity occur. Then came a realizationof the situation in which cruel fate had placed him. He was overwhelmed.The Doctor was so near and yet so far. Friendless, and alone, shiveringin the wintry blasts of a November evening, dressed in the garb bestowedon him by kind nature, we leave him, allowing the American people to surmisehow our beloved fellow citizen summoned a physician and returned home.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Maj. Sleeth and N. T. Snyder visited Wellington Monday and Tuesday inthe interest of the Ft. Smith & Wellington road. They met the presidentof the company, who assured them that the road would positively be builtin the next 16 months. Messrs. Sleeth and Snyder were also informed thatthe railroad desired to come to Arkansas City; but since the defeat of theirbonds in Walton Township, had had some notion of changing the route to gothrough Guelph Township. Surveyors are making this way from Ft. Smith throughthe territory. A survey will be run on the north side of the Arkansas first,and then on the south, in order to ascertain which is the most availableroute to Ft. Smith. In four townships in Sumner County bonds have alreadybeen voted and an election will occur in another on the 11th. The companyasks for $4,000 per mile, from the county through which it passes. We shouldget this railroad connection. It is a trunk line, and since our citizenshave ascertained that the road is a certainty, they will make a mighty strongpull to get it.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The surveyors are expected here this week, says the Wellington Standard,to commence the work of surveying the line for the Ft. S., W. & N. W.The people of Walton Township will soon be convinced that this much talkedof road is not a paper road like the Geuda Springs, Caldwell and Southwestern,but a thoroughbred railroad, with steel rails and steam horses. Get outof the way, you fellows down about Geuda, or you will get run over.


Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

W. D. Bishop is up from Pawnee this week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

H. O. Meigs will visit in Harper County next week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

S. Matlack has been numbered among the sick this week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Will S. Thompson has been shaking with malaria this week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Ed. Barron is assisting in S. Matlack's dry goods establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. O. Ingersoll came home last Saturday from their easternvisit.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Rev. R. S. Johnson, of Chanute, Kansas, is to preach tomorrow in theBaptist Church. All are welcome.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

J. W. French has moved his family up from Ponca Agency. They reside intheir residence in the second ward.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

R. B. Norton goes to Northville, Michigan, Monday on a month's visitto the old folks at home; also the young folks.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

J. L. Howard has purchased J. M. Collins' interest in the real estateagency of Howard & Collins and now goes it alone.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Dr. McMullen and daughter, Mrs. Mary, of Burlington, Kansas, have beenvisiting his patients in the city this week. He is an oculist.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Gardner Mott came up from Oklahoma Thursday evening. He says that countryis nearly as full of settlers as the Kansas prairies and not a soldier insight.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

W. E. Merydith, of the Dexter Eye, was in the city last Saturdayon railroad business. He was here in the interest of the D. M. & A.Road, which desires to run a switch to this city from Dexter.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

S. F. Steinberger yesterday presented the REPUBLICAN with a box of cigars,of the "Patriclo" brand. They were excellent, a fact to whicheveryone who aided in smoking them will testify. Thanks, Frank, for sucha substantial compliment.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

T. G. Brown, of Cambridge, Ohio, is in the city visiting. He is a friendof Maj. Sleeth. Mr. Brown has been visiting in the Cherokee Nation sinceJune 4, and says the Cherokees are opposed to opening Oklahoma. Mr. Brownis well posted on matters pertaining to the Indian Nation. He will remainin Arkansas City until next week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

A select party was given at the residence of F. J. Hess on halloweeneve. The house was crowded and games, tricks (by the girls), and dancingwere the main features of enjoyment; considerable merriment was createdat the expense of the boys by inducing them to stick their heads in a tubof water in order to catch a floating apple with their teeth.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

It has become patent among our citizens that Arkansas City is infestedwith a gang of second rate gamblers. It has been developed that Frank Blubaughhas been keeping the rendezvous for this gang in a room over Godehard'sstoreroom. Last Saturday afternoon Constable Frank Thompson, armed withwarrants, made a raid on the poker room and arrested Blubaugh. Having nojail in which to incarcerate the prisoner, the officers deputized one Chas.Ashley to guard the prisoner for the night. Sometime during the night Blubaughmade his escape, whether from a lack of vigilance on the part of the guardor a bribe was used, we cannot say. At any rate, he has not been seen sincethe evening of his arrest. Blubaugh's arrest created quite a stir amongthe gang and all15 in numbersat up all Sunday night in a room of one ofthe city hotels waiting for the early morning train to take them to Wichita.By Blubaugh's escape a stop was put to further proceedings. It is to behoped our city officers will not allow the matter to drop at this stage.The REPUBLICAN would advise the hotel where these individuals are stoppingto purge itself of such questionable characters if it does not desire tobe mixed up in the matter. A word to the wise is sufficient.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Wednesday afternoon a team belonging to T. D. Richardson ran away. Itstarted from in front of G. B. Shaw & Co.'s lumber yard, where it wasstanding, and came south on Summit Street at a break-neck speed until theyarrived in front of Henry Endicott's grocery house, where they collidedwith A. Bookwalter's team and wagon. Mr. Richardson's team was hitched tohis well drill apparatus, which is very heavy, and when the team struckthe rear end of Mr. Bookwalter's wagon, both were thrown several feet intothe air. Both wagons were considerably damaged, especially Mr. Bookwalter's.As soon as the collision occurred, Mr. Bookwalter's team broke loose andwent dashing down Summit street. It was stopped before any further damagewas done, after running about four blocks. No one was injured. The horseswere somewhat scared, and the wagons were smashed to smithereens.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Nellie C. Bailey has been in the city this week canvassing for her book.The book, though written in the form of a romance, is by no means a fiction;the material which composes it is mostly based on sworn testimony. The charactersare all real. Our reader will remember the trials and tribulations whichhave besought her. She was arrested for a most heinous crime: that of murderingClement Bothamley. After being incarcerated for more than a year, she hadher trial, being acquitted on June 20, 1885, in the U. S. Court at Wichita.We have not the space to devote to review of the book, but it is an interestingvolume. It is truly a Kansas book. Mrs. Bailey will leave today for Winfield.She only canvasses the businessmen of a town and here she received numeroussubscriptions.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

There will be a meeting in the Presbyterian Church at 3 p.m., on Sabbath,to which all young men are especially invited, at which meeting Robert Weidensall,secretary of the International Committee of Young Men's Christian Association,will deliver a talk on the organization and management of the Y. M. C. A.Also, there will be a mass meeting at the Opera House at 7 o'clock p.m.,Sabbath evening, to which the businessmen are especially invited. Mr. Weidensallwill deliver a lecture on the workings of the Y. M. C. A., the benefitsderived, and the necessity of having such an organization in each town.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The Traveler remarks that "some ingenious querist in theREPUBLICAN inquires, "What three presidents of the United States diedon the Fourth of July? We pause for a reply."

The sense of the Traveler's remark is obscure, although from areading we would judge that our cotemporary doubts the answerableness ofthe question. If that be the case, we hasten to state that Thomas Jefferson,John Adams, and James Monroe took their flight into the land ethereal onthe Fourth of July. Although quite youthful, we gladly impart this bit ofpresidential history to our very venerable neighbor.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

It has to be a mighty poor show when the REPUBLICAN makes a kick againsta theatrical troupe, but we believe the Golden combination deserving ofit. Last Monday evening they presented the "Daughter of the Regiment"in Highland Opera House. It was very poor. In the first place, the dramaamounts to almost nothing, and the majority of the actors and actressesof the troupe came under the same heading. The only good feature was theexcellent music rendered by the Silver Cornet band, and that is worthy ofpraise.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

An institution which has been beneficial to citizens of this communitysince its organization is the Johnson Loan and Trust company. Since thevery first this company has done an immense business in the loaning of money,and by the manner in which it has conducted its business, it has increasedit more than ten fold in the six months of its organization. The gentlemencomposing the company are honorable and trustworthy, and will willinglyaccommodate you with a loan.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

C. R. Sipes came near having a serious conflagration at his store Tuesday.One of the employees of the establishment took a lighted lamp into the basem*ntto see to get out some barb wire. He placed the lamp on the pile of wire,and in removing a spool, it was knocked over into the center of the pileand exploded. For a few minutes there was some lively work done. The firewas finally extinguished by the use of some patent extinguisher Mr. Sipeskeeps in his establishment.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Wm. Snyder went to Winfield Monday morning. He met with quite an accident.Just before crossing the river near the Tunnel Mills, and in going downthe hill, the neck-yoke broke and the horses broke loose, throwing Mr. Snyderout of the buggy, cutting his face, and bruising him up considerably. Mrs.Snyder remained in the buggy and was not hurt. The buggy was badly mashedup. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder can congratulate themselves in getting off so luckily.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

In the case of the state vs. Fred Cann, at Wellington, the jury broughtin a verdict of guilty on four counts, and he was fined $400 and sent tojail for thirty days on each count. The trial commenced Tuesday and lastedfour days. Cann was charged with running a "blind tiger," or inother words, with selling liquor on the sly. The boys may be having a gooddeal of fun trying to beat the prohibition law, but it costs them lots ofmoney.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

W. H. Timmerman, of Constant, accompanied by a visiting friend, W. F.Carr, of Ohio, called on the REPUBLICAN Wednesday. They had been down inthe territory on a sight seeing expedition and were on their return to Constant.Mr. Carr has visited Wellington, Winfield, Wichita, and numerous other cities,but he was completely fascinated with Arkansas City. He will probably locatehere in the spring.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Any friend having taken society napkins home to wash from the Burroughsbuilding will confer a favor by leaving the same at Mrs. Dr. Alexander's.Also, if anyone through a mistake has more than their number of table-cloths,towels, kettles, and cooking dishes, will they please report the same atthe place mentioned and oblige the ladies of the Methodist Aid Society.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

MARRIED. Married November 4, 1885, by Rev. J. Young, at the residenceof the bride in Arkansas City, Isaac Warner and Miss Rhoda Biddle, bothof Arkansas City, in the presence of a large number of friends. Everythingwent off pleasantly. The contracting parties are worthy colored people.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Last Friday evening the "Mountain Pink" was presented in HighlandHall by Laura Dainty and company. The entertainment afforded was first-class.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

A Card of Thanks. I wish to publicly extend my most sincere thanks andlasting gratitude to the friends that assisted and called at my father'sresidence, my home, on the evening of Nov. 2, 1885, and many called theirlove and friendship in the many elegant and most beautiful presents bestowedon me as mementoes in commemoration of my birthday. The memory of whichwill be cherished as one of the brightest moments of my life.


Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The Present Bond Proposition Declared Off.

On Monday morning a telegram was received by our local railroad committeefrom Winfield, requesting their presence at that point immediately. In answerto this, Mayor Reilly, A. M. Colson, and the writer hereof repaired to Winfieldon the afternoon train.

On reaching that point delegations were found there from South Havenand Walton Townships.

The matter we were called upon to consider was the determination of therailroad company to whom the bonds were to have been voted on the 2nd and10th days of November, that it could not build under that proposition asnow pending. This action on the company's part became necessary under circ*mstancesover which they had no control, having arisen since those propositions weresubmitted.

The representatives of the railroad company, wishing to convince thecommittee that they had acted in good faith in the matter, stated theirreason for not standing by the promises they had made before. There werein a decidedly embarrassing situation, and to devise means whereby all interestscould be protected and the road built on time over a route that would notmaterially affect any interest unfavorably, was what they wished the presenceof the committees for. A conference was appointed for 9 o'clock Tuesdaymorning, which was held, and at which time mutual concessions and agreementswere entered into on behalf of the company by its agents, and the railroadcommittees on behalf of their people.

The result of these agreements in brief are as follows.

The company will submit propositions to the various townships in whichthose now pending are to build their line of road into and through themon or before Sept. 1, 1885. The initial point of the road to be anywherebetween Winfield and a point due west of Arkansas City. The road to go withinone mile of Geuda Springs in its course to Caldwell via South Haven. Thisline of road, they now propose to build, for aid in the total sum of $102,000in township bonds instead of $116,000 as the proposition now pending gavethem. They further agree to pay all expenses of the election to be heldon their proposition on the 2nd and 10th of November. The committee acceptedthese new propositions, subject to the approval of the people in the townshipsaffected by the change; and as soon as a preliminary survey can be madefrom Arkansas City to Geuda Springs, they will be put in form and presentedto the people again. This cannot be done before next week, as the engineersare compelled to remain at Winfield on bridge work over the Walnut and othersmaller streams the balance of this week.

These propositions satisfy Arkansas City, we presume, and make her feelgood; but it does not remove the impression made upon us that they are amighty hard lot, and know how to kick up the greatest possible row on theleast capital of any outfit in the state.

The new propositions are certainly better than the old ones were, ifwe consider the matter of $14,000 any object. They lengthen the distanceto Winfield a little less than three miles and do not give us any heaviergrades. We can certainly stand that now, when we are to receive the benefitsof this competing line of road at a cost of $14,000 less than the otherwas to cost us.

Let our people show the same energy and perseverance that Arkansas City,Belle Plaine, Anthony, or even "poor old Wellington" have shownin their railroad matters, and before the calf crop is ready to harvestnext year, we will have a competing line of railroad in operation to thispoint. Caldwell Journal.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The railroad company has withdrawn its proposition to us and will shortlysubmit another that we think will be far better. The fact of the matteris simply this: the company could not afford to operate a little stub roadof three or four miles even with such a live town as Arkansas City at theend of the stub. So the company now propose to pay all expenses of callingthe special election and submit us a proposition to extend the main linethrough Arkansas City, then run up the river to within one mile of GeudaSprings, and thence west via South Haven to Caldwell. They also proposeto reduce the amount of stock asked for $14,000, which will reduce the amountasked for in this township $2,000. The company only ask for one month longerin which to complete the road. South Haven News.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

The engineers of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad Company will make a preliminarysurvey this week from Arkansas City to Geuda Springs, with a view of ascertainingjust where they can get through with their road. That the company proposeto build to Caldwell in the next ten months, not one of the men who havehad any dealings with them for an instance doubt. The railroad committeesthroughout the border tier have more faith in the company's intention ofbuilding now than ever before. The concession of the company from $4,000per mile to $3,500 is one of the strongest arguments the committee havethat the railroad company is in earnest and regret the necessity of havingto resubmit the propositions.

Caldwell Journal.


Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.



unsurpassed, in track, train service, and equipment. Finding that threethrough daily trains were not sufficient to accommodate our patrons, wehave added


which leaves the St. Louis Union Depot at 8 a.m. (After the arrival ofall trains from the west), arriving in New York City at 7 o'clock p.m. thefollowing day. This is the only line east of St. Louis running through


in connection with the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and New YorkCentral Railways.


Remember this is the only line east of St. Louis which offers such superiorinducements for their patrons, and no extra fare for fast time.

In order to realize to the fullest extent the benefits of this popularline, see that your tickets read via Indianapolis & St. Louis and Cleveland,Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis railways.


Bear in mind we land you in the only railroad Depot in the city of NewYork, thus avoiding all tedious transfers incident to other and more circuitousroutes. THE ELEGANT AND COMFORTABLE RECLINING CHAIR CARS FREE BY THIS LINE.

Travelers ask for tickets by this line.


and on application, Sleeping car berths can be secured free of expense.

Further information cheerfully given by your local agent, or W. F. Snyder,Trav. Pass. Agent, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

A Volcanic Eruption.

A citizen of Harper, who has a claim three miles from Meade Center, cameinto this office yesterday morning and unraveled one of the greatest mysteriesthat has ever been heard of in the annals of the earth's eruptions.

Last Monday he was quietly walking over his claim, when he was startledby a rumbling sound resembling distant thunder. He stopped walking and distinctlyfelt the earth quiver under his feet, that, to use his own language, "madethe cold sweat gather on my forehead." All at once a hissing soundwas heard coming from a small knoll or raise in the ground, about two hundredyards from where he stood, resembling the sound peculiar to ten thousandsky rockets going off at once. A vast cloud of steam, vapor, and dust aroseand ascended in the heavens, looking not unlike a ponderous balloon startingon a trip to the moon. Birds that flew into the mass, in passing, fell lifelessto the ground. Large chunks of rock, salt, and sod were thrown into theair, and fell scattered for a hundred yards or more over the prairie. Immediatelyfollowing the eruption, steam was seen rising and following the first blackcloud. The rumbling noise had ceased, and the lone witness of the frightfulscene stood riveted in his tracks, and scared almost to death. He said,"I knew not which way to turn, or what to do. My first thought wasthat it was the beginning of the end of the world. I stood gazing at thatrising steam for at least twenty minutes perfectly mystified and terrorstricken. I woke up however and walked to my cabin and laid down."

On going out of his cabin Tuesday morning, he was astonished to see thesteam still rising from the knoll. He ventured to approach it, and his surprisecan be imagined when he saw before him a round hole about a hundred feetin diameter, filled to within eighteen inches of the surface with water.He tied a rock to forty feet of rope and threw it in the new pond. It sank,but struck no bottom. He afterwards attempted to test the depth of the poolwith three hundred and forty feet of rope, but still no bottom was touched.It is quite evident from the hot water and salt that there is no bottomto this rupture in the earth, reaching, no doubt, away down for miles intothe fire that is known to exist at a certain depth; be that as it may, cananyone give any explanation, or assign any cause for such a phenomenal onthe open prairies of southern Kansas? Our informant came to Harper and gaveus the above report. Our readers now know as much about the strange eventas we do. We of course cannot vouch for the truth of the story, yet it comesfrom a reliable source, and an investigation will probably prove its truth.Harper Graphic.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

East Bolton.

Pine winter weather, this, we are having.

Cowley County Republicans did well on election day. And East Bolton Republicanshave an average majority of 17. J. B. Nipp led the ticket in East Bolton.

We will not brag on New York. [DEMOCRATS WON NEW YORK.]

The new schoolhouse at Springside will be ready for occupancy the firstof the coming week; C. A. Powell will be instructor.

Hiram Radcliffe and family will in a few days start for Indiana, wherethey expect to locate permanently.

C. Bond, who left this vicinity a year ago, is in our midst again; wehave not learned whether he has come back to stay or not, but in all probabilityhe has, as it would be a very rare occurrence if he did not, since nearlyevery person comes back to Kansas after they have once lived here.

On last Thursday the neighbors in the vicinity of the widow Davis, turnedout en masse and husked and cribbed her entire crop of corn; for this shewishes to extend her thanks to her many friends. We are glad to see this,as it shows the respect that people have for those who have been unfortunate.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

If the census of the Indian Territory was to be taken now, the populationwould be found to be greater now than any other time in its history, asthere are "boomers," hunters, and government officers in it withoutnumber. Just tell your neighbors that the "boomers" must comeout until the proper time arrives.

Dr. Carlisle of Great Bend, Kansas, is looking after his interests onthe state line.

Hunting parties are being made up in Bolton to start out in a few days;they are all heading for Oklahoma, its plain enough.

Matthew Chamber has been showing our fine country to some of his Missourifriends. Mr. Chamber knows how to take care of his eastern friends whenthey come to see him.

Will the railroad get to the state line, as per agreement?

Announcement is made to organize a Sunday school at Springside next Sundayat 11 o'clock; turn out and aid in the good work.

Arkansas City Republican, November 7, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.

Beautiful weather for corn gathering, and our farmers are wisely improvingthe time.

Messrs. Wilson and David Shaw finished their jobs of threshing the pastweek.

Zack Whitson and the Holtby estate are each stall feeding a bunch ofcattle.

Messrs. Cal Swarts and Wm. M. Jenkins, of Arkansas City, and Hon. H.P. Greer, of the Winfield Courier, tore off [WORD MISSING] yardsof political oratory at the Victor schoolhouse, last Monday evening.

Fair Cowley by last Tuesday's election added to the luster of her dazzlingfame by expunging from her official directory the name of the one solitaryDemocrat.

A series of meetings conducted by Revs. Brink, of Geuda Springs, andTull, of Udall, have been in progress the past three weeks at the PleasantValley M. E. Church. The spiritual flame still continues to burn with noimmediate prospect of abating. Quite a number of additions are being madeto the church.

A gentleman's horse and buggy either got loose or was driven off duringservices at the M. E. Church, last Sunday evening. The outfit was foundfour miles north next morning in Doc. Coppel's pasture, right side up withcare.

At present the prospects are quite bright for a station and town of considerabledimensions on section 24, Beaver Township, on the

K. C. & S. W. Railroad. The preliminaries are now being arranged,and ye scribe will be able to give fuller details in his next report.

Some of the more enterprising citizens of Beaver Township are now agitatingthe subject of voting township bonds for the building of an educationalinstitution of light grade. Of course, it would be located at the stationon the K. C. & S. W. R. R.

Messrs. Victor and Harbaugh are at present prospecting in the westerncounties, with a view to investing the net proceeds derived from the recentsales of their fine farms in this neighborhood.

Now that the campaign is over, and "Lapsus Linguae's" oratoryis no longer needed for political purposes, it is hoped that he will pickup the pen, and once more enter the literary arena.

Zack Whitson's little boy is quite ill with diphtheria.

A paper wedding entertainment was held at James Wright's last Fridayevening.

Peter Croco and wife's tenth wedding anniversary was celebrated by theirfriends on the evening of October 2. GRAPHITE.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

REMOVAL! A. G. HEITKAM, MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE.We have an elegant assortment of the Latest in Fancy Woolens and Cassimeres.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.


We mean every word we say. Prices No Object. Come One, Come Everybody.We Always will stick up to what we say. YOUNGHEIM & CO.

3 Doors South of Post Office.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

They are Again Taken In By the Bookkeeper to the Tune of $160.00.

We supposed we never would be called upon again to chronicle the "takingin" of the firm of A. V. Alexander & Co., after their late experiencewith W. R. Smith. But from developments just made, it seems we were prematurein our thought for one Grant Graham, who has been employed by them as abookkeeper, has left for parts unknown, taking with him $160 of the firm'smoney. To "begin at the beginning," some weeks ago being in needof a bookkeeper, A. V. Alexander engaged Frank Graham, who had just arrivedin the city. Graham is no stranger here; he was one time an employee inJudge Bonsall's photograph gallery, but left several months back and wentout west.

Graham's first theft occurred last Friday. On that afternoon he madeup the cash account, amounting to $254, and entered the amount in the cashbook. He took the money to the Arkansas City Bank and deposited only $194,and the cashier entered that amount upon the bank book of A. V. Alexander& Co. Before Graham returned to the lumber yard, he changed the entryto correspond with the cash check, $254, at the office. In this wise the$60 theft was kept in the dark until Monday, when Mr. Alexander went tomake another deposit in the bank. The cashier looked at the book and startledA. V. by demanding who had made a change in the previous entry. This wasthe first inkling of anything having gone wrong. Immediately a balance wasmade in the bank account and a second steal was discovered.

Last Saturday morning A. V. Alexander went to the Territory on a hunt,leaving word with Graham to put $10 in an envelope and give it to his wifewhen she came up to the office. After Mr. Alexander had gone, Graham wroteout a check for $10 and had the other member of the firm, E. Baldwin, signit. In making out the check, Graham wrote the word "ten" overfar enough to allow "one hundred" to be written to the left ofthe "ten," thus raising the check to $110. He went to the bankand cashed the check, putting the $100 in his pocket, and giving Mrs. Alexanderthe $10. In the afternoon, Graham told Mr. Baldwin he had urgent businessin Winfield, and that he would have to go on the 3 o'clock train. When thetime came around, Graham, not content with what he had already accomplished,went to Mr. Baldwin and asked him for $5. Mr. Baldwin gave it to him ashe knew the firm owed Graham his week's salary.

Graham, in company with Frank Freeland, took his departure and neitherhas been seen or heard of since. As the discrepancies were not discovereduntil Monday evening, Graham had almost three days in getting out of theway. No one knows where the fugitives have gone, but Frank Freeland toldparties here that they were going to New Mexico. Tuesday papers were madeout for the arrest of Graham and Sheriff McIntire is in pursuit. Grahamis a young man about 25 years of age, and a cripple; he walks with a crutch.It is quite likely the check-raiser will be run down in a few weeks. Itis a big task for a criminal to get away nowadays.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The Official Majorities.

Appended is the official majorities of the county officers elected Nov.3, 1885.

Sheriff: Geo. McIntire, 1,213.

Treasurer: J. B. Nipp, 1,468.

Clerk: S. J. Smock, 1,185.

Register: T. B. Soward, 1,089.

Coroner: H. S. Wells, 1,174.

Surveyor: N. A. Haight, 1,062.

Commissioner: J. D. Guthrie, 264.

The above returns show that Capt. Nipp was sent back to the treasurer'soffice by the largest majority any candidate ever received in Cowley County.Capt. must feel vain over this handsome endorsem*nt of the people. The majoritiesof all the candidates were increased very largely. What a big slap Democracyhas received in the face! We should think that they never would ventureto place another candidate in the political arena in Cowley County.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

News from Oklahoma.

Several gentlemen, of Winfield, have just returned from a week's huntin the Oklahoma country; and to the Courier they impart some information,which, if true, and we have no cause to think otherwise, will give UncleSam an all winter's job. They tell that the Oklahoma county is full of settlers.On Stillwater there were about eight hundred making hay and building fences;in fact, making all preparations for a winter of it. On "Wild Horse,"near Capt. Nipp's ranch, there were about twenty-five hundred across theCimarron, and between the North Fork and the Canadian about eight hundred.At Cottonwood City and vicinity between five and six thousand. These menare engaged in building fences, others putting up houses, making hay andplowing, and a surveyor is busy surveying land for the boomers. CottonwoodCity is between the two forks of the Canadian on the old trail from Caldwell,has two good stores, and does a booming business. The boomers have provisionssufficient to last six months and say they are there to stay and will stay,dead or alive. Captain Couch is not there, but Blackburn and Couch's brothersare there taking the lead. The land is the finest they ever saw and plentyof water and timber. There are four companies of cavalry just arrived withorders to put the boomers out that are in and prevent any more going in.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Hog Cholera.

While setting in the barber shop last Tuesday evening, waiting for theartist to call out "next," W. J. Hamilton came in. During a conversationthat ensued between him and C. Mead, we ascertained that death by cholerain the hog family had been very extensive in this part of Cowley County.Nearly every hog owner has suffered a heavy loss by the ravages of thisdisease. This was news to us. We knew that hog cholera had been in thisvicinity, but thought its extent had been slight. In the daily papers weread where hogs are dying by thousands in all parts of the United States,but were surprised to hear that heavy losses had been sustained by partieshere. This is the first season the disease has ever manifested itself inthis community, and there appears to be no remedy yet discovered by whichit can be prevented. Upon inquiry we found Mr. Hamilton had lost about 70fine hogs by the disease already, and they are still dying off at the rateof three and four per day. Searing & Mead lost 300; J. Keller, 100;Dunn & Johnson, 300; Wm. Johnson, 20; S. H. DeWeese, 200; P. A. Ireton,40; C. C. Tuby, 40; Davenport & Ayers, 200; and several others. A farmerin Silverdale Township lost 40 in one night. Some persons are inclined tothink that the disease is not cholera, but it is the general opinion thatit is the pure, unadulterated hog cholera. Anyway, whatever it may be, itis fatal, and it is seldom that a hog survives an attack. With the adventof cold weather, the ravages of the disease have stopped to a considerableextent. It was during the summer months that the heavy mortality existed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

As Seen by the Editor of The Dexter Eye.

Last Saturday, in company with Mr. R. Hite, we made a visit to ArkansasCity. We found the streets crowded with teams and everything lively. Thestores and shops were crowded with men, women, and Indians. They have someof the finest stores, hotels, etc., in southern Kansas. We met several ofthe prominent men of the town and we learned one of the secrets of her success.They have a committee of twenty-five of their leading citizens who subscribea certain amount to raise a fund to be used in carrying out any projector scheme to advance the interest of their town and surrounding country.On Sunday we were furnished a rig by Messrs. Bryson & Moore, and incompany with R. Hite and C. W. Barnes, we went to see the sights along theriver and canal. The first thing visited was the steamboat, "KansasMillers." We found it manned by Robinson Crusoe, a translator of theIndian language. The boat is 16 feet wide and 75 feet long and draws abouttwo feet of water. They have just finished a new steel barge and will beready for business shortly. We believe from what we saw and learned thatthey will make the enterprise a grand success. We next went to look at thecanal. They were draining the water off in order to wash out the channeland instead of the banks caving in or it washing out too much, as some said,we found that the sand from the river caused it to be a kind of self-feeder,and is regulated on Sunday by raising the water gates and running the surplussand off. There are three large flourishing mills and water for a dozenmore. One cooper shop, where they put up their own barrels.

There is 22 feet of a fall and water enough to run all the factoriesin the state. Arkansas City is building up rapidly. There are nine largebusiness houses in course of construction and altogether there is not atown in Kansas that has a more glorious future before her.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The New Proposition.

The railroad propositions are now in shape for circulation and will besigned up and probably presented to the commissioners in a few days. Ithas been decided by the company to build from near Arkansas City to GeudaSprings and on west to Caldwell.

This is as it should be, and will give us direct communication for thosewho wish to go to Arkansas City. Whereas anyone desiring to go from hereor west of us, as the road was formerly expected to be built, would havebeen compelled to wait for change of cars at the junction both ways, andthis will take us directly to Arkansas City, Winfield, and on to St. Louisat present, and within a year direct to Kansas City.

If the winter is open weather the dirt will be flying on the grade toour town by February 1st, and we expect to see the train in any event byApril 15th, 1886, running into Geuda Springs. Geuda Springs Herald.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Caldwell Mob.

CALDWELL, KANSAS, November 7. Yesterday two U. S. Deputies came to thiscity from Wellington for the purpose of pulling all the joints and arrestingall inmates therein. In their rounds they arrested one man and made preparationsto take him to Wellington on the afternoon train. On arriving at the depotwith their prisoner, they were surrounded by a mob of about thirty determinedmen, who commanded them to return with the prisoner to the city. One ofthem with the marshal of this city took the prisoner and put him back inthe jail, to await reinforcements from Wellington. Last night the mob tookthe key of the lock-up away from someone having it and liberated the prisoner.The prisoner cannot be found. Many people here are excited over such a stateof affairs and are awaiting further developments.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Determined Boomers.

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, November 6. A Little Rock special to the Times-Democratsays: "Advices from the Indian Territory say that the `Boomers' havesecured a foot-hold in Oklahoma and that it will take the U. S. Troops sometime to clear the country. The intruders are widely scattered. There arenumbers of armed men, and the possibility of a fight between the Boomersand soldiers is by no means remote."

The statement is made that the leaders desire to bring about a conflicton the eve of the assembling of congress, so that congressional action maybe had and Oklahoma be legally opened to settlement. The Indians are reportedas becoming restless under the situation, though they anticipate no outbreak.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

In conversation with Hon. Thomas Ryan, last week, he gave it as his opinionthat the Indian Territory was bound to be opened to settlement within afew years. That in spite of the eastern prejudice against further encroachmentupon the "poor Indian," the demand for homes in the west and landsto cultivate would force such lands as the Indian should not need to beopened. He expressed himself in favor of giving each Indian all the landhe or she needed or could utilize, and protection in the right to that landforever, and to the tribes a fair price for the remainder to be opened tosettlement. He further intimated that the present administration would keepall would-be settlers out of the territory until its settlement is authorizedby law, if it had to use the entire military force at its command. Ex.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Oh, Yes We Can.

"The people of Geuda don't seem to take any too kindly to the ideaof their railroad running from Arkansas City. But then people can't alwayshave things just as they would like in this world. Arkansas City may beable to run Cowley County, but she can't always run railroads just as shewould wish. Winfield Telegram."

The first portion of the above squib is false. Geuda Springs does takekindly to having the K. C. & S. W. built from Arkansas City, for theyrealize that is the only way they can obtain a road. The citizens of thatlive town are working heart and soul with us now and will in a few monthsbe united to Arkansas City by iron bands. Selah.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The Atchison Champion says: "The Cowley County fruit exhibitat late Cowley County Fair was sent to the Indiana State Fair, at Indianapolis,and there took the second prize, after which the commission in charge soldthe Cowley exhibit to Michigan parties, who took it to the St. Louis Expositionand there exhibited it as Michigan fruit, and took the first premium againstall competitors, in one of the best displays ever exhibited."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

There was considerable excitement in Geuda early Wednesday morning, causedby the discovery that J. O. Caldwell's safe had been blown open by burglars.Mr. Caldwell had something over $200 in cash, principally silver, in thesafe, besides some valuable papers, which were all taken. No clue whateverto the perpetrators yet. Geuda Springs Herald.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

A Nebraska man has settled the question of how a prairie dog obtainsthe water it drinks. He says the prairie dogs dig their own wells, eachvillage having one with a concealed opening. He knows of one such well 200feet deep, having a circular staircase leading down to the water.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

One of our citizens who visited the skating rink at Winfield one eveninglast week informs us that the girls who attend have adopted a new styleof bustle. Instead of using the Courier, as they were accustomedto in the good old days of yore, they go out into the garden, pluck an oblongatedsquash, arrange the vegetable where bustles are usually worn, and prancefor the skating rink at 7 p.m. One delicious maiden had quite a seriousaccident befall her. While enjoying the entrancing glide on the festiverollers, her feet wanted to go faster than her bustle. The consequence waswhen the young girl arose from her sitting posture, fragments of squashrinds burst from their moorings and found a lodgment upon the rink floor.The above is no fiction; but the eye-witness to this mishap informed usof the fact.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Rev. S. B. Fleming, Geo. Cunningham, H. O. Meigs, and T. H. McLaughlinwere delegated by the Citizen's committee to visit Caldwell the first ofthe week and ascertain the animus there relative to the extension of theK. C. & S. W. Railroad west from Arkansas City. Our commission foundCaldwell's railroad committee somewhat opposed to the proposed line; itpreferred that the road run west from Winfield. Tuesday morning the councilmet in this city and passed the ordinance granting the railroad companythe right-of- way through the city on 13th street. The ordinance was tohave appeared in the Traveler, of last Wednesday, but when our committeeascertained the feeling in Caldwell, it telegraphed to withhold its publication,which was accordingly done by Major Schiffbauer. A committee from Caldwellcame along with Arkansas City's committee to Winfield to confer with the

K. C. & S. W. officials and learn their intentions. Wednesday morningMayor Schiffbauer and A. A. Newman went up to Winfield to join the conference.Everything was amicably settled. Caldwell, on learning that the companywas going west from Arkansas City, acquiesced, and our committee came homeThursday morning satisfied with what they had accomplished. Arkansas City,Geuda Springs, and Caldwell are now joined hand in hand, working for thesame causethe building of the Geuda Springs and Caldwell branch. `Tis well.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The Railway Age contends that there will be some lively railroadbuilding in Kansas in the near future. In its last issue, that paper saysthat the great competing lines west of the Missouri River are threateningeach others territory; that the Missouri Pacific is energetically pushingits lines into Central and Southern Kansas, and that the Chicago, Burlington& Quincy and the Chicago & Northwestern are contemplating a likemovement. The Age further says that the coming year will be an activeone among the existing railways in Kansas, to say nothing of the numerousindependent enterprises which are promising to take the field.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Last Tuesday evening was the time for the meeting of the stockholderscomposing the Riverview Cemetery Association. They were called to assemblein the real estate office of Meigs & Nelson. James Benedict was theonly stockholder on hand. He adjourned the meeting until next Tuesday eveningat the same place without a dissenting voice. It is earnestly urged thatthe stockholders make their appearance next Tuesday evening at 7:30 sharp.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

An Open Letter.

A. V. Alexander & Co., Arkansas City, Kansas.

DEAR SIRS: I write you in regard to securing a situation as bookkeeper.I am told you are at present minus one and that you are desirous of engagingan expert accountant. I can furnish good recommendations. For several yearsI was in the Marine Bank, New York, and I amassed a small fortune. At presentI am engaged by the state of New York, but at the expiration of ten years,I would like to enter your employ. I do not demand an exorbitant salary.Salary is no object when in your employ. Present wages are $10,000 per year.I drew my wages for 10 years$100,000in advance, from Grant, Ward & Co.,and that is why I cannot enter your services earlier. Respectfully,

FERDINAND WARD, Sing Sing, New York.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Dr. Chapel furnishes the REPUBLICAN an item that will remain unparalleled,and could only occur in thrifty Cowley.

"Last Wednesday, at about two o'clock, I was called up and betweenthat hour and breakfast, assisted in increasing the population of ArkansasCity by just three babies, who made their advent in three different families.If breakfast hour had not occurred and placed a stay on these proceedings,there would have been no telling the population of Arkansas City by thistime."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Cherryvale was visited by a terrible conflagration Wednesday night. Nearlythe entire business portion of the town was destroyed. Our readers rememberwhat a high wind there was that night and the fire spread very rapidly.The fire department was unable to quench the devouring flames. Their effortswere fruitless and that city has just completed their new water works. Itwas a fight of fire and wind against the citizens of Cherryvale, and water,and the former came out triumphant.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

On next Wednesday evening, Nov. 18, J. P. Witt will begin a series ofmeetings at the Christian Church. On Friday evening, Rev. M. Ingels, stateS. S. Evangelist, will be present and will present his subject, illustratedby chart. He will most likely continue during the meeting. The public isinvited to be present. Rev. Ingels is a life scholar and a practical teacher.Services as usual Lord's day, morning and evening. Subject: MorningHopeof Glory, Col.1:27. Evening: First Wanderings, Gen. 3:10.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

To cure a horse of kicking, take an old wheat sack filled with hay, andsuspend it by a rope from a ceiling, so that the sack will hang just atthe heels of the horse as he stands in the stall. When the sack is firstplaced in position, the kicking equine lets fly both feet at it as soonas it touches him; but after ten or twenty minutes of that kind of work,he comes to the conclusion that the sack will return as often as he struckit, and he finally gives up trying to "knock it out."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

One of the Rev. Jones' caustic sayings is that "dancing is huggingset to music." Judging from the large membership of the three dancingclubs of the city, we should say that a majority of our citizens like thisnew way of doing it. Now, if someone will kindly volunteer to send downto the REPUBLICAN office a few sheets of this new music, we will proceedto take our lesson.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

H. G. Chipchase, telephone repairer of this district, was over from Wellingtonthis week. He informed a REPUBLICAN representative that that much talkedof telephone connection with Wichita, Wellington, and other towns, was underheadway. The line is already completed to Belle Plaine from Wichita. Soonwe can call "hello" to the denizens of Wichita.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

J. H. Smith, of Manitou Springs, Colorado, arrived in the city yesterday,on a visit to his friend, Mr. Baldwin. The REPUBLICAN acknowledges a callfrom the gentleman.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The bridge gang on the Southwestern bridge over the Walnut at Winfieldare straining every nerve to get the bridge completed in time to enablethe tracklayers to reach Arkansas City by the 1st of December. A large forcewas busy all day Sunday, and the bridge is about completed.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Bogus agents are perambulating the country districts selling to unsophisticatedruralists a powder preparation called "Petroleum," for preservingand keeping fresh any length of time vegetables that are usually cannedor pickled. The powder is said to be a fraud and the agents swindlers.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

Pres. Cleveland is having a hard time with his civil service commission.He can't keep the board complete. We would suggest that Bro. McIntire beappointed to succeed Commissioner Eaton, who resigned some time ago. Weare going to try and recompense our neighbor now for getting Sinnott appointedpostmaster.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The Border City dancing club desire through the columns of the REPUBLICANto announce the fact that they will admit no persons to its charmed circleunless he be in possession of an invitation and will present it at the door.This club will hold its next dance Thursday evening, Nov. 19, in HighlandHall.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

In the District Court proceedings at Wichita, Thursday, in the case ofMary E. Grady vs. The A. T. & S. F. R. R., $3,000 was awarded the plaintiff.The plaintiff is the wife of Edward Grady of this city; and sustained seriousinjuries some six months ago by the breaking of a bell rope on the train,which struck her in the eye. The company labored to prove by expert testimonythat the injuries sustained were not of a lasting disability. The defensemoved the court for a new trial.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 14, 1885.

The Wichita Eagle says: "From all accounts bouncing, theboomer is no small contract. A gentleman from Arkansas City said that theTerritory, not only Oklahoma, but all throughthe woods are full of them.It has been a common thing for the people of Arkansas City to go down intothe Territory and cut all the timber they wanted, but now the squatter sovereigncomes along and informs him that that is his claim and you must get out.The gentleman said they were coming into the Territory from all directions;from Englewood and via the Atlantic & Pacific road to Red Fork; fromCoffeyville, Caldwell, and Hunneville; by all routes and from every sideincluding Texas. Most all the timbered districts along the streams are settled,and the mill sites and favorite town sites are taken and staked out. Theleading boomers have lots of money and they extend aid to the colonists.It is supposed they are backed up by the railroads that want to push throughthe territory, and it looks as if it would take all the troops in the countryto keep them out, as they are coming in faster than they are being drivenout."

[AD: G. W. MILLER & CO.]

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.


YOU can buy Nails, Locks, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Shovels, Picks, Axes,Needles, Crowbars, and Saw. The best WASHING MACHINE in the world. PUMPS,Ammunition, Revolvers, the finest Cutlery, the celebrated Charter Oak SoftCoal Base Heater. COOK STOVES of every description.

We manufacture Galvanized Iron Cornice, our own Tinware, Roofing, Gutteringand Spouting on short notice, and will not be UNDERSOLD. Yours truly,



Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Fred C. Hunt is the new editorial writer on the Telegram.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

ANOTHER QUERY. Who is Cornelias Sears? We pause for a reply.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Attend the Cemetery meeting next Tuesday evening at Meigs & Nelson'soffice.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Dresser, the photographer, will insure as good work in cloudy weatheras in clear.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

T. R. Houghton has retouched the front of his saddlery and harness shopwith a coat of paint.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

W. M. Henderson has for sale at a bargain a fire proof safe combinationlock, good as new.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

The dancing club of which Miss Hight is instructress, now holds forthin one of the rooms in the Burroughs' block.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Our neighbor tells us we are youthful and verdant, but nevertheless weare still in the ring and not in the slightest disfigured.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

BIRTH. Born. A little gunsmith, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Eldridge, on lastFriday night. The REPUBLICAN smokes and congratulates.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Kingsbury & Barnett have purchased a wire show case for self protection.You can no longer sponge reading from the daily papers.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

At Osage Agency the front of the week, Frank Pappan, a half-breed, wasshot and killed instantly by a U. S. Marshal for resisting arrest.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

The soldiers, the railroaders, and the boomers will make Arkansas Cityhave a triple boom. They will all be here in a few days. Telegraph thisto your friends.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Rev. Chas. Boles of the M. E. Church South, will preach in the new schoolroomin Commercial Block, Sunday, at seven o'clock p.m. Rev. W. J. Blakey willbe present also.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

DIED. Died in this city No. 6th, 1885, Mrs. Lewis, wife of Chas. Lewis,aged 57 years. Funeral services were held at the Christian Church, Nov.7th, by J. P. Witt. Remains were interred in the cemetery at Parker Schoolhouse.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

A. G. Heitkam has removed his tailoring establishment from the basem*ntin the Commercial block to the room next south of the post office. By theway, you will find handsome piece goods at Mr. Heitkam's new quarters fromwhich to make your winter suit.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Now is the time to shoot quails, provided you do not trespass on otherpeople's land.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

S. Matlack has recovered from his sickness. His new heir, which arrivedTuesday night, was a sure antidote.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Judging from the business that they do at the old green front, sellingoff at cost, don't effect O. P.'s trade unless to increase it.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

The ladies of the Mite Society will give an oyster supper, Thanksgivingevening, at the Baptist Church. All are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

The soldiers in crossing the south canal bridge on their way to Chiloccobroke it almost down. It has since been repaired by the city.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

To those friends who so nobly saved his house and barn from the devouringflames, last Saturday night, John Landes desires to extend his heartfeltthanks.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

The old reliable green front still on a boom. O. P. tells us he soldmore boots and shoes last month than any month of October for the past 15years he has been here.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

A. V. Alexander & Co., have had ill-luck with their bookkeepers hereof late and the REPUBLICAN regrets that such sociable and excellent businessmenshould have their confidence used so badly.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Mrs. J. L. Glotfelter desires to return her heartfelt thanks to the manyfriends who so kindly assisted her in her hour of affliction, brought aboutby the death of her husband, J. L. Glotfelter.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

One of the best homes in the city for sale, two blocks from business,commodious house containing nearly 1,600 square feet flooring. Terms ofpayment about the same as paying rent. Apply to F. J. Hess.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Look well to your flues before putting up your heating stoves. A verysmall fracture caused by defective plastering or a bad brick, or by thesettling of your house, may cause you to lose your home by the terribledestructionist, fire.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

We take pleasure in announcing to the public that we have secured anable and efficient teacher of vocal and instrumental music, Miss MinnieRandall, who will give lessons to our pupils at greatly reduced rates. L.F. ABERNETHY.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

On last Saturday eve, it being the occasion of All Hallow Eve, the "boys"of Arkansas City carried off an editor's house. Boys, don't be too hardon Howard. He is working hard to improve, you know. Dexter Eye.

Don't lay it on the boys, Bro. Meredith, when you were in the city thatevening yourself.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Mowry & Sollitt have made a most excellent improvement in the arrangementof their wallpaper stock. A 25 x 10 foot rack has been constructed at thewest and upper end of their storeroom. Besides facilitating in displayingand handling the paper, it makes needed room for other stock which theyare daily receiving.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

A team belonging to McDowell Bros., went through the south canal bridgeThursday. One animal went entirely through the flooring into the canal.It was a fall of about 15 feet, but the water saved it from being injured,except slightly. Fortunately, the team was gentle, and in about two hoursof hard unceasing labor, it was extricated and put on solid footing.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Y. M. C. A.

A large crowd assembled in the opera house last Sunday evening to listento Robert Weidensall, secretary of the national Young Men's Christian Association.The starting of a Y. M. C. A., in this city, has been talked of for sometime and Mr. Weidensall's services were procured to aid in carrying outthe project. Rev. Fleming presided over the meeting, and Revs. Witt, Walker,and Campbell performed the preliminary services. We can only give a briefreport of Mr. Weidensall's speech. He stated that the Y. M. C. A. was foundedin London in 1844. Since that time its growth has been astonishing, andits membership at the present time extends around the entire globe. It wasdiscovered by the founders of this organization that the church did notand could not reach all classes of people; that only those by nature religiouslyinclined would go to church and listen to the teachings of the Gospel. Somedevice, therefore, had to be invented by which young men, holding differentsocial positions and engaged in different kinds of business, might be attractedto the doctrines of Christianity. It was thought that young men were theones to be made virtuous and religious if Christianity were to be placedupon a firm basis. Man has a fourfold nature: the moral, the physical, thesocial, and the intellectualand it is the object of the Y. M. C. A. to gratifyeach one within certain limits. Thus, for one who desires to apply himselfassiduously to the study of useful books, he would like to have access toa good library. Another more volatile in his tastes would take pleasurein reading a scrapbook compiled of anecdotes, illustrations, writings abouthome, etc. Some have a passion for music and a piano or organ should beplaced in the rooms of the Y. M. C. A., for harmonious sounds make harmonioussouls. Harmless games of amusem*nt, such as chess and checkersnot gamesof chance but of skillwould also have their attractions. The rooms of theY. M. C. A. should be embellished with pictures of a moral kind, tastefullyarranged by the ladies who are interested in the organization. The gymnasiumwould furnish sport and exercise for those who are obliged to have sedentaryhabits. In short, the Y. M. C. A. should be, and is, a grand center of amusem*ntas well as moral instruction, showing no partiality for particular sectsor creeds, but embracing all alike, and having for its prime object theinculcation of a strong belief in Christ as the Savior of mankind. Whena Y. M. C. A. is formed, much work devolves upon the secretary, and he musthave peculiar qualifications to hold that position successfully.

Mr. Weidensall is a rapid and emphatic speaker. He expresses his ideasclearly and in a business-like way. Rev. Fleming made a few closing remarksin regard to the committees engaged in the formation of a Y. M. C. A. inthis city.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

The Soldiers Return.

A company of the 5th U. S. Cavalry arrived in the city Tuesday morningon a special. They are now camped on the grounds adjacent to the depot.The company is in command of Capt. J. M. Hamilton, and is composed of fifty-fivetroopers. It was ordered here from Ft. Riley for the purpose of watchingthe boomers, we are told. No other information is obtainable, as the departmentsent the company without any instructions from us. Anyway, we are glad the"sojers" have returned, for their stay enhances our merchants'trade. The company have gone into camp and from this we should judge theyhave come to stay for a time at least. With the soldiers and the 500 railroadmen, graders, track-layers, etc., in our city, won't we boom. Somebody containus.

LATER. The camp has been moved to south of town, near the Chilocco schools.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Last Saturday night, we are told, a disgraceful carousal occurred onthe streets of Arkansas City. A lewd woman, intoxicated, was prancing ourstreets over. She commenced to paint the town red at about 11 o'clock byfirst pinning the skirts of her dress up around her waist and dancing jigsin an eating house on South Summit street, while a number of lasciviousbrutes gazed upon the sights presented. Growing tired of this amusem*nt,she came down to the New England Kitchen, and demanded cider, cursing voluminouslywhen told that they had none for her. But the proprietor soon put a stopto that and fired her unceremoniously. She left and went up and stood infront of Blubaugh's billiard hall. By this time it was about one o'clock.She stood there, sang, swore, and raved by turns, for quite awhile, untilone of our citizens went and found the night policeman and told him to arresther and he would appear against her as prosecuting witness. Instead of arrestingthe degraded being, he went to her and told her he would give her 15 minutesto get off the streets. Before the 15 minutes had expired, she disappeared.She should have been arrested and prosecuted.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

J. B. Nipp was in the city Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waltman, a son, last Tuesday night.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

E. C. Gage is spending a two weeks vacation among relatives in Boston.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Master Harry Buckner, for three weeks past, has been very sick. He isnow able to sit up.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

C. C. Sollitt is having an addition of one room built on his commodiousresidence in the first ward.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

S. S. McDowell, of Conneantville, Pennsylvania, father of E. L. McDowell,is expected to arrive in the city today.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Geo. E. Hasie returned home Monday after an extended visit in WesternKansas and the state of Colorado.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

W. W. Beman, who lately located here from Carthage, Missouri, has purchaseda half interest in the European restaurant.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Maj. and Mrs. L. E. Woodin, Miss Connie and Master Leon Woodin, wentdown in the Territory Wednesday on a visit at Pawnee Agency.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. S. Matlack, a son, last Tuesday night. Motherand babe doing finely, and the father able to appear upon our streets withthe accustomed Smile.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Mrs. F. P. Schiffbauer is convalescing quite rapidly now. She has grownstrong enough in the last few days to take her meals with the rest of thefamily at the table.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Thos. Watts has given the K. C. & S. W. Road permission to run downback of his house. He also offered to knock out the gable end of his houseand allow the company to use it for a depot. Generous Tom.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

A. F. Huse, and sister, Mrs. Buckner, have been visiting at Manhattan,Kansas. The former, accompanied by his brother, Ansil Huse, returned Wednesday.Mrs. Buckner returned home the latter part of last week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Ed Bennett arrived in the city last Wednesday. He came here from NewKiowa, where he has been engaged in a profitable business. He will remainwith us but a few days, and then return to New Kiowa.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

O. C. Hardway, the jeweler, has closed his repair shop located in Steinberger'spharmacy and accepted a position in the large jewelry establishment of Ridenour& Thompson. Mr. Hardway is a skilled workman.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Little Miss Edith Ochs was treated to a royal surprise last Tuesday evening.A large number of her little friends assembled at the residence of her parentsand assisted in celebrating Miss Edith's 11th birthday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

C. A. Howard and wife arrived home from Maine last Saturday. They havehad a most pleasant sojourn through the eastern states, but are glad tobe back in live, bustling Arkansas City once more. There is no place equalto it.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

J. C. Topliff resigned his position as deputy postmaster and has accepteda situation in the Arkansas City Bank. Chas. Chapel has been appointed Mr.Topliff's successor. Miss Lucetta Pyburn has received the appointment ofpostal clerk.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamilton, of Jacksonville, Illinois, parents of our energeticrestauranteur, J. E. Hamilton, are visiting in the city. They will remainsome weeks. They express themselves as highly pleased with this part ofKansas and especially Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Drury Warren is home from his stock ranch in Arizona on a visit. A weekor so ago Mr. Warren had some ponies stolen by the Navajo Indians, and intrying to capture the animals, a small battle was waged between his herdsmenand the Indians. Mr. Warren came out victorious.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Quincy A. Glass, of Winfield, District Deputy, was down Tuesday eveningand installed the K. of P. Officers. After the installation ceremonies,the members of the organization and visitors repaired to the New EnglandKitchen and indulged in an excellent oyster supper.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Chas. A. Howard brought home with him from Maine a curiosity in the shapeof a flint- lock pistol. It is over 100 years old, and was used in the revolutionarywar by one of Mr. Howard's great ancestors. It is a rare relic and can beseen on exhibition at Howard Bros. Hardware Store.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

S. P. Gould writes from Flat Rock, Illinois, for us to send him the REPUBLICAN,that he is hungry for it. Sam is having a royal time with his former sweethearts.The letter was written under the date of Oct. 28, but owing to a "Republican"postmaster not knowing who Dick Howard was, it was not received until Nov.13. That postmaster never perused the Traveler. [?? DID THEY MEANTO SAY "DEMOCRATIC" POSTMASTER?]

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

DIED. J. E. Parkins, who met death beneath the wheels of the Santa Fetrain last Thursday, has an unwritten history as a contractor. At one timehe was the heaviest builder and contractor in Washington, D. C. From therehe located at Des Moines, Iowa, and engaged largely in the building line.Later on he went to Ann Arbor, Michigan. From there he went to Winfieldand finally he came to Arkansas City. Some years ago he was quite wealthy,but reverses in financial affairs placed him in somewhat straightened circ*mstances.He was a Knight Templar, belonging to the organization at Washington City.The Masons here with the Knight Templar Guards of Honor attended the intermentof the remains last Friday at Riverview Cemetery.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Yesterday morning a railroad meeting was held in Judge Pyburn's office.Mayor Schiffbauer stated that the object of the meeting was to hear whatMr. Wood had to say in regard to the Ft. Smith, Wellington & Northwesternrailway. The latter gentleman is the general manager of the Arkansas Valleyroute, and stated that he was in favor of building the road from Ft. Smithto Arkansas City, if bonds to the amount of $4,000 per mile were voted toaid in its construction. He also stated that Ingalls, Peters, and Perkinswere in favor of this route and had agreed to aid in procuring the rightof way through to Arkansas City. A motion was made by Maj. Sleeth that wework up the necessary aid. We want the road and there is no doubt that everythingwill be satisfactorily arranged.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

As we go to press the K. C. & S. W. graders are about one mile anda half north of town. There is also a force at work grading 13th street.By the middle of next week, the grade will be completed between here andWinfield. A temporary depot will be erected on the corner of Central Avenueand 13th Street. But later on, we are told, that a permanent depot, roundhouse, turntable, etc., will be erected at the corner of 4th Avenue and13th Street in the Jack oaks. This is the best place for the depot thatcan be found. Then the road will go to the state line, a branch will alsoextend to Geuda and thus to Caldwell.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Another Fire.

Last Saturday evening shortly after 10 o'clock, the alarm of fire wasgiven. We turned out as about a thousand other persons did, and saw theskating rink and Chas. Parker's stone building reduced to ashes. The fireoriginated in the front end of the skating rink and in five minutes afterthe alarm was sounded the entire building was enveloped in flames and theroof fell in. From the rink building the fire spread to Parker's. Willinghands were ready to do and die, if necessary, to prevent the fire spreadingmore; and by almost super-human efforts the frame building occupied by A.F. Huse as an office was saved, but his corn sheds were consumed. Braden'slivery stable was saved by very hard work. The bucket brigade did nobleservice, and had it not been for their efforts other buildings would havebeen destroyed. The general belief is that the fire was incendiary, andfrom the short time that elapsed between the sounding of the alarm and thefalling in of the roof, it is quite evident that the building had been soakedin coal oil. Mayor Schiffbauer, who resides not quite two squares from wherethe fire occurred, was sitting at home reading and at the first cry of fire,he started. Just as he arrived upon the scene, the roof fell in.

The heaviest loss was sustained by those occupying the Parker building.The building was insured for $300 in the London, Liverpool and Globe, andit was worth twice that sum. Geo. Ford and Frank Knedler occupied the upperroom of the building with their shop. Mr. Ford lost about $300 worth oftools and Mr. Knedler lost some. Parker & Rarick lost some stock andtools.

The rink was owned by L. H. Braden & Co., and was insured in thePelican, of New Orleans, for $1,000. J. H. Punshon had about $150 worthof furniture stored in the building and all of it was burned.

A. F. Huse carried an insurance of $600 in the Washington. His loss willnot exceed $400. The building he occupied belonged to A. A. Newman and wasnot insured.

Fortunately for Arkansas City the wind was not blowing. At one time itwas thought that John Landes' fine residence would be destroyed, but friendscame to the rescue and saved it. Once more is a very strong argument presentedin favor of waterworks.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

POUNDED. Last Friday evening a large number of friends of Rev. Bucknerand members of his church met at the residence of David Carder, and afterspending a few moments in making arrangements, they marched in a body tohis home and took complete possession. The ladies prepared a bountiful feast,and the gentlemen presented the pastor a pound of silver dollars, whilethe ladies gave his wife a handsome silver cake dish, butter dish, and castor.Rev. Witt, of the Christian Church, made an appropriate speech. About 80persons were present and spent a most enjoyable evening.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

MARRIED. Just as we go to press we are informed that Jos. Finkleburgand Miss Minnie McIntyre were united in marriage last Wednesday evening.The ceremony occurred at the residence of Rev. J. P. Witt, that gentlemanofficiating. No cards were issued at all. In fact, the affair was kept soquiet that we did not learn of it until a few minutes before we went topress. The new couple have the sincere wishes of the REPUBLICAN for theirfuture happiness. But we will never forgive Jos. for not telling us earlierin the week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

Parker & Rarick, who lately opened up their blacksmith shop on southSummit street and burned out last Saturday evening by the fire, are againon deck. They have rented the building formerly occupied by A. B. De Brockand are once more ready to do your blacksmithing and repairing. You can'tdaunt Charley Parker and Capt. Rarick by a "little blaze."

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

A special dispatch to the Kansas City Times says that all thedruggists of Coffey County have been arrested on various charges of violationof the prohibitory law and their cases will be tried at the next term ofthe district court. The movement is being conducted by the prohibitionists,who will be represented by a special attorney, the prosecuting attorneydeclining to conduct the cases.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.


The return of the Oklahoma boom is here. Hundreds have crossed the river,Treaty, into the promised land while hundreds more are on the way. Are thesem*n crazy? Can sober men expect to obtain homes in disregard of solemn treatiesand in defiance of law and the authority of both the United States and Indiangovernments? I am persuaded that the people are ignorant of the legal difficultiesto the settlement of Oklahoma.

When the Indian owned all the land west of the Missouri River to thePacific coast, the U. S. Government entered into treaty relations with themand it was provided in that treaty that a white man should not be permittedto invade the Indian country for the purpose of commerce or settlement,without the consent of the Indians, and, if any person did so invade thiscountry, he should be summarily ejected. The Indian Territory is all thatis now left them of this vast domain and this permit law, of course, remainsin full force within its limits.

It is time that the Seminoles and Creeks ceded Oklahoma back to the generalgovern- ment, but the permit law was not repealed and it is plainly stipulatedthat those tribes retain full control and possession of said land till thewild Indians and freedmen thereon are settled.

It is by the operation of this law that the boomers have been so oftenejected from Oklahomanot from Oklahoma only, but the law is enforced inevery nation in the territory.

For so entering Indian lands, if a man commits no act of depredation,he is not a trespasser, but is no more than an intruder, and this is nota crime for indictment. Hence the boomers and the many who are ejected fromthe jurisdiction of every tribal domain of the territory are not punished.I am no friend to the Redman or to that policy of the government that encouragesthem to indolence, but it is the law and it must be respected. But the cattlemenwhyis it that they can remain and graze their herds and the poor boomer mustcome out? Why? It is plain enough. The cattlemen have obtained the consentof the Indians to remain and the boomers have not. Nor are we not friendlyto cattle syndicates and denounce their assumption of preeminence to thesoil to the prejudice of agriculture, but law is on their side. They havethe Indians' consent to remain and some of them have paid dear for it, too.T. D. ROSS.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.

A Lady Insulted On the Streets of Winfield.

One Jones, a young man of 21 or 22 years of age, allowed himself to forgethis manhood, reputation, and the respect he should have for the sex of whomhis mother is one, and deliberately and designedly stepped up to a highlyrespected lady in the city last Monday, and insulted her. Marshal McFadden,ever on the alert for just such animals, got wind of the affair and at oncearrested the young gentleman (?) and placed him in jail. This morning hewas brought before Judge Turner and plead guilty to the charge preferredagainst him and was fined $17.75, which he paid, and which was indeed avery light punishment for the offense. It should have been several daysconfinement with a stone pile to pound for recreation and reflection. Thingsare coming to a rather dangerous pass when the ladies of a place can't goabout the city or their homes without being subject to the base insultsof just such groveling scoundrels as this Jones. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, November 14, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

To Be Constructed in Arkansas City
By The Inter-State Gas Company.
The Works to be in Operation Within Eight Months.
The Contract Let Last Wednesday Evening By the Council.

Last Monday evening the council met in regular session and owing to somuch time being consumed in railroad talk, an adjournment was had untilWednesday evening for the purpose of once more tackling the water worksquestion.

Monday Mayor Schiffbauer received a new proposition from the Inter-StateGas Companyfor the putting in of water works in Arkansas City, and accordinglyat the adjourned meeting Wednesday evening it was considered, amended tosome extent, passed by sections, and then adopted unanimously by the membersof the council. The ordinance is too lengthy to publish as a whole, butappended we give a synopsis.

The works are to be of the stand pipe system with direct pressure fromthe pumps. The stand-pipe is to be 115 feet high and 10 feet in diameter.It is to be set upon a stone foundation extending 22 feet into the earth.The masonry work rises two feet above the level of the ground, thus makinga standpipe of 117 feet. There are to be three-and-one-half miles of streetmain laid, ranging from 4 to 10 inches in diameter. The mains are to becovered in every place by three feet of earth. When completed the worksare to be capable of throwing water through a 2-1/2 inch hose with an inchnozzle 65 feet high from the stand-pipe and 100 feet from direct pressure.Two duplex pumps will be used with a capacity for pumping 1,000,000 gallonsof water each every 24 hours. The water works company take our present systemwithout any recourse on the city. Work is to be commenced within 30 daysand everything is to be completed within eight months. The city was to take50 hydrants at an annual rental of $60 per hydrant. In place of the citytaking 50 hydrants for the extinguishing of fire, it will take 46 and constructfour public drinking places. This is as good use as the city could put fourhydrants to. All buildings are to be constructed of stone and brick; themachinery and material is to be of the best. The company also binds itselfto have the stand- pipe full of water every evening between the hours of8 and 11 o'clock, and if a fire should break out to put on immediately afull head of steam. The company agrees to stand all damages arising fromthe erection of their works. The works will be connected to the city officeby telephone and other places designated by the council. The city has aright to purchase the works every five years. The franchise from the cityis given for 21 years. Fifteen days are given the company to accept thecontract as it now stands and fifteen more in which to file a $10,000 bondfor the faithful fulfillment of it. The mayor and the council are to establishthe water rates for private individuals.

The above is the substance of the proposition as near as we can obtainit. The REPUBLICAN thinks this is the best proposition the city has hadyet. It is from the same company that Mr. Quigley represented when he washere. To some of our readers this will be a surprise, as there has beena lull in the water works question for quite awhile. We need the fire protection,and the matter is now definitely settled, we suppose.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

The following charter was filed with the secretary of State last Tuesday.

"The Geuda Springs, Caldwell, Harper & Northwestern RailroadCompany." Place of business, Winfield, Cowley County. Route: from GeudaSprings, Sumner County, in a northwest course to Denver, Colorado. Estimatedlength of road 700 miles. Capital stock, $5,000,000. Directors for the firstyear: A. Stevens and J. W. Young, of Chicago, Illinois; H. E. Asp and J.D. Dantham [? NOT SURE OF THE LAST NAME], of Winfield, and J. Munger andW. S. Torrey, of Harper, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

"Bar de News."

We feel like yelling "glory, hallelujah," when we note whatgreat strides Arkansas City is making towards being the future great cityof the Arkansas Valley. Two years ago the city began to grow very rapidly.It was predicted then that the boom would end with the growth of one season.But it has not. Winter, spring, summer, and fall have twice come, but theboom is unabated. It is even greater now than ever before. There are now12 large stone and brick storerooms in process of erection. The site forthe Farmers' Co-Operative Mill has been selected, and in a short time workwill be commenced on it. Substantial residences are springing up in everypart of the city. Water works are to be constructed inside of the next eightmonths, and the curbing and guttering of Summit street is in progression,and last, but not least, the K. C. & S. W. will make its advent intoour city within the next ten days. Hundreds of railroad men will be hereall winter, hundreds of boomers will be here, hundreds of soldiers willcome occasionally to call upon the festive boomers. Five thousand happy,contented, and prosperous people which inhabit the city on the sand hill,will be here to bid you welcome. Take a stroll up and down Summit street;observe the numerous mechanics and laborers at work, and you will immediatelybecome inflated with that wonderful feeling of a Kansas boom. Let us singpraises and shout the glad tidings far and near that Arkansas City is theKansas City of Kansas; that Arkansas City is the gate city to the IndianTerritory and the Oklahoma country; that Arkansas City is booming, booming,Father Abraham, ten hundred thousand strong.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

Petit Jurors.

The following are the names drawn to serve as petit jurors for the Decemberterm of the district court.

H. J. Donley, Bolton Township.

P. L. Alderson, Sheridan Township.

J. S. Rash, Harvey Township.

J. Hedrick, Windsor Township.

J. R. Turner, Creswell Township.

J. M. Bowman, Spring Creek Township.

W. S. Shaffer, Walnut Township.

N. W. Parlin, Creswell Township.

William Auman, Creswell Township.

David Shaw, Pleasant Valley Township.

G. W. Divilbliss, Tisdale Township.

J. W. Oliver, Dexter Township.

J. C. Davis, Bolton Township.

V. F. Osborn, Harvey Township.

P. P. Powell, Pleasant Valley Township.

Jeremiah Conn, Pleasant Valley Township.

A. P. Carman, Rock Township.

Joseph Shaw, Windsor Township.

E. Woodard, Tisdale Township.

H. C. McDorman, Dexter Township.

Levi Buck, Liberty Township.

Theodore Heinekin, Richland Township.

J. Linton, Bolton Township.

Jerry Weekly, Jr., Silverdale Township.

Charles McIlwaine, Spring Creek Township.

Theodore Stevenson, Rock Township.

F. W. Schwantes, Vernon Township.

J. Meham, Pleasant Valley Township.

David M. Mumaw, Beaver Township.

J. Q. Pember, Rock Township.

D. L. Henderson, Pleasant Valley Township.

G. P. Haycraft, Omnia Township.

J. N. Henro, Omnia Township.

S. P. Strong, Rock Township.

A. Jackson, Bolton Township.

William Gammon, Otter Township.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.


The right of the Creeks and Seminoles to prevent the opening of Oklahomais not any too clear. The people of the United States demand the settlementof these vacant lands. The Indians who are trying to play a dog-in-the-mangergame would do better for themselves by accepting liberal terms while theycan. The Seminoles are willing to treat. The Creeks are evenly divided uponthe question. The sensible ones are inclined to follow the Seminoles. Theauthorities at Washington should endeavor to bring the rest to terms beforecongress takes up the matter. Peaceable means are best, but Oklahoma mustbe opened.

Kansas City Times.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

A Candle Lecture.

The Caldwell branch of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad will run from ArkansasCity. The question was settled last week. The propositions which had beensubmitted to townships in Sumner County stipulating that the branch shouldleave the main line at Winfield or a point north of the center of BeaverTownship, are withdrawn and others submitted stipulating that it shall branchfrom Arkansas City. While but few of the citizens of Winfield seem to realizeit, the fight over this question has been most fierce and bitter. The Winfieldmembers of the company bent their energies from the first to secure thisbranch for Winfield, and of course expected and counted upon the heartyco-operation of our citizens and municipal authorities. They early presentedthe matter to the company, took pains to ascertain from the citizens ofSumner County what aid could be secured, and formulated a proposition whichembraced four thousand dollars per mile for every mile constructed in Sumner,and pledged to the company hearty and liberal encouragement from Winfieldin the right of way through the city, land and money for machine shops,etc. The propositions were considered and determined upon and the matterwas fixed before the road reached our city that the road should go throughthe city on the most feasible route and branch from Winfield. But when theWinfield members were called upon for the right of way through the city,they could not deliver the goods. The route selected by the engineer asbeing the most feasible, was through the eastern part of town. Mr. Asp approachedthe city council and suggested that they allow this road to occupy somestreet in the east part of the city. Immediately there arose a great howl,the like of which we have rarely heard. Members of the council seemed tocare more for the sanctity of their backyards than for the future welfareof the city whose interests they were especially selected to protect. Thecouncil had got it into their heads that the proper place for the road wasout by Bliss & Wood's mill, and up a canyon, despite the protest ofthe chief engineer that such a route was impracticable. Then the road triedto get the council's consent to buy their way through the eastern part.This was refused. Then they asked permission to climb the hill and crossNinth Avenue a mile east of Main Street. The councilmen were taken in carriagesto view the route and agreed verbally to let the road go there. A specialmeeting was called that evening only to result in their going back on whatthey had agreed to in the morning. Then the road asked that they might followthe Santa Fe around the town and get out in decent order. But another councilman'sbackyard was endangered, and even this was refused. The company was dismayed.Instead of finding Winfield friendly to the road, they found her councilready to throttle it, rather than that the "beauty" of the eastpart of town should be forever marred by the presence of a railroad track,although the company offered to plank the track inside and out, making acontinual crossing from limit to limit of the city. Every new move onlyseemed to increase the blood-thirsty disposition of our valiant city fathers,until the road ordered its Chief Engineer to locate their line in accordancewith the dictation of the city council of Winfield. The Chief Engineer didso. The road is now built. It ruins the fair ground; it damages the parkfor public purposes. It practically vacates the only road over which thepeople of Vernon, Beaver, and part of Pleasant Valley can get into Winfieldandtwo miles of it cost the company forty-six thousand dollars more than theyreceive from Winfield in aid, leaving them with one of the most dangerousand expensive pieces of road, to maintain and operate forever, that thereis in Kansas outside of the flint hills. This is Winfield's attitude towardthis company.

Now for Arkansas City.

She wanted the road. She was willing that Winfield might have two roadsto her one, and voted solidly for the D. M. & A., redeeming her pledgesfaithfully. She also wanted the Caldwell branch. She asked the company tosimply notify her of what it thought necessary to be done, and they woulddo it. The company suggested that they give the road a street, free of cost,from limit to limit of their city. The suggestion was embodied in an ordinanceand passed unanimously, leaving the company its option to select which streetit wanted, and even holding the company harmless for any damages that mightarise from its occupancy.

Had Winfield accorded the company any kind of fair and decent treatment,she would have had the Caldwell branch, the permanent division, machineshops, and general headquarters, all of which the company had offered, whichwould place Winfield far in the lead of any city in southern Kansas.

Broad-gauge men will make a live, enterprising, flourishing town; selfish,close-fisted, and short-sighted ones will kill it if given enough rope.Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

Dr. H. J. Tillotson, lately of Chicago, arrived in the city Thursdayand since has become so fascinated with Arkansas City that he has decidedto locate and practice his profession. He will move his family here as soonas he can obtain a suitable residence in which to live. The Doctor is aHomeopathist. The Hegewisch (Illinois) Journal, speaking of his departure,says: "Although anticipated, we hardly expected to notice the departureof Dr. H. J. Tillotson so soon. Dr. Tillotson holds many valuable recordsfrom high medical societies, and is trustworthy, capable, and above all,gentlemanly. While here he held the position of physician and surgeon forthe U. S. Rolling Stock Co., which employs some 800 men. His practice inand around Hegewisch has met with unusual success, and many regret the leavingof `our doctor' as he was commonly called. In the west he seeks fresh laurelsand may many be twined for him by grateful hearts benefitted by his superiorability as a physician."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

The services tomorrow at the Baptist Church, in the morning commencingat 10 o'clock, consist of recitations, responsive reading, an address, etc.,it being a union of the congregation and the Sunday school for the observanceof Bible day.

At 7:30 p.m. will be given another illustrated sermon to which the attentionof thoughtful men is respectfully solicited.

The meetings are to be continued. All are cordially invited.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

More About the Boomers.

Secretary Lamar has sent the following letter to J. Wade McDonald, counselfor the Oklahoma boomers, at Winfield, Kansas.

SIR: I have read your letter of the 4th inst., stating that none of thepersons against whom indictments were pending in the United States courtin Kansas, have gone again into the Indian Territory or in any way brokenfaith in respect to the agreement in pursuance of which the dismissal ofprotection was ordered, also that Capt. Couch had, at your request, gonequietly into the Territory with a view of ascertaining the number of prisonersthere, etc. The persons against whom the criminal proceedings were pendingwere the representatives of a class of persons bonded and associated togetherfor the purpose of unlawful invasion of the Indian Territory and upon asettlement and promises made by yourself and others to this department andthe department of justice that the Oklahoma boomers, Couch's cavalry colony,or any of the persons associated therewith, would make no further attemptat unlawful settlement in the Territory, and that they had disbanded theirorganization, etc.; criminal proceedings were stopped, and it is with greatdisappointment that the department learns of the renewal of the attemptsof unlawful invasion of the Territory by these same persons, whatever maybe the name or title under which they are banded or organized. This willmake the government more cautious in any further dealings with them. Mr.Couch should not go into the Indian Territory for any purpose and if hedoes go without a permit, he would be guilty of an open violation of thelaw.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

Bolton Items.

The fine weather still continues.

Hiram Radcliffe and family turned their backs to East Bolton and SouthernKansas and departed for less congenial climes in Hoosierdom. We predictthat they will be sorry for their actions and repent and finally be housedsafe in Kansas again.

The new stone schoolhouse in District 80 has been completed and acceptedby the board of education. Great honor is due contractors, Messrs. Hendenand Sandburne, for the manner in which the house has been finished.

At the time these items are published, a grand festival will have beenheld in the new schoolhouse in District 80, of which we will give an accountin our next items.

James Willis has rented his farm to A. Beeson from Creswell townshipat $3 per acre.

Wood haulers are using unfrequented roads from Bolton to the Territory.There are not quite enough soldiers yet to watch all the roads.

Our trustee has repaired the approach to the north end of the river bridge,which place had been a terror for some time. Oak planks have been placedon it instead of the old pine ones.

Should the Territory be opened for settlement, an iron bridge would benecessary instead of the present wooden bridge south of our city. A tollbridge, too, would seem in our judgment, to be the next best thing.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

High School Library.

All persons holding books from the library, please make a prompt return;also, persons having incurred fines or in any way knowing themselves indebtedto the library, please make a prompt settlement. Persons not returning bookswill have their names published with the number of books they have. ALVANSANKEY, President.

November 20, 1885.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

Take Notice G. A. R.

A special meeting is hereby called for the purpose of meeting DepartmentCommander Stewart, at Post Hall, at 1:30 p.m., Monday, November 23, 1885.By order of

C. R. FOWLER, Adjutant. AL MOWRY, P. C.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

Christian Church.

Elder M. Ingels has arrived in the city to assist Elder Witt in a meetingat the Christian Church. Interesting services each evening at 7:30. Themeeting will continue during the coming week. The discourses will frequentlybe illustrated on the blackboard. All are invited.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.


The third monthly session of the Cowley County Teachers Institution willbe held November 20, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 21, 1885.

Notes from the Commercial Block-heads.
(The above caption was furnished by the correspondent. ED.)

The High school moved to their new quarters Monday morning. The roomsoccupied are three in number and consist of a recitation room, office, andschool room proper. The pupils are much pleased with their new abode.

The Seniors are seated in a room by themselves, and put upon their honorin regard to deportment, and are consequently envied by the other classes.

Horace Vaughn, the star and beacon light of the Senior class, informsus that he will assume the vocation of a poet after he is through this yearof school. We wish the gentleman success, and prophesy from the glimpsesof his genius that we have had, that he will in the future stand as highin literature as Oscar Wilde does today.

The pupils find it very difficult to concentrate their minds on theirstudies on account of the noise on the streets; but as the novelty wearsoff, it will cease to be a hindrance to study.

A literary society was organized last Friday evening, with Howard Maxwellas chairman and Miss Everett, secretary. We hope that all will help to keepup the interest by coming and performing. None but pupils are to be admitted.

For the first few days some of our young ladies were much annoyed bythe very persistent staring of some dudes across the way. They took theirstand at the hotel opposite the windows and were obliged to aid their weakvision by opera glasses, etc. But we trust they have discovered by thistime that school girls are not so susceptible as is generally thought, andthey also have something else to occupy their minds than flirtations withweak- eyed dudes.

One hundred and twenty-one dollars ($121) is the exact sum procured bythe high school girls for purchasing a piano. The instrument has been orderedand will arrive in a few days.

There has been a good deal of jealousy among the classes for the pastfew months. For instance, the seniors think they are of a little more importancethan the other classes, and have a special clique of their own and admitneither middle year nor juniors to their charmed circle. This ought notso to be and after Prof. Weir's talk on this special subject, we think abetter feeling will prevail. "LUDO"


Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Taxes for 1885 due.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Corn 30 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Wheat 85 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Thanksgiving Day Thursday next.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The telephone line is completed between Wellington and Wichita.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The grading is about all done on the K. C. & S. W., between hereand Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Corn dealers are paying 30 cents per bushel for that article, while Winfieldonly gives 25 cents.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The first grain buyer's sign ever swung in Arkansas City, was put upby the A. C. R. M. Co., Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Newman & Co., are here to meet all competition. Don't fail to rememberthis fact.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The plat of View Hills can be seen at our office. Snyder & Hutchison.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Hun looked weary Sunday eve. We lay the blame to the "Retrospection"or perchance "Solitaire." Which was it, Hun?

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

At the Arkansas City Select School, there are classes designed especiallyfor those who have had meager school advantages.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Wheat is worth 85 cents now in Arkansas City, and the canal mills purchaseenough at that price to keep them running steadily.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Work has commenced on the K. C. & S. W. Depot. It will be locatedtemporarily at the corner of 13th street and 13th avenue, just at the edgeof the townsite.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

This week the REPUBLICAN job office turned out another 1,000 pamphletsfor the Johnson Loan & Trust Co. The gentlemen composing this companybelieve in the judicious use of printer's ink.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The Union Mite Society of the U. P. Church will meet with Will and EmmaCampbell, Tuesday evening, November 24, at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Benedict.An interesting time is expected, and all are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

TAXES. Meigs & Nelson will pay taxes for citizens of Arkansas Cityand vicinity.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

We will return thanks this year for the advent of the K. C. & S.W. Railroad.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Newman & Co., carry a choice line of Comforts and Blankets.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

For homes, buy lots in the View Hill addition. Snyder & Hutchison.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The ladies composing Miss High's dancing club have issued invitationsfor a reception Thanksgiving eve, in the Burroughs' block.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Over 100 lots in View Hill addition. These lots are 50 x 132 feet, andare the choicest in the city for suburban residences. For prices and terms,call on Snyder & Hutchison.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

A. V. Alexander is quite a dog fancier. He has gone into the businessextensively lately. He will exchange lumber, shingles, etc., for blooded"purps."

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The railroad company expect to have the track laid into the corporatelimits of Arkansas City by Thursday next. Since crossing the Walnut at Winfield,the track has gone down at the rate of a mile and a half per day.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

On next Thursday evening, Union Thanksgiving services will be held atthe Baptist Church. Rev. J. P. Witt is to preach the annual sermon. Letus come together with gratitude in our hearts and with praises on our lips.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Parties knowing themselves to be indebted to J. W. Hutchison & Sons,will please call and settle. We will take corn, wood, or young stock atmarket price. We must have money.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Last Tuesday evening A. A. Newman and H. E. Asp went over to Guelph Townshipand held a railroad meeting in the interest of the G. S. & C. Road.Quite a large number of Guelph Township's voters were in attendance andexpressed a willingness to aid in getting the road.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

A little son of Henry Wahlenmaier cut one of his fingers off with a hatchet,Monday morning. Dr. Acker was called in and dressed the wound, and the littlefellow is doing nicely. Mr. Wahlenmaier and family lately moved here fromKansas City and are living in the Geo. Allen property.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Members of the literary society out in Bolton 80 claim that some hoodlumscame out from the city and disturbed their meeting last Friday evening.They are known and the guilty parties will be treated to a dose of the lawshould they repeat their dastardly behavior.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Pat Franey let a sharp cornered rock fall on his foot Tuesday while atwork putting in the street curbing, and cut two of his toes almost off.It was thought at first that the injured members would have to be amputated,but later on the doctor concluded they would grow to their places all right.Pat hobbles around on crutches now.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The Telegram says the Republican majorities were cut down. Itlooks that way, don't it? Geo. McIntire got a majority two years ago ofbetween 600 and 700; this year only 1,200. Capt. Nipp doubled his majorityof two years ago this year. We wish the Telegram would tell the truthjust once before the Democratic party dies.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The Atlantic & Pacific railroad company advertises that they wantto employ 500 hands and teams to build its line west from Tulsa. If thisroad is constructed, it will pass through the Oklahoma country and the Cheyenneand Arapahoe reservation, thereby cutting off some of Arkansas City's valuabletrade.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

S. E. Maxwell had three tons of hay burned up last Friday on his farmby some passer-by throwing a lighted cigar in the dry prairie grass. Ifit had not been for the hard work he did in staying the flames, 17 moretons would have been consumed. In fighting the fire, his hands were burnedconsiderably. Won't people never learn to be careful with lighted cigarstubs?

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Come round to our office and let us give you a ride over and around ViewHill addition, known as the Beecher fruit-farm. If you see the lots, youwill purchase. Snyder & Hutchison.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Before it is too late, purchase a home in View Hill addition. Snyder& Hutchison.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The Episcopal Social.

Last Tuesday evening the ladies of the Episcopal Church gave one of theirinimitable entertainments. It occurred in the upper rooms of the Chapel-Bishopblock. Dancing, card- playing, and other games afforded the past-time ofthe evening. As early as 7:30 o'clock the guests began to assemble, andan hour from that time 75 couples had arrived to participate in the festivitiesof the evening. The visitors were received in the parlors of Mrs. Dr. A.J. Chapel and then allowed to roam through all the rooms of the entire block,which were brilliantly lighted up. Hospitable Mrs. E. L. Kingsbury threwopen the doors of the rooms of her home and allowed the many guests theprivilege of using them. Mr. Kingsbury extended his gymnasium to the enjoymentof the occasion, which was quite a treat to the ladies as well as gentlemen.Mrs. H. O. Meigs proved, by the handling of the 25 pound dumbbells, thatshe possessed more strength than any other lady present. Mrs. W. E. Goochalso proved that she possessed a well developed muscle. Supper was servedbetween 10 and 11 o'clock and everything that was good was given to theguests to eat. Mrs. Nicholson, Mrs. Sipes, and other ladies allowed no oneto go away without eating their fill. Three large and well-lighted roomswere utilized by the terpsichorean disciples; three to serve the supperin, and three for social converse.

Everyone present had a grand time, and all expressed the opinion thatthe sociable was the best that has been held in Arkansas City for any age.Prudishness was done away with, and sociability was substituted. The ladiesof the Episcopal Church understand the art of entertaining, beyond a doubt.

The proceeds netted from the evening's entertainment was $30.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Across the Dark River.

DIED. One of the most terrible accidents we have had to chronicle forsome time occurred at Otto on last Sunday, by which Miss Della Richardsonlost her life. The deceased was formerly a resident of Winfield. At thetime of the accident, she was stopping with relatives near Otto. On lastSunday she started to the post office, and was returning home. Having reachedthe gate it seems that she, in trying to open it, frightened the horse,causing him to leap over the wire fence. She was thrown from the horse andher clothing became entangled on the horn of the saddle. The horse ran somedistance, dragging her under its feet. When found her face was badly mutilated,she having been thrown against the wire fence, and her skull was crushed.The accident was not seen by anyone until the unfortunate lady was beyondall earthly help. The remains were taken to Winfield and expressed to Wisconsinfor interment Monday. Miss Richardson was only 20 years of age, and waswell known by the many subscribers of the REPUBLICAN in the community inwhich she resided.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

We visited at Floral and Wilmot over last Sunday. They are located onthe K. C. & S. W. Railway and are booming. A depot has not been builtat either town yet, but at Wilmot stockyards have been put in. It was agala day when she shipped her first loads of cattle. She considered thisa grand triumph over Floral, as that town has not yet been favored withstockyards from the company. Floral is some larger than Wilmot, but bothtowns are building rapidly, and are working hard to command the trade ofthat section. Quite a rivalry exists between the two towns. Wilmot is fourmiles northeast of Floral.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The high school opened in rooms in the Commercial Block Monday morning.Three rooms are used. They have been fitted up very commodiously. Prof.Weir and Miss Belle Everett are the teachers. The new teachers lately engagedare Miss Marshal, of Manhattan; and Miss Z. Buckholder, of this city. Theformer is principal of the East School building and the latter teaches the4th and 5th grades. There is an enrollment of 815 pupils in the school.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Some of the stockholders of Riverview Cemetery Association met in Meigs& Nelson's office last Tuesday evening as per call. C. R. Sipes waschosen chairman, and O. P. Houghton secretary pro tem. There were not enoughstockholders present to go into the election of officers, so the meetingwas adjourned one weekTuesday evening, November 24, at 7 p.m. sharp. Allthe stockholders are once more requested to be present.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

L. H. Braden and J. H. Punshon have leased a basem*nt room in the Burroughs'block and started a pork-packing establishment. These gentlemen have madearrangements to slaughter and pack 1,000 hogs this season. This is an enterprisethat has been badly needed in Arkansas City for several months, and nowthat we have it, let us aid it with our patronage.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

An evening school has been organized by L. F. Abernethy, in which bookkeeping,commercial arithmetic, and grammar are taught. Second session Monday evening,November 22, from 7 to 9 o'clock.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Spence Miner has sold his dry goods store at Ashland.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ridenour came home Friday last.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

J. L. Radcliff and family have gone back to Pierceton, Indiana, to winter.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

S. S. McDowell is building a residence on his lots in the second ward.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Mayor Schiffbauer went up to Wichita Saturday and remained over Sunday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

S. C. Lindsay got home yesterday from off a two weeks business trip toKansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Neal A. Pickett was over from Guelph Wednesday and treated the REPUBLICANto $1.50.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

A. Bookwalter dropped $3 in our subscription till, Tuesday. Mr. Bookwalteris a gentleman.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Dr. Jamison Vawter purchased the drug stock of Grimes & Son Thursday,and took possession.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Miss Jessie Norton delightfully entertained a few of her friends at herhome Thursday evening.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

E. C. Wagner, father of the senior editor of the REPUBLICAN, arrivedin the city Wednesday, from Tiffin, Ohio.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

McDowell & Bowers have dissolved partnership in the hotel business,the first named retaining the Occidental Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

J. N. Lepper, and daughter, of Turnbull, Ohio, are visiting in the city.Mr. Lepper is the father of Mrs. I. R. Deming.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Drs. Shepard & Acker have furnished their office with an organ. Theypropose to soothe the savage breast with music.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

John G. Short, of St. Paul, Minnesota, was in the city three days thisweek. He was here sight-seeing and visiting friends.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Mrs. D. Steele, of Whiting, Iowa, is visiting in the city. Mrs. Steeleis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Steele.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Next morning Dr. J. W. Sparks will go to Topeka to attend United Statescourt. He is a witness in the Handy murder trial.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Allen Ayres, Will Moore, and several others went down in the TerritoryMonday on a hunting expedition. It was a still hunt.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Warren Neil, our blacksmith, has been very sick for two weeks past. Heis convalescing now. His sickness was due to overwork.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Judge Bonsall was up to Leavenworth the first of the week as a delegatefrom the Knights of Honor organization, attending some grand "doin's."

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Dr. Z. Carlisle has purchased the residence property of J. Anderson.The Doctor and his wife will reside here during the winter. It is too coldfor him out at Great Bend.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

E. N. Andrews, of Andrews & Swain of Wellington, drove over Mondayto visit his mammoth store here. He has been here all week helping his brother,Sept., through the rush of work.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

D. R. Beatty sold his half interest in the City Meat Market Thursdayto Fred Bowers. Fred will now deal out tender, uncooked steak instead ofcooked, as he formerly did at the Occidental.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Mike Harkins came in from his western trip Monday looking hale and hearty.After subscribing for the REPUBLICAN, Friend Mike took his departure forKingman, where he intends to reside during the winter.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Miss Clara Andrews has been appointed postmistress at Maple City. MissClara is a handsome and well educated young lady and will doubtless succeedin conducting the affairs of Maple City's post office satisfactorily.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

E. L. McDowell is happy now. His parents, S. S. McDowell and wife, andbrother, W. E. McDowell, and sister, Mrs. C. D. Rushmore, arrived in thecity Friday last and have gone to housekeeping in the second ward. Theywill reside here during the winter.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

MARRIED. Joe Finkleburg, well known as formerly with Eli Youngheim here,was married at Arkansas City the other day to Miss Minnie McIntire. Joehas many friends here who will throw their old shoes of good luck afterhim, chuck full of wishes for the fruition of his brightest hopes. WinfieldCourier.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

R. J. Gardner, of Udall, accompanied by two Buckeye friends, H. J. Butler,of Zanesville, and W. Beall, of Dresden, were in the city the first of theweek, visiting and sight-seeing. The latter two gentlemen were here forthe purpose of looking up a location. In company with Chas. Wells, theypaid a visit to the Chilocco schools, Tuesday, to see how the young Lo wastaught to shoot. Messrs. Butler and Beall will most likely make ArkansasCity their future home.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Indian Inspector, Gardner, was in the city the first of the week. Hewas on his way to the Territory to visit the various agencies. While herehe received a message from the depart- ment to clear the Indian reservationsof all persons having no right on them. When asked if the order referredto the cattlemen, he replied that it included all intruders. Mr. Gardner,in company with the soldiers that have been stationed here, left Wednesdaymorning to execute the order.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The soldiers are having a glorious time expelling the boomers. The latterare scattered all over Oklahoma and the soldiers are compelled to hunt upeach individual and take him to Ft. Reno. At last report 120 boomers hadbeen captured and were held prisoners because they refused to sign an agreementnot to invade that country anymore without leave of congress. Uncle Samfurnishes food for these boomers now three times a day.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Wichita is trying the experiment of graveling her streets. Last weekSearing & Mead shipped 12 carloads of gravel to that city. Why wouldit not be a good plan to gravel our streets, and especially depot street?It costs Wichita $18 to get a load of gravel there from here, there being$14 of freight on each car. Arkansas City could get the same material for$6 per car. If Wichita can pay $18, Arkansas City should be able to pay$6.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

DIED. The many acquaintances of Captain Sanford will be pained to learnof his death, which occurred recently at the residence of his brother, inChicago. Mr. Sanford had for a long time been an invalid and a few weeksago went to Chicago, from Springfield, Missouri, for the purpose of placinghimself under medical treatment in that city. Capt. Sanford moved from hereabout two years ago to Springfield.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

We wish to draw the attention of the public to the "change"that Newman & Co., have made in their ad. They do not impose upon thecredulity of people by holding before their eyes unreasonable and overdrawnadvertisem*nts, but they mean everything they say. Give them a call andsee for yourself.


But as usual our prices are just a little lower than any of these "RemarkableSacrifices," "Wholesale Slaughters," and "Cost Sales,"which are being advertised so extensively.

We think no one in this part of the country Can Afford to Give GoodsAway, And all such advertisem*nts are just a trifle overdrawn to say theleast.


We desire to thank our host of friends and patrons for their generoussupport, and hope to merit a continuance of the same. Your Friends,


Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

For Sale. A team of draft horses and harness. Call on Wm. Henderson.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Geuda Springs & Northwestern.

Elsewhere we publish the fact that a charter has been granted for thebuilding of a railroad from Geuda Springs via Caldwell, northwest, throughHarper County. The line of the road will be from Caldwell through Freeportand Mid Lothian, Harper, one of the towns in Pratt County, crossing theSanta Fe at Offerie [? Not sure of this name], through Jetmore and to ScottCity, thence west to the Colorado line. The company building the road isvirtually the Kansas City & Southwestern. The only change being madeis the addition of the names of two directors from Harper. The HarperGraphic in speaking of the proposed road says: "Of course, it isthe intention to continue the road to the southeast through the Territoryand Arkansas, to the Mississippi, and the coast. This however will be anafter consideration, when the northwestern road is completed. We may addthe road is as well assured as anything in the future can be, and is nota paper road or a visionary scheme."

Light begins to dawn upon our minds concerning the K. C. & S. W.extension. As we understand, the K. C. & S. W. will build here, go westsome two miles, and then construct the road south to the state line, whichwill be the end of the road for the present. As we stated last week, thejunction of the Caldwell extension will be formed about two miles west ofthe city (where the main road goes to the state line), and on via of Geudato Caldwell. Sometime in the future the main road will be extended throughthe Territory to connect with the Panhandle system of Texas. By this newproposed route, Arkansas City will be directly connected with Colorado onthe west and Missouri on the east. The fact that a charter has been grantedfor another line from here going northwest to the same company is almostconclusive evidence that the company intend to make Arkansas City the endof both divisions, and from this point merge both roads into one line. Theend of both roads being here will call for large machine and repair shops,roundhouses, etc. Then it will be our grand motor power, of which we canavail ourselves, will be called into use.

The building of this road will also settle the "bob-tail" question.Arkansas City is not to be located on the "bob-tail." Neitheris Geuda or Caldwell; but all then will be on the main lines. How does thisnews strike you, gentle reader?

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The cattlemen throughout the Indian Territory are very much discouraged.From dispatches we learn that large quantities of the range have been destroyedby fire and for many miles in all directions from Vinita, a man can traveland find no grass whatever. The hay that was put up is in many cases destroyed,and whole fields of corn, as well as houses, fences, barns, etc., have succumbedto the flames. It is feared that there will be a large loss of stock inconsequence.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Capt. Lee, agent at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe agency, sent the followingmessage to Commissioner Adkins, Tuesday. All of the cattle have been removedfrom the reservation. Thousands of cattle have been turned loose in Oklahomato graze. One hundred and twenty boomers have been arrested and broughtto Ft. Reno within the past ten days and the troops are still out.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The case of Mrs. Frankie Morris, charged with poisoning her mother, wascalled for a new trial in the district court Tuesday, at Erie, and at theinstance of the prosecution continued until December 7. It is the generalopinion that the case will be dropped. Mrs. Morris is Winfield's protégé.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The bonds for the building of the Fort Smith & Wellington road werecarried in seventy- six townships in Sumner County Wednesday. The carryingof bonds in this township increases the aid to $118,000 already voted inSumner County, and there are still other townships to vote upon the question.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

The partnership heretofore existing between Dewitt McDowell and FredD. Bower, under the name of McDowell & Bower, in the hotel business,keeping the Occidental Hotel in Arkansas City, Kansas, is hereby dissolvedby mutual consent. The business will be carried on by Dewitt McDowell, whowill collect all debts for said firm and will pay all debts incurred bysaid firm.

Witness our hands this 13th day of October, 1885. F. D. BOWER, D. M.McDOWELL.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Deserved Rebuke.

The trouble experienced by Arkansas City journalists are manifold. Ifone paper makes a typographical, grammatical, or any other kind of error,either through rush, carelessness, or fault of the astute proofreader, the"down-in-the-cellar," "over-the-way," or "upstairs"critic has something to say, while in that same criticism, probably a dozenerrors may appear. It's fun where the reader is only an exchange fiend,but when the subscriber pays for a paper to give the news and sandwich insomething for the good of the race, it certainly appears that our friendsof the future Gateway to the great Indian Territory are wasting time, muscle,and brain power that might be utilized in a better mannerif for no otherpurpose than fertilizing a spot where "the grass grows green."The Traveler established as Mentor for newspapers that knew moreof the west and what was more needed in the west than the Travelerever had time to step down off his old fogy "pedagogic" pedestalto try to learn.

All the Arkansas City papers make errors of some kind, "allee sameelikee Melican papers," but the criticisms are absurd. The Democratought to be the first to quit. It says good things and makes happy hitsbut uses just such language as this and other country papers are accustomedto in their narrow walk which seems to be beyond the two-dollar gasolinelight furnished by the Traveler. The Republican is the paperwhich (is that right?) deserves the contents of the dinner basket. If theRepublican don't go on and hit things in just such language thatwe ignorant country papers can understand, and let the aged and feeble mindedalone, we will be compelled to sentence it to a few years servitude undersome men who know nothing except their personal reminiscences of years agoabore to the reader, or something they read when attending the Alma Mater.Burden Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Another Railroad.

TOPEKA, KANSAS, November 12. The Chicago, Emporia & Southwesternrailway has been incorporated, with the following board of directors: H.C. Cross, C. Wood, D. M. Davis, H. P. Clark, O. W. Waymire, J. M. Steele,Emporia; W. M. Jones, Des Moines; J. S. Doolittle, Cotton Falls; H. H. Gardner,El Dorado. The capital stock has been placed at $12,000,000. Starting atthe Missouri river, this road proposes to run through the counties of Doniphan,Brown, Nemaha, Atchison, Jackson, Pottawatomie, Leavenworth, Jefferson,Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Osage, Lyon, Morris, Marion, Chase, Greenwood, Butler,Sedgwick, Cowley, Sumner, and Harper, and through the Indian Territory.The road also proposes to cross twenty-four counties in Texas and will,in all, cover 600 miles. The places of business named are Atchison and Emporia,Kansas, and Wichita Falls, Texas. There are men here who profess to believethat this road will be built, and that right soon.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.

Stone Calf, the Indian chief whose death is reported from Cheyenne Agency,was one of the malcontents, or "unreconstructed" Indians of thattribe. He was an Indian Bourbon, and opposed all efforts at educating orteaching his people in the ways of white men. He headed the discontentedlast spring, when war was nearly precipitated; and has always been readyto go on the warpath. In 1874 he headed the outbreak of that time, and hewas leader of the band which captured the German family from Georgia enroute to Colorado, near Danver's station on the Smoky Hill Route. The familyconsisted of father and mother, a married daughter and her husband, a sonabout 14, and four single daughters, the eldest about 18, the next 13, andtwo little girls. The father, mother, married daughter and her husband andthe boy were killed outright, and the four other children, girls, were carriedoff into captivity. Gen. Miles was in command of the troops operating againstthe Indians at this time, and was indefatigable in his pursuit of them torescue these girls. Two of them were recovered from the Indians after afight on McClellan Creek, Lieutenant Hobart K. Bailey, of the Fifth Infantry,rescuing them, but the two others were spirited away. They were finallysurrendered after the Indians were driven by General Miles into their agency.Subsequently, congress appropriated $20,000 to be devoted to the educationof these girls, and they were consigned to a Catholic institution in Leavenworth,Kansas.

Stone Calf's death has removed a stumbling block, and the government'sefforts to educate and civilize the Cheyennes will be attended with greatersuccess since he is dead.

Arkansas City Republican, November 21, 1885.


The article on Oklahoma in last week's Republican provoked someunfriendly criticism to the writer's loyalty to the boomer cause. I sayin self-defense that all my interests are identified with the labor class,and it would be best to lay a foundation for settlement in Oklahoma. ButI am far from going into spasms about it. I have no faith in fits as a preliminaryto the opening of the Territory for settlement.

Before Oklahoma can be settled, congress must first actrepeal the permitlaw or procure the Indians' consent to settlement. Stockmen have procuredit. Their leases are evidences of it, but the Indians can revoke those leasesat will and the lessees must move off as seen in the recent order movingstockmen from the Cheyenne country.

Whether any of these leases are legal or not depends upon what congresswill do. If congress legalizes them, they are legal; if not, they are not;for the law reads, "No lease shall be made with the Indians withoutthe consent of congress." There has been no congressional action onany of these leases. Prudence and caution will be necessary when congressdoes act; for, ratify the cattle leases and it will necessitate the legalizingof land leases for agricultural purposes, also. This would never do.

What delays congressional action on those leases no man knows betterthan Hon. Ryan, of Kansas, or the Standard Oil Company of Pennsylvania,or Hon. Phillips, Cherokee counsel at Washington. Perhaps Secretary Tellerknows something about it. One thing to my mind is clear, that there neverwould have been the money invested on those ranches that has been if therehad not been some assurance that congress would delay action.

The interests of the country require that the cattle remain where theyare. Millions of beef, which the world needs, are annually burned in thegrass and forever lost. Also the world needs the billions of bread whichlie undeveloped in the rich soil of Oklahoma. The Indians will not developit; why not, then, give it to men that will? By doing so a few cattlemenmight suffer pecuniary loss, but the country at large would not, for asmuch beef, if not more, would be produced by the many farmers as is producednow by the few cattle barons, and in addition to this billions of breadand fuel.

Besides all this, how many homeless families now almost perishing forfood and destitute of clothing, at the door of pitiless winter, dependentfor shelter upon the crafty landlord, would find homes of comfort and plentyif this goodly land was accessible?

The opening to settlement of the Black Hills country was a great reliefto the nation from her financial troubles and it gave the party in poweran additional lease of ten years. Greater results for good will inevitablyfollow the opening of Oklahoma. I am no Democrat, but would rejoice withthat party in any good thing it may do.

As for the "poor Lo," he must stand aside. If he persists inidleness and living off of the industry of the paleface and continues toblock the wheels of commercial progress, American enterprise will plow himunder or crush him beneath the iron horse. One more turn of the iron wheeland the Redman is out of the home-seekers' way. T. D. ROSS.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

An Excursion Over the K. C. & S. W., that Long Fought ForRailroad.
Beaumont Found to be a Booming Metropolis (?),
Fast Growing in Opulence upon the Flint Hills of Butler County.

Early on last Tuesday morning, two omnibuses drew up to the Leland Hoteland took on board the following gentlemen, who had been invited by the managersof the K. C. & S. W., to take a pleasure trip over that road to thefamous and booming Beaumont: Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Hight, Davis,Thompson, Bailey, Dean, and Dunn, and their friends whom they invited, H.H. Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City ClerkBenedict; also, the railroad committee, consisting of A. A. Newman, N. T.Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin.Bro. Lockley, too, was among the honored ones, and was to chronicle thethrilling incidents of the trip, furnish intellectual food for the party,and report the impressive appearance, the "sights" and widelyspread influence, of flourishing Beaumont. After a drive of about threemiles, the gleeful party reached the end of the track, where over 200 railroadhands were busy at work, rapidly advancing the "iron bands" towardsArkansas City.

It was after 8 o'clock before they heard the distant whistling of theexcursion train, towards which they at once started, and which they reachedafter a brisk walk of nearly a mile. Had it not been for Councilman Davis,who has only one natural leg to work with, they probably would have continuedtheir journey on foot, and thus economized time. As it was, Mr. Davis wasconveyed to the cars in a carriage to avoid the fatigue of walking. Allhaving gotten on board, the train moved slowly up the track. They had ajolly, rollicking time.

Having arrived at Winfield, the passengers allowed the engine to resta little, although it caused them much weariness to be delayed in a villageof such few attractions when vivid pictures of enterprising Beaumont occupiedtheir excited minds. Mr. Latham joined the party at Winfield, and when thetrain pulled out, the officers of the road suspended from the rear end ofthe last car a banner, bearing the inscription, "The town we left behindus." From that railroad station onto the end of the journey, the trainswept over the track at a rapid rate, passing through Floral, Wilmot, Atlanta,and Latham. Beaumont (a French word meaning "the fashionable world")was reached at 11:30 a.m., and the party evacuated the cars and proceededat once to the central part of the city. On either side, as they walkedup main street, tall and magnificent buildings met their view, and the heartsof the rustic excursionists almost ceased to beat on account of the grandeurthey beheld. Councilman Dunn had purchased a bran new hat that morning,and in trying to pass in under one of the lofty awnings, it was completelycrushed. [N.B. This incident occurred before the drugstore was visited.]They found that the city consists of fourteen houses, which have been standingfor 14 years, and the inhabitants number about 75. This is conclusive evidencethat the town is still booming. When one of the natives was asked why hedid not move to a better locality, he proudly pointed to the barren flinthills, and, with Kansas enthusiasm, maintained that Beaumont was the garden-spotof the world. After dinner, which was served in the spacious dining hallof Noah Herring, some of the party, for amusem*nt, played at billiards andpigeon-hole. Bro. Lockley and Geo. Cunningham leveled down the flint hillsand bombarded the town pitching horseshoes. Some of them went into one ofthe two drugstores in the place and consulted the "holy record"in order to procure some remedy for their ailments. The druggist showedthem a full "soda pop" barrel, the greater portion of whose contentsthey consumed.

While in the drug store they made the following invoice of the stockit contained.

1 small stove: $2.00

1 old keg: $0.00

1 old box: $0.00

1 counter: $10.00

10 boxes of candy: $10.00

1 pail of tobacco: $4.00

2 boxes of nuts: $.50

1 barrel of whiskey: $8.00

TOTAL: $34.50

The excursionists returned to Arkansas City at about 9 o'clock p.m.,full of joy and "soda water." There will be another excursionover this road soon and everybody here will then have a chance to see Beaumont.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

More Glad Tidings.

A special dispatch from Vinita, Indian Territory, in regard to the proceedingsof the Cherokee National Council, to the Kansas City Times, of Tuesday,says:

"The railroad interests are not unrepresented. Governor Brockmeyer,agent of Jay Gould's interests in the Indian Territory, has been present;Judge Allen, of Little Rock, is still on the field. The latter is interestedin an act granting the right of way to the Kansas and Arkansas Valley railroad.The bill provides for a railway, telegraph, and telephone line, beginningnear Arkansas City, down the Valley of the Arkansas River on the north toa point opposite Ft. Smith, with a branch at or near the Verdigris River,to the Kansas line near Coffeyville. The bill guarantees safety to the nationin the present tenure of its lands, and in its present form of government,as far as the company or their successors are concerned. The closing sectionprovides that the railroad company shall accept the right of way and grant,upon the express condition that it will neither aid, advise, or assist inany effort looking or tending toward the changing or extinguishment of thepresent tenure of this nation in its land, and will occupy the right ofway solely for railway purposes."

The REPUBLICAN would suggest that our railroad committee place itselfin correspondence with Judge Allen and see if any assistance could be renderedhim from the citizens in this community in regard to the matter. It is bestto strike while the iron is hot. If Arkansas City gets that road, her futureas the metropolis of the Arkansas Valley is fixed. The city getting thefirst railroad through the Territory will be the Kansas City of Kansas.In Kansas this road is known as the Ft. Smith & Wellington.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

The Mite Society of the U. P. Church met Tuesday evening at the residenceof Mrs. Wm. Benedict, Miss Emma Campbell doing the honors of the occasion.Lee Warren presided over the meeting, and Miss Lizzie Wilson acted as secretary.Many of the members were absent, but those who were there gave an excellententertainment. The exercises consisted of declamations, select readings,and music. Those who were to read essays failed to perform. Prof. J. C.Bryan, who joined the society that evening, delivered a declamation whichclearly made manifest his ability and excellence as an elocutionist. Afterthe exercises were over, a good "social time" was indulged in.This society is instructive and entertaining, and is beneficial morallyand intellectually.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

Thanksgiving services at the Gilstrap schoolhouse by Elders F. L. Walkerand J. J. Prowse. A large number gathered with their baskets. After thereligious services, tables were extemporized, and filled with choice provisionsand delicacies, which the ladies know so well how to prepare. Ball playingamong the boys, music by the singers, and sociability by all helped to makeit an occasion to be remembered, and will naturally call for its repetition.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

The Constitution and By-Laws Adopted.

Believing in the necessity of an association of citizens to give toneand energy to their efforts in securing the advantages which the positionof the city offers to commerce, trade, and manufacturers, as well as topromote unity of action and to cultivate a more intimate and friendly acquaintanceamong the businessmen of the city, and to maintain a commercial exchangeto promote uniformity in the customs and usages of merchants, and to inculcateprinciples of justice and equity in trade, and to facilitate the speedyadjustment of business dispute, to acquire and disseminate valuable commercialand economic information, and generally to secure to its numbers the benefitsof co-operation in furtherance of their legitimate pursuits, and to useour influence, energies, and means for the furtherance of all enterprisesthat we believe will add to the prosperity of our city, and that these endsmay be obtained by the establishment of a board of trade; we, the citizensof Arkansas City, do therefore agree to form such an association, and tobe governed by the following constitution and code of by-laws.


ARTICLE 1. The officers of this Board of Trade shall consist of a president,two vice- presidents, ten directors, two secretaries, and a treasurer, whoshall constitute its board of managers. They shall be chosen semi-annually,on the second Monday of January and July of each year. Their election shallbe by ballot and they shall hold their office until their successors areduly elected and qualified.


ARTICLE 2. This association shall hold semi-annual meetings on the secondMondays of January and July at half past 7 o'clock, p.m. But special meetingsmay be called by order of a majority of the managers whenever they may deemit proper, and upon the written application of not less than ten members,the managers shall call said meeting at the time so requested.


ARTICLE 3. The managers shall meet steadily on the first Thursday orevery month for the transaction of such business as may come before themand at the annual meeting shall present to the association a report of theproceedings of the past year.


ARTICLE 4. There shall be appointed semi-annually, by the managers, acommittee of arbitration to consist of five members, two of whom may berejected by the parties submitting the case and their places supplied bytwo other members to be appointed by the managers. The chairman of saidcommittee shall be designated by the managers at the time of its appointment.


ARTICLE 5. The duties of the committee of arbitration shall be to arbitrateand decide all disputed accounts and contracts and all controversies ofa mercantile character which may be brought before them by the members,the parties having previously signed a bond for such an amount as the committeemay require to abide by the decision of the same. The assistant secretaryshall serve as clerk of the committee of arbitration. Any member who doesnot abide by, and comply with, the decision of the committee, shall be expelledfrom this association by order of the managers.


ARTICLE 6. There shall also be appointed by the managers, at the regularsemi-annual meetings, a standing committee on railroads and steamboats,to consist of five members, to whom shall be referred all matters relatingto the transportation of merchandise and passengers to and from the city.They shall semi-annually and whenever they deem it expedient make reportsto the managers or board all such subjects relating to the various railroadand steamboat lines connected with our city, with such recommendations forthe action of the managers or board as they may deem advisable.


ARTICLE 7. There shall be appointed by the managers at their regularsemi-annual meetings a standing committee on manufactories, whose dutiesit shall be to look to the interests and welfare of the city at all times,with the view of securing any and all manufacturing interests possible withinour city, and to whom shall be referred any matters tending in that directionthat may come to the knowledge of any member of the board, and said committeeshall make out and submit at least once during their term of office, a fulland detailed report of their labors, and submit the same to a regular meetingof the board.


ARTICLE 8. The secretary shall keep a list of all the members of theassociation and also an accurate report of the transactions of the managersat their monthly meetings and of the annual meeting of the members. Theassistant secretary shall attend the sittings of the committee of arbitration,record their decisions, give notice to said committee when their servicesare required, render a copy of their verdict to the parties in the case,collect the fees of arbitration and all other moneys due the board, andpay the same over to the treasurer, read the minutes of the last meetingat the monthly meetings of the directors and annual meetings of the directors,and report the proceedings of the committee of arbitration at each meetingof the managers.


ARTICLE 9. The treasurer shall receive from the secretary all moneysbelonging to the board, shall disburse the same upon order of the secretarywhen approved by the president or one of the vice-presidents, and shallreport the receipts and expenditures at each monthly meeting of the managersand annual meetings of the association.


ARTICLE 10. The funds of the association shall at all times be subjectto the control of managers.


ARTICLE 11. Any individual a resident of Arkansas City, Kansas, may becomea member of this association on payment of five dollars in advance. Annualassessments, not exceeding $5.00, may be made and any refusal to pay suchassessments for 60 days, upon written notice, shall be considered as a withdrawalfrom the association and the name of the party shall be stricken from thesame.


ARTICLE 12. The by-laws and constitution of this association shall notbe altered or amended, except at a special meeting called for that purposeby order of a majority of the managers, a written or printed notice of whichmeeting and the proposed alteration shall be transmitted by the secretaryto each member of the association.


ARTICLE 1. This association shall be known as the Board of Trade, ofArkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas.

ARTICLE 2. Its place of business shall be Arkansas City.


ARTICLE 3. The president, or one of the vice-presidents, shall presideat all meetings of the board and also of the managers. A quorum of the boardshall consist of not less than fifteen members and a quorum of the managersof not less than four directors together with the presiding officer, butin the absence of the president and all the vice-presidents, a presidentprotem may be chosen.


ARTICLE 4. The president, or, in his absence, either of the vice-presidents,shall have the power, on any emergency, to call a special meeting of theboard, but the business to be acted upon at such special meeting, shallbe given in the notice of said meeting, and no other acted upon but by unanimousconsent.


ARTICLE 5. Every person desirous of becoming a member of this associationshall be proposed at a stated meeting; and if five or more negative votesshall appear against any candidate, he shall not be admitted as a member.Nor shall his name again appear before the board for membership until afterthe expiration of six months from the date of such rejection. On becominga member, he shall sign the constitution and by-laws. No application tobe acted upon less accompanied by a membership fee of five dollars.


ARTICLE 6. The monthly meetings of the managers shall be held on thefirst Thursday of every month at the chambers of the board, at such houras may be ordered by the president, written notice of which meeting shallbe given to each member of the board.


ARTICLE 7. Any member who shall refuse or neglect to sign the constitutionand by- laws of the association, may be expelled by the vote of three-fourthsof the members present. But a notice of said motion shall be served on him,by the secretary, previous to said meeting. Any members failing to attendany regular meeting, having been notified of such meeting being called inwriting by the secretary, may be expelled upon a majority vote of all memberspresent. And any member failing to attend for three consecutive meetingsof said board, after having been notified as required, shall be declaredexpelled from the association, Provided that sickness or wholly unavoidablecauses of his absence, may work a reasonable excuse.


ARTICLE 8. Any member who may wish to withdraw from the association shallgive written notice thereof, together with his reasons therefor. But nomember shall be permitted to withdraw, unless he shall have paid his yearlysubscription.


ARTICLE 9. In addition to the admission fee of five dollars, an annualassessment, to be fixed by the managers, shall be collected by the secretary,and by him deposited with the treasurer.


A. J. PYBURN, President.

H. D. KELLOGG, 1st Vice-President.

WM. M. SLEETH, 2nd Vice-President.

M. N. SINNOTT, Secretary.

N. T. SNYDER, Assistant Secretary.

A. D. MOWRY, Treasurer.


A. J. PYBURN, Chairman.














Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

The editor of the War Chief in his last week's issue gives thefollowing account of his trip through the Territory. He says: "We havereturned from Oklahoma. We were in the saddle seventeen days during whichtime we traveled over five hundred miles through the Indian Territory. Wepassed over and through the Cherokee Strip, Oklahoma, Otoe, Ponca, and NezPerces. We saw very few settlers in our travels, thousands of cattle, severalcattle men and cow boys, soldiers, and horse thieves. To the boomer, Oklahomais the dearest spot upon earth, and well may he feel proud of that country.We have traveled through and over several of the best agricultural statesin the Union, but nowhere have we ever seen so fine a country. The climatecannot be excelled, the land is of the finest quality in point of fertility,the water is excellent, and timber plenty. The finest valleys to be seenon the American continent are to be seen in Oklahoma. We saw grass eightfeet high; sunflowers twelve feet high; and wild hemp fifteen feet high.What corn we saw was very large and rank. During this journey we gatheredmany important facts, which we intend giving to the reading public. Ourreturn to the War Chief office was too late to attempt the like inthis issue, so we make a passing comment of what may be expected from thisdate on."

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

Frank Graham Captured.

Yesterday we learned that Frank Graham, A. V. Alexander & Co.'s secondabsconding bookkeeper, had been captured. He was found away down in PinnalCounty, Arizona. His whereabouts was discovered in this wise.

Last Tuesday a paper addressed to Mrs. Minnie Freeland came to this postoffice from Pinnal. By some chance the postmaster threw the paper in thelock-box of Alexander & Co. On glancing over the mail after going tothe office Tuesday afternoon, A. V. Alexander saw that there was a paperwhich did not belong to the firm. There seemed to be something familiarabout the hand-writing, and on scrutinizing it very closely, he recognizedit as that of Frank Graham, the absconding bookkeeper.

Sheriff McIntire was made cognizant of the discovery, and he took immediatesteps towards the arrest of Graham. A description was sent to the sheriffof Pinnal County and an answer came back that there was a lame young manthere, who lately came with a printer.

That settled the matter, and Sheriff McIntire telegraphed back to makethe arrest, and he would come after the prisoner immediately. Sheriff McIntireleft yesterday afternoon. Pinnal City is an out of way place, 30 miles fromany railroad, and the fugitive evidently thought he was safe. He will bebrought back here and tried. Smith, the first bookkeeper who embezzled,will shave his trial in January. It would be a good plan to try the pairat the same time.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

At Last.

The K. C. & S. W. Railroad has come. It arrived within the corporativelimits Thursday morning at about 9 o'clock. The temporary depot is at thecorner of 13th Street and 13th Avenue. The company asked for an extensionof time in which to erect a permanent depot, and the city council readilygranted it 30 days. We will have the best and most commodious depot on theline when it is completed, notwithstanding the Courier and Telegrampoking considerable fun at the smallness of the temporary one. Winfieldnow realizes that she has lost considerable by her contemptible actionstoward the company, and now endeavors to ease her aching heart by makinglight of Arkansas City. But never mind, neighbor, we could, if we were soungenerous, rejoice over your downfall. Our heart is too large to allowus to tread upon a fallen foe. The Winfield Courier and CowleyCounty Telegram will soon be part of the past. They may be carted overto Tisdale and their lives perpetuated there. A few weeks more and Winfieldwill hear something "drap," and don't you forget it.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

Items from Maple City.

A new hardware store in town.

A broom factory is underway.

The wagon shop is crowded with work.

Mr. Finegan's child, which was very sick, is getting better.

The masons are contemplating building a hall.

There was a large crowd at the Lyceum last Wednesday.

A detective was in town a few days.

The people of this city are in hopes they will have a railroad some time.

The schoolhouse will shortly be reseated with new desks.

Marion Mcnu*tt, who lives three miles from town, had the misfortune tofall off of a wagon and sprain his ankle.

Thursday night there was a select party at H. S. Libby's. The guestsenjoyed themselves hugely.

Would it not be a good plan for a Doctor to keep quiet, and not blabeverytime he thinks he will be called to attend a baby?

A. Gilkey, who is studying for the ministry, at Baldwin, Douglass County,was in town a few days.

The leading merchant has found a great attraction in a canyon, abouttwo miles and a half from townoh, you little canyon.

BIRTH. Last Wednesday R. E. Howe put on his plug hat and new suit ofclothes all on account of a baby boy, which he thinks will be large enoughsometime in the future, to drive the hack.

A young man from New Orleans is stopping at the Maple City house. Heresembles a cayote as he is howling most of the time.

A prominent man of this place last week thought he had lost a fine pig.After he and his hired man had looked all over town, they found the pigin the pen a short distance from the house.

Enos Goodrich and several others have gone to the Territory to hunt.One of them will probably bring back another bone to show the boys.

Two of the belles of Maple City went with a dude out in the country toa Sunday school festival, where they found he did not have a cent. Yum,yum, so nice to have cheek.

A beautiful and accomplished young lady of this place has been appointedpostmistress. All of the intelligent citizens of this place are well pleasedwith the change, but do not like the idea of going out in the country toget their mail. TELEPHONE.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 28, 1885.

MARRIED. At the residence of Frank Baker, father of the bride, near Seeley,Cowley County, Kansas, November 25th, 1885, A. A. Wiley of Arkansas City,and Miss Anna M. Baker, P. B. Lee, D.D., officiating. The ceremony was performedin the presence of a select company of relatives and intimate friends. Immediatelyafter a bountiful dinner, the newly wedded pair took the cars for a shorttrip to Newton to return on the following day to participate in a grandreception. Mr. Wiley came home today; Mrs. Wiley will follow Monday. TheREPUBLICAN congratulate the newly wedded pair and may their married lifeprove one long dream of wedded bliss.


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Tax roll now ready at Frank J. Hess' office.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Wheat and corn 80 and 30 cents per bushel.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Pay your taxes. F. J. Hess has a duplicate roll.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

For Rent. Furnished rooms. Inquire at this office.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

If you want anything repaired, go to Ridenour & Thompson.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Stove wood for sale cheap by the Arkansas City Coal. Co.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

If you want a good gold pen, go to Ridenour & Thompson's.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

If you want a good clock cheap, go to Ridenour & Thompson's.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

E. L. McDowell has an endless variety of beautiful designs in Jewelryand Silverware.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

C. M. Scott purchased 1,000 bushels of corn up at Mulvane and had itshipped down Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

It don't cost you anything to get goods, bought of Ridenour & Thompson,engraved (by hand).

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

E. L. McDowell has a splendid line of PLUSH GOODS for watches, jewelry,spectacles, and silverware.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Newman & Co., are here to meet all competition. Don't fail to rememberthis fact.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The plat of View Hills can be seen at our office. SNYDER & HUTCHISON.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The Stewart Wilberforce Concert Company will give an entertainment Mondayevening at the Baptist Church.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

A dispatch from Caldwell says that the boomers arrived there the firstof the week. They were escorted out of the Territory by the militia.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

We are under obligations to our friend, Jack Hilliard, for a ride outto view the track- layers at work, behind his black mare, "Pet."She is a flyer.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The reception given by Misses High's dancing club last Wednesday eveningwas attended by about 35 couples. A very enjoyable time was had by thosepresent.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

A special police has been put on in the Kaw and Osage reservation tokeep out wood- haulers. Persons residing on the north side of the Arkansaswill have to get their wood elsewhere.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

GEMS. At Dresser's Gallery until Dec. 1 only. Make your friends the veryacceptable present of a nice photograph of yourself, for a Christmas gift.I have reduced cabinets $5.00 per dozen until Dec. 20. Strictly first-classwork and satisfaction guaranteed.

G. W. DRESSER, Photographer.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

For homes, buy lots in the View Hill addition. SNYDER & HUTCHISON.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Newman & Co., carry a choice line of Comforts and Blankets.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Over 100 lots in View Hill addition. These lots are 50 x 132 feet, andare the choicest in the city for suburban residences. For prices and terms,call on Snyder & Hutchison.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Some "comic" young acrobats visited Hoyt's gymnasium on the"sly" Thursday, stuffed Buckskin Joe's suit full of shavings,and hung it up. This is what we call latent fun.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The editors of the REPUBLICAN acknowledge an invitation to dine at theOccidental on Thanksgiving; we missed a first-class square meal by not going.A previous engagement prevailed. Many thanks, Mc.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The Southwestern Kansas Teachers' Association convened at Wichita, Thursday,and was continued over Friday. Prof. J. C. Weir attended from here and gavean interesting discussion on "Self-government."

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

W. B. Thomas has a shop from over Wyckoff & Son's store to the basem*ntof the Bishop building, where he is prepared to do all kinds of ornamentalhouse and sign painting, calsomining, graining, and decorative paper-hanging.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

At the union Thanksgiving services, a large congregation assembled atthe Baptist Church Thursday morning, to whom Elder Witt delivered an interestingdiscourse. The assembly was also entertained by some excellent vocal andinstrumental music.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The ladies of the Baptist congregation gave a supper last Thursday eveningand dinner yesterday. The inclemency of the weather diminished the attendancesomewhat, but quite a number were in attendance at both meals. We are notinformed as to the amount of the proceeds.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

A little ten-year-old son of Mr. Clay, of Maple City, while playing withsome other children Friday evening last, received a severe injury. He wassliding down "Grimes' cellar door" on the roof of a low shed,and the last time he alighted astride of a rail. The little fellow sufferedseverely from the injury, but at this writing is getting along nicely.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Tuesday evening at 6 o'clock a loud report was heard in the directionof the Courier office, at Winfield. A great many supposed Frank Greerhad exploded, but on going to the office it was found that plumbers at workin the rear of the Courier office, under the bank extension, hadlit a match; the room being filled with escaping gas, an explosion followed,blowing out all the windows, and somewhat injuring the man who lit the match.Fortunately, no other damage was done.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

There will be four book agents, three male and one female, in our cityin the next two weeks canvassing for books for an eastern firm. These booksare fine print and cheap paper and bound in paper and cloth. They ask youa high price for these books, which they have to do to clear expenses. Nowany book these parties offer you, we will get you for less money or thesame, and better quality. Look at our catalogues and get our prices anddo not patronize such parties. KINGSBURY & BARNETT.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

J. E. Doyle, the contractor of the stone work for the K. C. & S.W. Road, informs us that he has put men at work in the stone quarry eastof town to get the stone cut for the building of abutments for bridges betweenhere and the state line. The graders have moved to town and are camped overin the jack oaks. The grading is completed to the canal and the buildingof the trestle work will commence next week. The bridge across the ArkansasRiver will be constructed on piling. Until the road is completed to thestate line, trains will run no further than Arkansas City. At last we havea direct St. Louis connection.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Another Paper.

We are told by a good old Democrat that another paper is to be startedin Arkansas City soon to represent the silk stocking element of the Democraticparty. The paper will be backed by some of the most influential Democratshere and the editor is to be imported from Mississippi. The backers wantthe genuine Democracy and in order to get it, send to Mississippi for thebrains. We are told further that the organ will adhere strictly to the shotgunpolicyusing its own sheet for wadding in loading.

The REPUBLICAN advances the opinion that, upon the advent of anothernewspaper in Arkansas City, there will be about four editors gone "overthe hill to the poor-house." Several times we almost came to the conclusionthat we had better make a trial trip. But as time progressed our minds changed.Dear Democrats, kind Democrats, don't think that because the editors ofthe REPUBLICAN are rolling in "affluence" and poverty that everyman who gives birth to a newspaper can enjoy the same privileges. The sufferingsof some editors are ofttimes cut short by the hand of death being laid heavilyupon the organ which is to fill a long felt want. Democrats, study wellthe situation before you fling your banner to the breezes. Don't allow yourselfto become over-zealous in the cause, by the good fortune which has beenbestowed upon the "youthful cotemporary." It is very few men thatpossess the knack of embarking in the newspaper business upon a large capitalof nothing and keeping their bank account evenly balanced. Nor, again, isit every man that understands the art of keeping his creditors at bay, whilehis family feasts upon concert tickets, and consumes the last load of pumpkinsand wood brought in by a delinquent subscriber. Don't act rashly, friends,stop and consider what we have had said. Perhaps you may enjoy the blessedprivileges which surround us, in some future day, but don't attempt it inArkansas City. You will find it more profitable to locate in Arkansas andoriginate a pole-cat ranche. Then and there you can raise as big a stenchas you desire without an organ.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.


A dispatch of Monday, from Independence, Kansas, says:

"The surveyors have located seventeen miles of the Verdigris Valley,Independence and Western railroad, from Le Roy to Independence, and arepushing along as fast as possible, and will reach that city about December21. President Foster, of the road, will start the contractors to work thisweek at Le Roy, grading and bridging the road. We are told by parties whoare in a position to know that this line on being completed to Independencewill be constructed west along the state line. The charter calls for theroad to pass through Arkansas City to Deep Hole in Clark County. From thesame dispatch we learn that the Independence and Southwestern railway aregrading southwest from Independence and will build some 40 miles as fastas possible. When completed the division of the Southern will be moved therefrom Cherryvale. The Independence and Southern Kansas road is a Santa Feproject. The Le Roy road is a Missouri Pacific enterprise and as soon aswork was begun on it, the Santa Fe ordered 40 miles of road to be constructedsouthwest from Independence in order to head off the first named to keepit from building farther than Independence. The 40 mile extension of theSanta Fe will carry it to Cedarvale, Chautauqua County, about 30 miles eastof Arkansas City. It is only a question of time until both of these roadscome to Arkansas City. The Santa Fe will come in order to hold its territory,and the Missouri Pacific will come to get the vast patronage which willbe dealt out upon the opening of Oklahoma, and also a feeder to the mainGould system. So much railroad building along the state line is a good omenthat the opening up of the Territory for settlement will occur soon. Also,the extension of the railroad from Tulsa, Indian Territory, west. The latteris the most bespeakable sign for the opening of Oklahoma. If developmentsoccur as favorably in the next six months as in the six months just goneby, that much coveted land will be occupied by actual settlers. Mark ourprediction.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The Fort Smith road, with its Mississippi River connections, and itsconnection with the Chesapeake & Ohio railway, united to the Atlanticcoast, is one of the grandest as it is one of the best and most promisingtraffic routes to be found in the United States. Especially will this befound true with reference to such an extension to the Arkansas Valley. Andno stone is being left unturned in that interest. The first and most importantstep is the right of way through the Territory, which will be vigorouslypushed in congress this winter.

Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Go to McDowell's for anything in the line of silver-plated ware. A largeinvoice of the genuine Wm. Rogers knives, forks, spoons, etc., just received.Everything purchased there will be engraved free of charge.


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Mrs. Mytie Connor returned to her Illinois home Monday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

A. W. Patterson is in from New Kiowa, visiting convivial companions.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Dr. Parsons came home from his rusticating trip up north Tuesday.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

B. J. Anderson and family have moved to Wellington and opened up a bakery.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

David Berkey, of Winfield, spent Thanksgiving day with friends and relativesin Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Hawkins, a first babe, Monday morning.Weight 6- 1/2 pounds. Small but cute, you know.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Hamilton & Pentecost have closed their restaurant at this point andmoved to Winfield and will start a candy factory. Winfield's gain is ourloss.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The friends of Guy Sparks gave him a birthday party at the residenceof his parents Tuesday evening, in honor of his 18th anniversary.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

E. P. Cowgill, of Fredonia, state lecturer of the masonic order, wasin the city Tuesday and Wednesday giving instructions in masonic work.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

E. C. Gage came home from Boston yesterday looking exceedingly well.He has been using the famous Boston Baked Beans as a remedy for rheumatism.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Balyeat & Co., are getting up a rare collection of specimens. Theyhave on exhibition a well preserved horned toad, Mexican Lizard, Swift,and a Ground Puppy.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Mowry & Sollitt are the first enterprising merchants to advertisetheir holiday goods. These gentlemen have a mammoth stock of holiday goods.Read their ad elsewhere.

AD. HOLIDAYS are Coming and MOWRY & SOLLITT as usual will show youa fine line of Holiday Goods consisting of Plush mirrors, Comb and BrushSets, Shaving sets, Whisk Broom holders, Photo and Autograph albums, GiftBoxes, Woven Books, Bisques, China, and Indestructible Dolls, Writing Desks,and many other novelties suitable for Christmas presents. Christmas cardsand Banners more beautiful than ever. A fine line of Artists material: Brass,Paper Mache, Glass, and Wood plaques, Banner rods, Canvass, Tube Paints,etc. Don't mind the crossings, broken sidewalks, stone piles, and otherobstructions, but come anyway and we will surely make it to your interestto buy of us. Respectfully,


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Chas. Dix went to get off of a load of hay last Saturday and insteadof alighting on his feet struck the hard ground on his face and hands. Result:skinned nose and two black eyes.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

N. T. Snyder and Will D. Mowry went over into the land of Guelph Wednesdayevening and held a rousing meeting in the interest of the K. C. & S.W. Extension to Caldwell.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Trustee John A. Scott, of Bolton Township, is arranging his fine farmup into Applepie order. This week he added a large Star windmill to hismany improvements and fixtures.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Harry McLaughlin sprained his ankle quite badly the latter part of lastweek, but after good doctoring for a few days, he was able to be aroundonce more with his usual nimbleness.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Fred. Hawk, while performing upon the flying "trapeze" Tuesdayevening in Hoyt's gymnasium, alighted on the wrong side of his foot, creatinga severe sprain. He walks with the assistance of a cane.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

MARRIED. Miss Eva Dent, of Wenona, Illinois, who visited in the cityat various periods during several years past, was united in marriage Thursdayof last week to Mr. Guy Richey. Mrs. Richey is a cousin of L. V. Coombs.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Kingsbury & Barnett are the weather prognosticators of Arkansas City.They furnish a daily weather report at their book store. If you desire togo a hunting tomorrow, step in and see if the weather will be favorable.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Jas. E. Nash desires the REPUBLICAN to come to Abington, Massachusetts,in order that he may know what is transpiring in the metropolis of CowleyCounty. Mrs. Hunt nee Nellie Nash, who has been very sick, is convalescing.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Postmaster Sinnott has made a most convenient change in the stamp window.Instead of having it at the general delivery, it has been located in thenorth side of the lobby. Consequently, postage stamps can now be purchasedduring the distribution of mails.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

In this issue of the REPUBLICAN the veteran dry goods man, S. Matlack,advertises his annual December Clearing Sale. Mr. Matlack is desirous ofreducing his stock. He will make a reduction of 30 to 40 percent discount.This sale will only last until January 1, 1886, and is for cash only. Call.


We desire to Reduce our Stock as Low as possible by January 1st, Andbeginning December 1st, shall inaugurate a Grand Clearing Sale.


Ladies' and Children's Cloaks at Less than Manufacturers' Prices. DressGoods at Ridiculously Low Prices. $1.00 Black Cashmere at 85 cents. $1.25Tricot $1.00.

A Line of Half Wool Goods, at 10 cents per yard.

Everything in the Dress Goods Stock at Cut Rates.

All Wool Twilled Red Flannel 25 cents per yard.

All Flannels and Woolen Goods at an IMMENSE SACRIFICE.

We can Display the Largest Hat and Cap Stock in the city, and DuringDecember Shall Make Very Low Prices.

Our reputation on Boots and Shoes is well established, and that stockwill abound in bargains during this sale. Two cases of new Prints now onsale. Take a look at our Cotton Flannel and Cotton Batts. They are the Bestyou can buy at the Price. We are not closing out to quit business, but wishto convert a portion of our large stock into cash, and will sell at theseprices


Thanking our customers for their patronage in the past, we hope to seethem all and many new ones During this Clearing Sale.


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Winfield's latest scheme to injure Arkansas City is to get the Douglassbranch extended to Winfield and then induce the Santa Fe to go on throughthe Territory from here. By doing this they hope to steal the terminus ofthe Santa Fe. We warn our citizens now that this scheme is being workedup in Winfield. The REPUBLICAN warned our citizens of the K. C. & S.W. building west and north of Arkansas City some two months before it becameof a general agitation. Then, no attention was given to the matter untilit was almost too late. Still but effectual work is being done to accomplishwhat we have stated above. Remember, a stitch in time may save nine. TheCourier's lecture of last week was only made to throw our citizensoff their guard.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Christmas is not far away, and by purchasing your presents early, youwill have a large assortment to select from. It will also allow your jewelermore time for engraving, packing, shipping, etc. Go and examine E. L. McDowell'sstock of holiday goods.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

T. D. Richardson traded his resident property in the first ward to M.A. Thompson, of Harper County, for 480 acres of farming land yesterday.The consideration of the land was $4,500. Meigs & Nelson made the sale.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The editors of the REPUBLICAN cannot refrain from emitting a grunt ofsatisfaction over the success we are meeting with in the publication ofour paper. A year ago last August we assumed the management of the REPUBLICAN,and since have worked up a lucrative patronage. A good way to judge thestanding of a newspaper in a community is the number of extra copies sold.We have placed the REPUBLICAN on sale at the book store of Kingsbury &Barnett and during this monthNovemberthey have sold 47 copies. Besides thislarge number being sold there we have sold fully that many at our office.Every week we are unable to supply all who call for extra copies. Thereis not another paper in the county which can show up a better record. Anotherfeature we point to with pride is our large and increasing subscriptionlist. Being unacquainted with a large majority of our readers when we mountedthe editorial tripod, we erased the names of all subscribers as their timeexpired, unless otherwise instructed. During the last six months from theArkansas City list alone we have dropped just 183 names, and today thislist contains fully 100 more subscribers than it ever did before. This isa most excellent showing for a two-year-old local newspaper and we are asproud of it as a boy is of his first pair of red top boots.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The following charter was filed in the office of the secretary of statea few days ago: "Kansas City & Wellington Air Line Railway Company."Place of business, Wellington, Sumner County. Route: from Kansas City, Missouri,in a southwesterly course, through the counties of Wyandotte, Johnson, Leavenworth,Douglas, Franklin, Osage, Lyon, Coffee, Chase, Greenwood, Butler, Cowley,Sumner, Barber, Comanche, Clark, Meade, Seward, and Kansas. Estimated lengthof said railway, 1,000 miles. Capital stock, $1,000,000.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The first passenger train came in on the new road yesterday morning brightand early. Next week, beginning on Monday, trains will be run on scheduletime. The first train left Arkansas City yesterday morning at 8 o'clockfor St. Louis. At Beaumont close connection is made with the Frisco, bothways. The trains will return to Arkansas City at about 7:30 in the evening.It will be some three weeks before the mail is carried on this new road.No agent has yet been appointed, but one will be here next week.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The recent prairie fires in the Territory have worked great damages.On the Kaw reservation about one-third of the grass land was swept overby fire. Maj. Pollock lost considerable hay.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Our Border.

Governor Martin Monday sent the following letter to the Kansas delegationof congressmen, asking their united efforts to secure protection for thesouthwestern borders of Kansas.

TOPEKA, November 14, 1885.

Messrs. Morrill, Funston, Perkins, Ryan, Anderson, Hanbach, and Peters:

MY DEAR SIRS: I address you, as the representatives of Kansas in congress,on a subject of grave interest to many of the citizens of this state.

As you know, a very large population has, within the past year, settledin the counties of Barber, Comanche, Clarke, Meade, Seward, Finney, andHamilton. These counties are located in southwestern Kansas, adjoining ornear the Indian Territory. The citizens who have occupied them are by invitationof the United States government, extended by its laws for the settlementof the domain. They are peaceable, industrious, intelligent people. Thousandsof them served in the ranks of the Union army during the late civil war.And they are, one and all, justly entitled to the protection of the government.

South of the counties mentioned, the government has located several tribesof Indians. Many of these Indians are savage, turbulent, and dangerous.The fact that they are peaceable today is no guarantee that they will bepeaceable next month. So long as they are where they are, and the bordersof Kansas are left exposed and defenseless, the people of the counties lyingnext the Indian Territory will be uneasy and apprehensive. Indian raidsare possible at any time. There is nothing to prevent an invasion of theborders of Kansas, or to protect our citizens from its resulting horrors.The state of Kansas cannot afford to maintain a standing army on its southwesternfrontier in order to keep the Indians within the boundaries of their territory,and it should not be expected to maintain such an army in order to protectit* peaceable citizens and give them assurance of security. This is a dutywhich properly and rightfully devolves on the government of the United States.

In my judgment, absolute protection and security cannot be guaranteedto the citizens of southwestern Kansas unless the general government establishesat least two military posts on or near the southern boundary line. One postshould be established near the southwestern border of Barber County, andanother near the southwestern corner of Meade County. And these posts shouldbe maintained as long as the Indian Territory is reserved for the occupancyof Indians having tribal relations.

It may be said that there is no danger of an Indian outbreak. That isalways the reply of the government to the demand of its citizens for guaranteesof immunity. But twice within the past few years, have the borders of Kansasbeen invaded by the same Indians who now occupy the country adjoining southwesternKansas. Knowledge of these facts naturally and inevitably inspires a feelingof uneasiness and apprehension. The settlers do not know when an outbreakmay occur, and they do know that no adequate precautions to prevent an outbreakhave been adopted. Thus they live in constant dread of an Indian raid, andare liable, at any moment, to be thrown into a panic, which will send men,women, and children flying in terror from their peaceful homes. Such a panicoccurred early in July last, and the losses, the sufferings, the demoralizationattending it were almost as great and distressing as though an actual invasionhad occurred. These people are justly entitled, not only to absolute protectionagainst Indian raids, but to such an assistance of protection as will inspireconfidence among them and prevent that apprehension which breeds panic.And such assurance cannot be given unless military posts are establishedand maintained along the southwestern borders of Kansas.

I do not know by what authority such posts are located and maintained.If the action of congress is required, I trust that you will at the earliestpossible moment introduce and urge the passage of a bill having this endin view. If posts can be established by order of the president, or of thegeneral commanding the army, I hope you will urge upon these officers thevital importance of prompt action, to the end that the people of southwesternKansas may not only be assured of protection, but of such adequate safeguardsas will inspire confidence and prevent an alarm and panic.

I have addressed a similar letter to Senators Ingalls and Plumb.

Very respectfully, your obedient servant. JOHN A. MARTIN.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.


A cattleman writes from Oklahoma, but his letter has been delayed solong, and some of the information it contains has been published in theEagle before, therefore, we will not publish it but give some newsit contains.

He says that the committees sent to investigate things in Oklahoma gaveout the impression at Ft. Reno that Oklahoma would be opened for settlementbefore long. There are thousands of cattle there and they are turned loosewithout herders until the next spring round-up.

Bobb Poisett, a half-breed Arapaho, and Ben Keiff, a white man who ismarried to a Cheyenne squaw, who have lived in the Oklahoma country forthe past ten years, and who have well cultivated farms, fine houses, andhundreds of cattle, have been ordered to leave by the military agent andcommander.

The soldiers have a saw mill in full operation in Council Grove, andare sawing lumber for building and bridge purposes for the Ft. Reno agency.Grading has not yet commenced on the Frisco, which is to be extended fromTulsa southwest through the Oklahoma country.

Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Bold Desperadoes.

TULSA, INDIAN TERRITORY, November 19. Two days ago, two noted horse thieves,John Truston and Silas Davis, were arrested near Tulsa. Immediately on learningof their arrest, a posse of cattlemen met near the southeast boundary ofthe Sac and Fox reservation, intending to seize the horse thieves and hangthem, as the officers passed that way with them. The desperadoes of thissection, hearing of the intention to hang their pals, made a bold dash andrescued them from the marshal and three Caddo Indians, when they were abouttwelve and one-half miles from that place en route to the Wichita agency.Among the rescuing party were the notorious Trustons, brothers of John Truston,and Frank Starr, an outlaw from Texas, who has killed six men; two outlawsof the Choctaw Indians also assisted the desperadoes. They overpowered DeputyCurtis and his Indian guards and robbed Curtis of all his money and horses.They then secured the deputy and his guards and left them in the bush. Thedesperadoes then visited the Sac and Fox agency, and not finding Agent Neil,they raided the village, stealing money and horses, and frightened the Indianwomen almost to death. Several Indians who attempted to resist the desperadoeswere shot down, and it is believed two were killed. Among the wounded isCharlie Neckuk, 16 years old, son of Neckuk, the chief of the Sac and Foxtribes. The desperadoes escaped with their plunder.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Verdigris Valley Route.

INDEPENDENCE, KANSAS, November 23. The surveyors have located seventeenmiles of the Verdigris Valley, Independence & Western R. R. from Leroyto Independence and are pushing along as fast as possible and will reachthis city about December 21st. President Foster of the road will start thecontractors to work this week at Leroy grading and bridging the road. TheIndependence & Southwest R. R. are grading southwest from this city,and will build some forty miles as fast as possible.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

A meeting will be held at the Arnold schoolhouse in Stohrville Townshipon Friday evening for the purpose of considering the matter of acceptinga proposition of the K. C. & S. W. Railroad to build a line from Caldwellto Anthony. Stohrville Township is alive to their interests in this matter,and Anthony should see that she is represented at this meeting, and be preparedto work in unity with our Stohrville friends when the proper time arrives.There is no doubt but that this enterprise will be a success and that aline of road from Caldwell to Anthony, through the center of StohrvilleTownship will meet with proper encouragement. Anthony Herald.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Post Traderships.

Special dispatch to Globe-Democrat.

WASHINGTON, D. C., November 18. Protests, numerous and strong, are reachingthe Interior Department against the changes made in the agency and posttraderships in the Indian Territory. It appears that those holding thesepositions did not consider that licenses to trade would be considered ascoming under the head of political patronage, and they took no steps tosecure themselves with the new administration. During the summer there wasconsiderable pressure brought to bear on Secretary Lamar and CommissionerAtkins to issue licenses to new men, and there was no pressure to speakof in favor of continuing the old licenses. Some of these applications camefrom Tennessee and Mississippi politicians known to Mr. Lamar and Mr. Atkins,and as there seemed to be no good reason why the applicants should not havethe licenses, they received them. The next step was to notify the old tradersthat their license would be revoked in December. When this was done thedepartment officials learned for the first time the full importance of thischange. Trade relations were seriously disturbed, and by the dash of thepen large stocks of goods transported to the interior of the Territory werevirtually confiscated. Such an outcry has been raised that the Secretaryand his Commissioner, who didn't understand what they were doing, wouldbe glad to reverse the action if they could. Their political friends, however,have gone in the Territory with their licenses, and some have already arrangedfor opening their stores, having obtained goods on credit from Memphis,Kansas City, and Ft. Scott. Half a dozen leading Kansas Democrats playeda prominent part in bringing about this sweeping change of agency traderships.They came on here, represented to the department how valuable it would befrom a political standpoint to put good Democrats in these positions, andthus secured some of the best of the posts for their own friends. St. Louiswill feel the effect at this revocation of the old licenses seriously, forseveral of the largest agency stores in the Territory were supplied entirelyby wholesale houses of that city. The Kansas crowd were engaged on thisjob very quietly for several weeks, but did little talking on the outside.Governor Glick got the credit of doing a great deal of work for them.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

The Eagle, a few days since, made mention of the incorporationof the Chicago, Emporia & Southwestern railway, with the following boardof directors: H. C. Cross, C. Ward, D. M. Davis, H. P. Clark, O. W. Waymire,J. M. Steele, Emporia; W. M. Jones, Des Moines; J. S. Doolittle, CottonwoodFalls; H. H. Gardner, El Dorado.

The capital stock has been placed at $12,000,000.

Starting at the Missouri River, this road proposes to run through thecounties of Doniphan, Brown, Nemaha, Atchison, Jackson, Pottawatomie, Leavenworth,Jefferson, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Osage, Lynn, Morris, Marion, Chase, Greenwood,Butler, Sedgwick, Cowley, Sumner, and Harper, and through the Indian Territory.The road also proposes to cross twenty-four counties in Texas, and willin all cover 600 miles. The places of business named are Atchison and Emporia,Kansas.

This line, in the absence of any explanation, may seem a little chimerical;but it is not. W. M. Jones of Des Moines is a well known railroad man, whoproposes to extend the Carbondale road to Emporia and on to El Dorado. Whythis last scheme was abandoned and a new route chosen, lies in the factthat it is now known that the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul will, thecoming year, cross the Missouri River somewhere north of Atchison and Leavenworthto Kansas City, and another branch to Topeka. Now the scheme of the Kansascorporation is to extend this line from Topeka through Wabaunsee Countyto Emporia and thence to Cottonwood Falls, thence to El Dorado, with a branchto Wichita, providing properly encouraged; but if not, then across the southeastcorner of this county from El Dorado to the Territory, and on to WichitaFalls. Wichita Eagle.


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.



These hogs are all thoroughbred Poland China.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.


All kinds of house-painting, Kalsomining, Plain and Ornamental Paper-hanging,done with neatness and despatch.

Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Shop second door south of Occidental Hotel.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.


The Only Complete Stationery Furnishers IN ARKANSAS CITY.


Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

FURNITURE! W. P. WOLFE & CO. (Successors to J. W. Mansfield.) Willhave a full line of all kinds of Household, Office, and Kitchen FURNITURE!Always in Stock. We have several Domestic Sewing Machines which we willsell at reduced prices. FURNITURE!

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Suits Cut and Made to Order in the Latest Style at reasonableprices.
CLEANING, REPAIRING, and PRESSING Done in the Neatest Manner.
All work Warranted and finished when Promised.
Call at "Brunswick's Arcade Clothing House," CommercialBlock.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Bolton Items.

Bolton Township is increasing her population this week from the factthat some of the Chilocco people are pulling into the state. Some, havingbeen ordered out of the Territory; others, having sold their improvements,coming into the state.

Lafayette Chetum has sold his improvements to a Cherokee Indian. Whatbusiness a Cherokee has on this strip more than a white man, we are notprepared to say.

J. Kindrick has rented the Radcliffe farm and will not inhabit the Territoryany longer.

MARRIED. Sherman Wing and Libbie Davis made their escape to Winfield,Wednesday, and returned the same day as man and wife. We extend our congratulations,and wish them happiness, prosperity, and a long life. Sherman is a memberof the East Bolton Band and was the first to make a bold stand and comeout to lead a different life.

The I. X. L. people have services in their schoolhouse twice, and occasionallythree times, a month. The second Sunday in December, Rev. Bowles will preachfor them; the third, Rev. Fleming, and the fourth, Rev. Vie.

The festival in District 80 was a glorious occasion for the people ofEast Bolton. At least 250 persons were present to partake of the good thingsunder the weight of which the tables fairly groaned. A better display oflarge cakes never was made in Bolton. Two experts were kept carving forthree hours, and they tell us that boxes and baskets filled with roast turkeys,chickens, and pigs were left untouched! Everybody in the vicinity of District80 bent every energy to make it a success. Among the persons present fromArkansas City were Thomas Kimmel and lady, W. R. Hoffman and lady, Rev.Lundy, Rev. Fleming and lady, Ira Barnett and lady, Will Mowry and lady,Miss Guthrie, Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Vawter, and O. P. Houghton. Ira Barnettthinks the tall grass in the hollows must all have been searched to getsuch a large crowd in East Bolton. We believe that we can truthfully say,and that without boasting, that District 80 has the best schoolhouse, outsideof towns and cities, in Cowley County. The festival netted them about $50.It was financially, socially, and in every sense, a success. Lamps for lightingthe house and a bell have already been purchased with a surplus of $20 inthe treasury for furnishing the house with reading and physiology charts.

East Bolton Band dispensed some fine music at the festival. Ed. Buzzi,who plays the bass, was absent in the Territory hunting, but his fathertook his place and showed the boys he could play that part. Mr. Buzzi camefrom Switzerland near the Italy line and the Swiss and Italians beat theworld for music.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Hackney Harpings.

The Messrs. Breedings have their new dwelling at this station nearlycompleted.

The Thanksgiving dinner given at the Irwin chapel under the auspicesof the Methodist and United Brethren congregations, of this vicinity, wasnot a gratifying success. The drizzling rain prevented a very large attendanceat the oyster supper in the evening at the above chapel.

E. M. Anderson, after an absence of several weeks on a tour of entomologicalcollection in the eastern part of the continent, returned home last weekand is more impressed than ever that there is no place like home.

John Turner has a convenient and substantial barn in process of erection,which will add very much to the picturesque appearance of his farm. It nowbehooves Lucius Walton to follow suit as his fine dwelling looks quite lonesomewith a background of hay-covered sheds, stables, and granary.

DIED. Frankie, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Teter, died last Mondayevening of diphtheria. The funeral services occurred the following day andwere conducted by Rev. J. A. Reider, of Winfield. There was a large attendanceof friends.

The Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company have finally acceptedas a station and townsite forty acres at the intersection of the half sectionlines of section thirteen, township thirty-three. The town company willbe organized tomorrow, when work will commence on the side-track, depot,and stock-yards. Several businessmen are ready to locate as soon as lotscan be secured.

Jno. Rarick, a former resident of this community but recently of GrouseValley, has again returned, and rented the Peter Croco farm. Mr. Croco movesto Winfield.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.

Geo. Beach, accompanied by his brother, Will, is recreating in balmyFlorida for the benefit of the former, who is ailing consumptively. GRAPHITE.

Arkansas City Republican, November 28, 1885.




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