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- Berrien Springs Erai
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- Berrien Springs, Michigan
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mmi in THE ERA WEDNESDAY JULY 1G 1879 Jlcrrlrn Uprinfft Voxl irpfiet Office open at 7XX a inland Closet at 8xx tn ail ckea at iuxu a Hrinff your mallcatly a jsnsiLlc xet McOxcek THE TOUNM Wednesday Aug Clb 1879 The third nnnunl of the Younr Henle Association of Berrien Count will be held ut Barnard Grove Berrien Springs on Wednesday august 6 1879 Every Indication points to a larger assembly than any heretofore held in Berrien County Short addresses will be delivered by a number of eloquent and noted young men Several Glee Chiba will be prej cut A valuable gold medal will be award ed by Impartial Judges to the Cornet Band rendering the bent music The contest will le open to all bands in the county Several wedding will ttike place on the stand Amusem*nts will be provided Certificates of membership will be sold on the stand lor 25c cacii the money to be applied toward del raying the expenses of the occasion AU under thirl ilve years of ago arc eligible to membership The old ami young this and adjoin ing counties are invited or further parth ularr see poster? William IIckly President Ges Dudley Secretary Snrtlving Prisoners of War A general reunion of all survivors of the horrors of the Rebel Prison Pens will be held at Toledo Ohto October isl and 2d tSyey The largest gathering of the kind ever held in the United States is anticipated or information ltf every survivor in Berrien or adjoini ng count lesMmd heir name regiment company date of cap turc release and present address to Edwin 1) Uouke Berrien Sprl ngs ich Berrien County Paper ptease copy Alnt hi I Honey plenty Ague la acarce for thia time of the year Now is when the lean man is hap piest The swimming mania Is well rooted again Look out for the last raspberry of the season Large rafts cf Jogs are being taken down the river The Pinafore fever is dead In this county Ainen' And the big horse fly is around tick ling the animals Not a case of diphtheria in this whole region of counit Tlie lightning bug nightly showeth the light that it hath If you wish to enjoy life up with the lurk in the The boys and girls seem to enjoy promenading these evenings Why go elsewhere tor goods that can be had as cheap in this town And the youth complaiimth of having the tooth ache in Ids stomach A few good housed built In tills city would rent to good advantage We mean to say Mr News Court and Young People on the same day The United Workmen of this place are working smoothly 21 strong The band boys do considerable prac ticing notwithstanding the heat If Epley is nicely domiciled In fils new quarters oppoeite the John Walker is being urged to ac cept a situation al his trade in St Joe Three hundred cxciirtlonists from South Haven were at St Joe last week Rev Mr Iazai of Three Rivers preached at the Church last Sun day Yesterday the thermometer stood 120 deg in the sun and about JOO in the shade We hear that Prof Smith inten to inou) from this place in about four weeks We believe St Joseph lias the most neglected looking cemetery in the co unity Rents are higher in Berrien Springs than in cither Benton Harbor or St Tlie fishing Is good Dust till you rest who do you How do you like this thawing? Il pays to go to Benton Harbor resh box honey at Dudley's The potato crop will be a good one Kerosene is tumbling down in plice The spring chicken crop i a big one The itisli at the bi irk store cont bines Smith Haven Odd ellows number 45 Harvest wages i im from $2 to 62X0 per day Cherries arc worth 80c per sixteen quart case That watering trough at tlie town puin eh Arrivals from Benton Harbor are on the increase 10 degrees in the shale at Coloma on Monl iy Young three weeks fioin to day ry your meat In the sun and save btove wood Murphy of Buchanan was In town Monday Mr and Mrs Jacob llooij lost a little baby last week Notice the change in Um Time Table th is week 8 Maynard of St Joseph was in town on Monday Read notice to surviving prisoners of war in this Issue Wliat Is to Vir 111 There's now no chance for May The wheat crop In Emope Is not of the beet this year orcpaugh circus is expected at St Joseph tliis summer Insects are not injuring cabbage as bad this year as lust The Berrien Spring? telegraph line has been reswitched 8 Millard odthc Niles Pulp Mill nas in town Monday Sam Hannon of Joseph lias been in town since MonWy Miss Ida Spaulding Is visiting witli tier sister at Hartford The school district embracing St Jo fceph is In debt $''1000 Ciiick Wilk lias gone ag ain for anoth er few absence Crlinlnalltv seems to have taken a back scat in this county Lightning struck a house at St Joe on Sunday of last week St Joseph people are organizing to prevent cruelty to pianos Water your horse? often while driv ing tbom thls hot weather Wm Catnflcld's house In Benton was recently ctruck by lightning Camp meeting' at Crytfitil Springs be gins four weeks from ycOerday 100000 pounds of wooliwas sold this year at Hartford VanBujcn County George Carothers has bar mid new fixtures after the latest style of the art The result shows that fruit can be raised ns well here ns oij ho lake shore If Mills is taking photographs for one dollar per dozen at Harbor Joseph The Herald says that Dickinson of St Joseph bus loit a horse by colic John Morrison's barn burned at Ben ton Harbor otic night Ian week Loss about 6100 Worthy brought in the fir peaches of the season They look line but HOL templing Slicrill DeMont John Defield Dlx and their families went to Twin bister Lakes Is morning 1'ur the last years Tuttle has been Hupei intendant of the Sun day school at Niles Not ice Dm call for tlie Young Peo Picnic Associat ion to be held nt this place the sixth out some one break the by giving some kind of a social with ice cream hitched to it The May Graham has taken as high a 3000 crates of fruit down the 'river at ono load litis summer The average St Joe and Benton girls have become nicely bo much for berry picking Tl ic Brethren Churtli Conference for this year will be held at this place on the third of September An encouraging fact is that tlie farm ers urn getting Into the habit of raising none but the best stock There are nineteen prisoners in lie county jail Ten of them arrived yes terday Room lor more We believe that lightning strikes oftener in Berrien Comity than in any other in lie west These are the days tlie unmuzzled dog should fool a great concern for ids safety in the mortal state Thornton Hail 1ms moved his law office Into fie building lately occupied a Dr Mason's office inWright of Buchanan liaslosl the ue of one of his eyes by a knife slip ping while he was whittling A days ago were paidn to the State Treasury as the tax on A Til for last year The Advents were disappointed tliat tlie world did not come to an end last Saturday tlie day they had set Daniel Chapman of St Joseph is in town to day Also Edward Brain and Mr Sutherland of the same place On Monday the residence of James McDonald in Sodus was burned to Hie ground Loss $800 Partly insured The News says tliat in April May nnd June five million feet of lumber were brought into St Joseph by railroad A terrible wind almost a hurricane over portions of this State last week blowing down church spiresctc Seven men were taken from a freight train at Niles nnd sentenced to thirty davs in jail beat your way boys Already all the livery teams in St Joseph and Benton Harbor have been engaged for the coming picnic day at thin place Prof Webb Of St Joseph lias converted the old Bonnell place near hill into as fine a place as you would wish to see The girls at the St Joseph Industrial Knitting Works knit about 65 pair of socks per day on an average for which they receive two cents per pair The tug Asa Ransom has left St Joe Another one to be run by Cape Bos well will soon be on hand to 'site place On Monday night Deputy Sheriff Clarke captured seven men charged with burglary Evidence strong against them I John Rough of Buchanan aged 83 years cradled wheat nil day tlie 4th ami did as big a day's work as the other hands Harvesting Is about over in this State and tlie crop Is unprecedetitly large Now let the grasshoppers come if they want to Mrs bicho intends going west where her children are At present she Is stop ping at Niles where she has been for some time We are informed by a Benton Harbor rnan that on a certain subject many of tlie women of bls place are too full for utterance Chas Nichols is not a new hand at the justice I usiness he having had large experience in administering thelawsiu that capacity The Chicago commission merchants complain of those who ship their fruit in 24 box crates They prefer the 16 box or 32 box crates IL Rutter of Berrien township had eight (out of eleven) sheep killed by lightning while standing under a tree last riday By a glance at the entry book In the office of the Register of Deeds we see there is not much property changing hands i the comity $687406 is to be raised In St Joseph tliis year for school purposes and but $3000 will be raised in Benton Harbor this ye ir for the same purpo Mrs A Euson and daughters who have been visiting in Chicago during the hist live weeks will return the last of this week or the first of next Uncork a bot tic of pop Give us another don't stop Tell about that little affair You bet its a son and heir! 8i0 fine and about 8100 costs is what it cost a VaiiBuren county man for sell ing liquor to an Indian It is against the law to sell liquor to an Indian The editor of the State Rights organ of this place is forming a society for the prevent ion of cruelty to animals for the protection of his ears we sup pose It was too liad for Mr Hudson to step in ami spoil tliat pleasure ride after the preparations were all made lie might have deferred his call tur a week at least (J ipt Hughson is in town thi week ami says lie is coming up with the to make excursions on lhe sixth of Augusl if possible to get here 'Die monthly payment roll of A We! Is A Co St Joseph toots up over per month during this season of the year Such institutions are the life of a place Why should the Republicans of this State patronize treacherous newspap ers whi'ii they have good sound ones at liome Keptddicart Give it lip Mr Republican You tell 1 rave ler Ierald This is the season of the year when you will do well to practice cleanliness about your person and premises and exercise good judgment in your diet if you wi li to keep Traveler Herald The peach crop promises well what there is of i Webb of St Joseph thinks the yellows have about got through with this region nnd lie is to set out a lot of young peach trees next sjirlng Last Saturday night few of tho boys went out on a serenading expedition much to the pleasure of those to whom tliey paid their respects But the joke is on the boys for serenading house when all the folks were away Albert Livingstone is charged with rape on a little nine year old St Joseph girl named rick We understand tlie little girl is not expected to live The iiand hal to be brought to the county Jail so that the St Joseph people could not lynch him Liviugtone belongs at St Joseph A gentleman drove up from St Joe thit morning In a stylish ilg nnd while exhibiting the latest improve ments in cushions lie thoughtlessly turned his cushion over and under was a bunch of false hai several hair pins and some common pins The female was not found let his wife read this are in order on your Sam pics There is probably no man who brings as much money into this section ns Jonns Price of St Joseph He is live and is bound to keep to the front Jonas thinks of start ing a factory for the manufacture of table legs which will give permanent employment to from five to ten men It is really a that this town should have a few such institutions and it is probable this one can be secured if our people wake up to the importance of encouraging such enterprises ns does the St Joseph Improvement Associa tion A Niles lash Niles July 15tli 1879 El Era: A red hot school board election II Hatt and James Harter on one ticket and 8 inley nnd Henry II I i on tho other ollow ing is the result: HC Platt 334 Harter 305 8 inley 245 11 Hirtz 266 Wormy Jim I The Bridge la the Way In a conversation with Capt Brooks we learned the fact that the May Gra oam cannot go under the bridge at this place but that if slue could they would runclearupto Buchanan occasionally and would make arrangements to carry the grain and apple crop down the river llrom far above tills place The Captain nays that they would give $20 to get siboye the bridge to give excursions on any such occasion ns hose of the Old or A'cting picnics The proprietors of tlie boat have a del llcacy about asking that the bridge be raised particularly as the Hanley iraiaed such an unnecessary muss about the matter We trust the authorities will conter with the proprietors of the May Graham on this subject as it is atatter of interest to all Railroad A gentleman from some Chicago irerchantiie house was in town yester day and Hated that lie was In ort Wayne Ind a few days ago and con ldcrablc talk was going around about the Narrow Gauge that we made mention of a few weeks ago as coming llrom Columbus through Rbis place to St Joe He further stated that the general impression with ort Wayne people Is that tlie road will be built and come through Berrien Springs The work on the road from Columbus to ort Wayne is now going on A Summer ResurL That St Joseph i 1 becoming one of tlie leading pleasure resorts in tlie West Ils becoming more and more evident ev ery year The number of its attrac tions are increasing all the time and people who come litre once will come again The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company forseclng our fu ture greatness as a place of tins kind have determined to re open the St Charles hotel and will place it in acon di ion which will command the admir ation of all The first thing to be done will be to place a new foundation under it the material for which is now on the ground The building will then be re inodled throughout and the ground adjoining will be converted into a park with a beautiful fountain therein lie publican A new Song and Chorus by John Rutledge This beautiful song is found ed on Mrs Harriet Beecher Stow pop ular novel Uncle Il is a very popnl ir song so pretty tliat ev eryone fa in loye with it as soon as they bear it I yon want a song that will always be a favorite order "Uncle Any music dealer will send it for 35 cents i lieil by I Thompson East Liverpool Ohio oundry and Machine Shop at St Jo seph AndersonA Kolimn: proprietors of the St Joseph Machine Shop and mmdiy pay special attention to overhauling ami repairing threshing machines mowers reapers and other farm machinery Work sent bj sfamer May Graham will be landed at the door of their shop Their prices are always reasonable their patronage extensive and growing and their work is all first class Wc mention these facts ns they are of im portance to our patrons in this section Look Ont fur Diphtheria But there is no danger if buy goods from Redden A Graham at tho prices they are selling at We are bound to clean out this stock and yon can save money by buying now Their Opinion Buchanan July 15th 1S79 Et At a spcial meeting of the Memorial Association of Buchanan to get a vote of tlie comrades on time and place lor holding our annual re union they voted in favor of holding our reunion at Berrien Springs as near as possible to flic middle of September as tlie place will be more central than any other location in tlie county and we believe it to have been generally undendood the meeting should be held at that place at our last meeting Wc believe in holding our meetings where can have the most comrades present Chairman Vice President Buchanan Township Lost A note July 2d bearing even date witli a certain mortgage given by II Vinton to Joseph Long June 3d 1876 Tlie public are hereby cautioned against purchasing such note as payment of the same has been stopped ALMON AYERS Dance at Bridgman By request of many1 of the people of tliat locality the Berrien Springs Cor net Band will give a grand ball at Bridgman on the evening of July 25th 1879 The floor managers will be Alonzo Rice nnd Thomas Ilebb of Bridgman and A Stow of Berrien Springs Ad mission fifty cents There will be a good delegation from this vicinity Which Tn speaking about which is Murdoch the most entitled or If yon make up you mind readily on this point read his rebellious articles every week We hnngme we hear some old Democrat speaking of him fifteen nd twenty years ago ns black Abo Do they say so yet? It Is too bad Republican party left and its for if tliey had staid witi him they would now be all right instead of But would they be advocating State rights? Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy Tobacco To the cf Berrien Springs Mich BY A MEMBER OP THE OSDER Would to God that 1 could All the burdens and the care All tlielt griefs and sorrows share or a hundred years to come True to the noble principles brotherhood of niri And tlie atherhood of Let us ork as best we An To Instruct and elevate Tlie degraded and the poor In tlie principles of virtue And open wide the iron door That all may enter in And worship at our abrjne To raise the fallen up i Is God like and divine the dews upon Mount When the heat of day Io'cr Where the Lord cotnmindcd blcssUg To rest forever more So let your deeds of arity all silent as the dew And in the hour of death God remember you And bright will be your pathway To his sweet summer laud And the angels bid you welcome As they take you by the baud Let us learn of Him who said: to them that need And cheer the broken hearted And the orphan children feed As ye do it unto these So ye do it unto And great reward find When the spirit shall be heo In that land of beauty No human eye hath seen Where the Howers of life are springing And the fields are evergreen Press onward for humanity And sow the seeds of truth In the stormy hearts of error In the plast ic heart of youth That in the coming ages When you sleep beneath the sod The harvest of your sowing Wili be gathered in lor God And the angels be tlie reapers the ears roll along And they ill to As their happy harvest sotg Storms may gather round 't But never turn aside Straight is the path to Tliat to broad antwido In which the millions trave Heedless rushing by tbegeoro Tlum let it try to save theif fis our dut nothing tJre or children all anWrothcrs Then let us live in lovc Let us try to save the errijr or our sake above rntcrnall yours WINCHESTER Lowiat Lake Gal June 21st 1879 8 Please make our compliments to the "Brotherhood of and express to them our sincere thanks for the honor I hey have so gencr oii ly conferred upon us and for the i lea ure i has ailorded Upward and onward be your motto for ever Seek to do good wherever you cm By acts and by precepts ami never no never orget God our ather and our own brother man Tit fur Tat Miss lorence Graham a Cassopolis girl went out horseback riding and a couple ol Modoes In the shape of young men tried to frighten her horse in which they succeeded 8ho afterwards met one of them and dismounting she yanked the fellow from his buggy and proceeded to give him a gentle thrash ing with his own whip A subscription paper was started mill enough sub scribed to purchase the plucky girl a dress Dowagiac It ep Our Spy System in Berrien Springs Our substantial farmers In the country it is said are being spied and spotted here with intent to degrade them when they' take their beer and other beverage Would it not bo well to consider whether the trado of tho villtge Is not being rpied also? A hint to the unwise Market Report COftRECIED EVERY TUESDAY EYENINO Uorn30e Honey 12c Wool Hides 5c GalfSc Wheat Lard per pound 6c Rye per bushel 52c Eggs per dozen 8c Oats tier bushel 32r Butter per pound 8c Salt per barrel $125 Tallow per pound 5c Beeswax per pound 25c eathers per pound 50c Dressed Hogs Potatoes per bushel 40c Rags cotton per pound lie lour per bai rel $500(2550 Beans per bushel Country Soap per pound 3QJ4c Hams smoked per pound 6(J9c Shoulders smoked per pound 7c Timothy Seed per bushel $200 Clover Seed per bushel 8300(2350 Burial Robes William Stahl keeps a supply of buri al robes for male and female They uro just what the people have long been wanting Call Mr Stahl and see them Trices reasonable 13tf Dining Hail Tho undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he is prepared to furnish Board by the' Dav er WceA at the very lowest rates possible JJinlng Hall opposite hardware on Street Berrien Mich A share of the public patronage respectfully solicited Single meals 25 cents Oysters served in nny style at nil hours A variety of refreshments always on hand Desiring tho custom of all it shall my care that tlie ac commodations of my restaurant shall be second to nnne In the'village AL A YMAR resh baked peanuts nt If you want a good meal try ham and eggs Subscriptions for any newspaper magazine or periodical ptillll ed In this country received by Miss Clara Iteibcr at the postofllee tf Wo want western farms In exchange for Michigan nnd other property We have some customers for stocks of goods in exchange for real estate Wc shall be glad to correspond with nny one desiring td buy sell or exchange either real estate or persona! property Write to us We may have the very customer you want Address McOmber A A Dewitt eather Renovator for sale or exchange Has been in uo but a short time A good cow or horse will bo taken in part payment or will trade for any other saleable article Call at this office GEORGE CLAAR fi iprlnirH You ought to bring those Pictures In and have them framed before they are soiled and torn I have a large assort ment of frames to select from Three doors below roslolilee Dudley or Pure Confeetiorcn' Cigars To I baccos etc go to $600 wanted on good real cstato se curity McOmber A Burly will find the finest oranges and lemons at Dudley's DKALEH IX Heavy and Shelf Hardware Building Materials Cook Sc Heating Stoves ROPE of all sizes Agricultural Tools Building Materials Croon and ancy Wiro Cloth for Mosquitoe Doors Pocket and Table Cutlery Tin Copper A Shcet Tron Ware AU kinds of JOB WORK done to order Do You in i adv i crvri's: Capnclue brut SEARURY Proprietors 2t Platt St New 1 ork $to to uverv isioulh Jt'xik tool free explaining er crvtiiinir AddiexH JJU'fElt4 CU Danker 17 nstN A PDEAT A UntAl UiiLil ft23 Upward nt iijic I a ycor g'l new warranted New Pianos flint organ nl extraonfinnrv low prices fur cnh Cat: lugiic tnnlh'd IhlllAf'E WAT EllS JU Last lltii St Dox 35d) i OfMI return in 3n days on In vest ml LP A oniclal reports nnd iufonnallon free Like protlis tveeklv on block option of etutotw vldro Potter Wright Oo Wallt NY CT MD riritmr'n 1'itrgitlrn J'IIIm innko nevr rich blood and will completely the blond In the entire system in three moniln Anyiwiraen Iu may tnkeone pill each nlglit from 1 to IS weeks may be restored to Mound health if Mich a hing is Sent by mail for letter stamp I Johnson Bangor Mu writo for large llu rated Cnti log RILESSHOTC UNS REVOLVERS Ad'sGreat Western Gun Works Pittsburg l' BEAK SIK PUCIilMC Every wminif or injury even rCndlUlrv hy accident or any disease en titles a soldier of tlie late wnrton pension AU pensions bv tho law of Jan 137U begin Lick date ofdiM'hargeor death of the soldier All entitled shotihlapply nt once Thousand wb tiro now diiwing pensions are entitled to nn increase Soldier and widows of tnc war of 1812 mid Mexican wnr entitled to punt io on fees nil ome only tooo Semi I wostnmpj for new laws I lank nml instruction to NAT WARD ITZGERALD 8 Claim Attorney Box 533 Washington 29it A GOOD PLAN The most prolitablo way of dealing In stocks by combining rnnnv onlers nnd cn operating them ns a hole dividing yrofl's BRO RATO among linrelioldors to tho market monthly Each customer thus secures all tho ndvnntigesof Immense capital nnd experienced shill awl can usennv amount from li) to 10 ooi or more witli equal proportionate siicccs "Now York Stock IteiMirter' and now circular maile! free ull information for nny one to operate successfully Lav rcncc A Co 7 Ex change Place 29tl3 (TCC! in your own tow nnd rucap 4UO Hal risked Yon can give the business a trial withoii expense The best opisirtunlly ever offered for those willing to work Yon should try nothing el until you see for your sei whit yon cun do at tho business we offer No room to explain here Ym can devote nil your time or only our spare time to tho busi ness nnd make great piy for every that yon work Women make ns much ns nien Send for special private lermsnnd particulars which we mail free outfit free complain of hard times when vou Imvc such chance Addies JI HA IJETT A CO Portland Maine PENSIONS i Under the new pension In ws sohiiers wound cd or Injure 1 even If but slightly 1 Babied can obtain iiension lia from day ol discharge Om ofour tlrm Is in Washington to give persona attention to nl 1 claims before th depnrtinentsl Im not delay iniq write nt once Send Stamp for our new soldier's circular 0 DERRINGER A CO Pittslm rgh i id ost Cl Um acency In tho Unilcdtjtatcs New styles SPRING rom 60 to 75 Cents Per Yard Other Grades 18 Cents At Niies Stylish Laces 7: leticennir etc etc it from live to seventy live cents per yard Dress Goods lannel Cloths Etc Etc EwytlW at BOTTOM PRICES G' LASHER SON 125 South nter Street Chicago 5 OHL SLmJUhi Bickford JOB DYER Kic3 nZicbigaa Second House cast of South Bend Sailroad on Oak Street AT Wiles Mich I''or rnerly Seed Coats Pants Dresses Shawls ONDERUL CURES CONSUMPTION Bronchitis Asthma Btc 'Hl Mlg AND ALL KINDS Woolen GooQs Dyeil to OrOer! Satisfaction Always Guaranteed Dr Clarence Price HAH 4) VISITED NILES NEW DISCOVErO A rirttf'iyrrt 'atl rid try Trout iuuiIU Ml in Iframiiaumi 1 Patient ttuecd to cat nnd digust enormously and gain live ponrvhnnd 'nls of 1 1 ea hy per week TWENTY YEARS Has metwith unparalleled SCO CESS In tlio Treatment of all CHRONIC DISEASES 1'1 115 onaaoAT LTTDIQS HECTIC EVER Sti ppod in 2 hours Cough made Jnoitc easy nnd innammal ion of i'io air passages removed nt oncn Many or bod fast case cured in two to thron months This treatment Is not known oi scd except by ti' Send dc crip cn hc for Inst rue 1 1" New life imparted the flrt day Tiiborclo thrown off nnd I tings healed In Asthma its otlcct uro oqtnlly eMcacim Address Berrien Infirmary Berrien Spring" Mich I LOWRY DENTIST NIIES MIOIL Tooth extracted pnln by ho near co Nitron Oxhlo Gas Upper or 1 wtr set of Liw finest qnnBt vofnrtl licial toeth at from to ftC All work wurrautod 1 be first class aATABan sirarr The Brent Cere fff Catari and Headache is extensively cmnitcrfollCd The following description will pit pttrebaspraon their guard: Tho genuine loar tlio fac simile lgimtuvl ol Dr MARSH' Li end the words 'IL (1 Inei on having this and nooshc and you will avoid dump pointmenk JExpluU this to your druggist (14113 STOZTAOg XJlVEIU tfcad Ni rve Kidney Blnddcr Wmnb an4 Affection the Urinary Vrgnns Grn cl II lieu mat Ism Catarrh AiltliniA Bronchitis Dyspepsia Ac Dr reputation 1ms I men acquired tip ratuli! honest 'loaling and jenrs of successful practice y75TMY PRACTICE not one of experiment blll ru miud on tlm Lawsof Nature with rears of experience mid evidence to sttsUJn loes not teardown make sick tonmko well: RO hxrMi irimlmcnt no trilling no flattering know thcemmemvl Um REMEDY NEEDED: no guess work mt knowledge gained by yearofxm rience in lint Treatment Chronic Hgeaa bo euomrapmcnt withmit Mroicct Candid in our opinions rBABonnbro Inmr elmres claim not to know cvwvthing or CURE I'A EilYBMDY but do lay claim reason anl cmnmmi acitsc We invito lite lek no mat ter wbni iheirnllment to tall and rslignto be lore lliev make Intcrntgatlon and declil! tliem cs It will cost nothing AS CONSULTATION IS REE Visit maUM llliG ILAIUY Dr Ctcronco Prices ran tie at NILES Bond irons on Satnrdn iiiei Sund iv Sep' fli and 7th 1375 Patient will ttdlreso nil leitci to ll Clarence Price Wanliigon III with slasup PM wf Ad rRrHsinc (t YOHL Tsyt 4 I.
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About Berrien Springs Era Archive
- Pages Available:
- 14,730
- Years Available:
- 1876-1928