Border Watch from Mt Gambier, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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Border Watchi

Mt Gambier, South Australia, Australia

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9 28 xi 0 0 Quinine Cham pagne Insecticide Superior Assorted la voring Essences Peppermint Protected ty Royal Letter Patent Dated October 11th I860 Credit 9 0 the treatment therefore bleeding and purgatives are unadviaable resh air is essential reported no whales they having gone as far as Point Belcher There they found Captain Smith of the brig tTranw two boats from the barque lorence and six of the bulls of tbe fleet which was left in tbe Arctic last season being badly used up Tbe natives had burnt tbe best part of tbe fleet tome of which was smoking when Captain Smith arrived there The following are the names of the ships that ore left Barque Minerva off the mouth Inlet taken by tbe barque lorence not ashore Thomae Dickaeon two tniles further north taken charge of by Captain Smith and is ashore and bilged wnter flowing in and out of her brig Kahola high and dry on the beach ship Reindeer five miles south of Point Belcher bilged and full of water taken charge of by barque lorence barque Emily Morgan one mile north of Point Belcher ashore and masts gone claimed by the lorence barque Seneca three miles north of Point Belcher ashore and taken charge of by Captain Smith rnRUTH WILL PREVAIL Barry's Trfoopherous A for the Contains no sediment Berry's Trioopherous for the Requires no shaking I Barn's Trioopherous tor the Is purely voce table I Trlcopherous for the Is delightfully perfumed and will positively remove every particle of dandruff Principal Office STS Pearl street New York THE BORDER WATCH WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22 1873 THE ABANDONED WHALING LEET The Honolulu Commercial Atlverfieer of 23rd November contains the follow ing report furnished by Captain Bauldry of tbe whaling barquo Amolda giving some particulars of the whaling fleet abandoned in the Arctic Ocean last season Arrived off Icy Cape tbe 23rd of July Here tbe natives bad just taken four whales but we saw none We understood by signs from the natives that there were but three of the abandoned chips left We could not proceed any further at present as tbe ice made clear to the shore Provisioned two boats and sent them as far as they could go thinking they might come up with the whales and catch some before they got round Point Barrow On the 2Bth took our anchor and proceeded teu miles further north the ice having worked to the northward On the night of tbe 27th boats returned and Consumption (to Ite dplent or ust stage only) Eruptions of ths skin Impaired right sad awry mnAvaiikd hlnM Nervous debility tn all fl'HE Old Mustard Poultice entirely superseded I by the use of COOPEHH S1NAHNB TIrititJE MUSTARD PAPER Sold by all chemUtsand druggists A Bns complexion is within ths reach of alL poor BARRY'S PEARL CREAM the pest A beautifler of the skin By single application of this celebrated and fragrant Cosmetic the most sallow and darkest akin la made fair clear soft and beautiful every blemish disappear and a rich ala beater purity of colour is the aura result Sunburn Tan Roughness reckles and all eruptions are re moved by using it a few weeks Sold by all chemist and perfumer Printed and published by ths Proprietors As dxbw Pahdkkick LAoati and Jobb Watson at the Office of the Border Watch Mount Gambier South Australia THE DYNAMITE EXPLOSION On Monday morning as our tele graphic column has shown a serious accident occurred at the Moonta Mines by au explosion of dynamite James Williams workman and James Purling a lad bad been employed at au early hour in hauling water from Buchan's AVbip Shaft and alongside the mouth of tbe shaft there was a email paling but to which at 8 o'clock they retired for wbat miners call or refreshment In the hut wap a cheat or locker which contained besides various articles of undercloth ing about a pound weight of the Dew explosive compound known as dyna mite and two cans each bolding six or seven pounds of ordinary blasting powder it seems from what he subsequently stated placed on the locker a lighted candle at the bottom end of which was probably attached a lump of moist clay tbe usual substitute with underground workers for a candlestick After their meal tbe man and boy both fell asleep leaving the candle burning Gradu ally as it burnt away the flame reached tbe chest which being composed of deal dry as matchwood quickly ignited Soon tbe dynamite exploded with terrific violence blowing the hut clean away and hurling Williams and the youth a distance of several yards This happened at about 4 Two or three men from Nyan's engine house which is near rushed to the scene of tbe disaster and found the man and boy rolling in agony on a beep of stones The sufferers who were lacerated all over and whose clothes were torn to ribbons were conveyed with all possible speed to their respective homes and promptly attended by Drs Herbert and John Goss The lad although severely hurt in several places is expected to recover but for Williams there is Dot tbe slightest hope of restoration In addition to being cut and bruised from bead to foot a portion of hia chest large enough to admit of the insertion of a man's baud was torn away in such manner as to expose his stomach The patient isaged about 25 years and had intended to marry shortly It is a singular circ*mstance that no explosion of tbe powder took place The cans battered and broken and with some of their contents scattered over tbe ground were blown to a con siderable distance but the combustible escaped ignition ragments of tbe locker all ablate were found in various directions after the explosion afford ing abundant proof that tbe wood must have been set on fire by the Rcgiter QNAKE BITE SYRINGES for Injecting diluted liquid ammonia In oases ot SNAKE PuISONING These luiirurueut ore carefully manufactured ex pready tor Injecting ammonia into vein the point ar of gold and no possible evil can result from using them If administered wkh car These Syringe ar approved of by Profeaaor Hal ford May be purchased ot all chemist and in wholesale quantities from Vkiroa Gbimwalb and Co Melbourne TTRUSE'S LUID MAGNESIA Kruse's aid Magnesia la particularly recommended In all oaae ot derangement of the digestive organ It a corrective of acidity and during the heat of sum mer it gentle aperient qualities render it a domestic medicine of great value in the treatment of the disorders of children it see will be found moot soothing and benefloUL Kkcibi luid Maovsha Speedily remove Heartburn Acid Eructation Sourness or Irregular Digestion of female or chil dren Tbe eolation baa almost invariably aaoceeded in removing tbe it Spasm Heartaches and Gastric Coughs to which delicate persons ar subject from acid and crudities of th stomach Kauai' luid Maqabma orms a most delicious summer draught taken with Kruse's Syrup of Raspberry and Lemon first adding two parts of water to one of nuwneeia or full particular see hauabiUs acoompanytog each bottle Bold by all chemist and druggists throughout the colonies iLioa Gaimwadb and Co Melbourne TJ RUSE'S INSECTICIDE or enian Insect Do straying Powder Sold by all chemist in packet at Is and in Un at 1 fid 10 15s and 90 ouch This powder la unrivalled In destroying leas Bug Auts ife co*ckroaches Beetle Knots Mumultoes Muths in urs and every other species ot insect in all stages of metamorphosis whilst it has no qualities deleterious to human beings and is uuito harmless in its application to Dogs Cats Poultry do Bold by all chemist and drufnrtsts b'ELION GR1MWADE and Co Melbourne GENERAL NEWS The revenue returna of both Victoria and New South Wales testify to a high state of prosperity during that of the former showing an increase of £246000 and that of the latter of £573478 on the year The rupture between the associated banks of Melbourne is producing good eflecti to their customers Overdrafts have been reduced something like two per cent and discounts are taken at a similar reduction One of Cobb A Co's coaches with four horses while crossing tbe Turon River New South Wales was lost A strong team Las been selected by Sydney tu play in the cricket motch against Victoria on ebruary 27 A deputation with reference to the pro jected Trans Continental Railway waited upon Sir Henry Ayers and tbe Hon IL Barrow in Melbourne and laid the scheme before them proposing to join eastern lino to the main trunk rail way at Beltana Sir Ayers said the South Australian Government would not ledge themselves to anything there not eing sufficient details presented He intimated again that next session a Bill would probably be introduced giving power to the Government within a cer tain Dumber of yean to enter into con tracts with responsible persons who would agree to lay down a Trans Australian lino also authorising grants of land to the undertakers of the work Ke re marked that tho Adelaide delegates would not promise to bring tho matter before the Intercolonial Conference but if the subject were submitted it would bo dis cussed One of those diabolical pieces of atrocity" says the Avoca Mail which but seldom nappen iu tbe up country districts of thia colony occurred on Wed nesday night on the farm of Mr John Dickson JP of Moonambel and within a distance of half a mile of that township Mr Crick of the produce store hap pened to be looking in the direction and observing a blase gave an alarm when it was discovered that Mr Dickson's barn was on fire and burning rapidly The fire communicated to a stack of hay near tho barn and both were speedily con sumed prevention at such a season being utterly impossible In the barn was a chaffcutter and other materials and imple ments which were of course burnt to ashes No doubt is entertained that it was the work of an incendiary and sus picion ia entertained as to whom" A vessel now in ort Adelaide recently made a voyage with tea to America and the master who wu as shrewd a captain as could be desired was specially cautioned that then the wharf thieves were sharper than in any other part of the world He took precautions accord ingly and having engaged stevedores to laoa the cargo the officer were drafted ofl to watch the different stack of boxes a they were piled on the wharf It seemed to be of no use attempting to steal a box of tea from that ship for the master and officer kept a good look out In the afternoon however when near off time" it wa found that although every precaution had been used tbe master wa swindled for seeing that there wa no chance of taking a box tbe thieve stole the tea itself and the modue operand! wa as novel a effective Tho stack being built on a platform the scoundrels procured a largo borer and having forced their way under the pier until they were close to the stacks a hole upwards was then made and tho genuine souchong was abstracted with the utmost ease Tuo matter acknowledged himself beaten as the empty box was discovered and the hole beneath showed how a day light robbery had been Regitler Regarding tbe man Richard Edwards who was murdered at Sandford on Tues day week the Coleraine Albion says The coroner Mr Sprigg held an in quest on Weduesday and a verdict of wilful murder by some unknown party was returned The deceased was a brick maker and has been living iu Sandford for some time" A young man named William Hill was blasting rock on Tuesday last down a well which be was sinking at East Wei lington and had got a hole filled with powder which he wa gently ramming when the powder exploded and tbe poor fellow's arm and faoe wore frightfully bruised The explosion seems remarkable from his statement that there was some soft wadding on the top of tho powder and the rod ho was using was also well covered with soft rag However he was so woh injured that it was thought ad visable to send him to tho Hospital which place ha reached on Wednesday Southern Argue A company is being formed in Laun ceston to work the Riper's River slate quarries Tbe schooner Helen was totally wrecked at ort Macquarie N8W during a heavy gale on Sunday night The Advertuer is sorry to learn that some farmers are resorting to those fraudulent practices that have before now Drought South Australian wheat that should have tho best character in tbe world into temporary disrepute On Tuesday it was found that some evident attempts at this kind of swindling had been made in eonnection with wheat from Two Wells The top and bottom of tho bags showed a beautiful sample but in the centre were found tailings composed of small wheat wild oats drake and dirt This diicovcry will cause a groat deal of trouble end suspicion at ort Adelaide ai with tbe risk of being de frauded in this way buyers will hardly feel safe without examining every bag Of course very few sellers would be guilty of such disgraceful conduct but still the feeling of insecurity is easily produced and great mischief is thus oc casioned Prompt exposure of the offending parties appears to us to be the best cure for tbe evil If they could not be proceeded against criminally they could be med for breach of contract and this would hays the effect of placing them in the pillory of publio opinion and so serve as a warning to others who might be at all likely to tread in their footsteps There is a prospect of Portland posses sing a woollen manufactory shortly Tho correspondent of the Coleraine "Mr Keogh a gentlemen well known in woollen manufactory was there the other day inspecting one or two places suitable for a factory Mr Keogh had interviews with a good number of gentlemen likely to interest themselves in a now industry of this kind and left with the view of returning shortly when some definite scheme will be proposed for starting a company As only a compara tively small amount of capital is required for inaugurating the movement the writer says it is to be hoped that tho inhabitants will join heart and soul to secure the desirea object Woofer a bookmaker has been fined £2 under tho Anti betting Act for ex hibiting a bctling list on the Sandhurst Racecourse LORILINE THE LIQUID DENTBIICE LORILINE! Sweet a the Ambrosial sir With its perfume rich and rare Sweet aevlufetsat tbe morn liicli the emerald nook adorn Sweet ax rosebuds bursting forth rom the richly laden earth lathe lorilini Tlie teeth it make a pearly white So pure and lovely to the sight Tbe aums assume a twy hue Tbe breath sweet a violets blue While scented as the flowers of May Which cast their sweetness from each spray lathe "hagbant Pure some fairy with Its hand Cast round it mystic wand Aud produce horn fairy's bower Scented perfUmes from each flower ur ia nils liquid gem we trace All that can beauty add and bucli tbe lorilisr" BEA THIS 1 1 rom the Weekly Timee 2Gth March IH71 aro to many toilet article which obtain all tIMr celebrity ftiu being constantly and extensively advertised that It make It neccnry when auything new and good is Introduced to the publio that epeebd attintlon should be called tu it The meet de lightful and effective toilet article for cleauslng and beautifying tbe teeth that we in a long experience have ever used the new ragrant lorlliue It quite a pleasure to use It and its propui ties oi iiupartiug a fragrance to tbe breath and glvlug a pearly wblteneM to the teeth make it etill mure valuable Of all the numerous nostrum lor cleaning tbe teeth which from time to time have been tasnlonable and popular noth ing to be coruared with loillffic Lae hitherto been produced whether considered a a beauti fler or a valuable cleanser and preserver of the teeth and gums' It may or may not be generally known that microscopical examination have proved that animal or vegetable parasite gather unobserved by the naked eye upon the teeth and gum of at least nine person hi every teu any ludivldnaj may easily eallsfy himself In tbb matter by plac ing a powerful microcope overs partially decayed tooth when tho Uvlug animalcules1' will be found to reaeiubls a partially decayed cheese more than anything efe we can compare it to We may also stale chat the RAGRANT tbe only remedy yt diwo vered able perfectly to free the teeth end gums from tbeeo parasite without the llghtet Injury to tbe teeth or moot tender gums A lew drops ot this fluid on a wet tooth brush effectually cleanse tbe teeth from all Impurities prevent tartar Instantly remove all odour arbitig from decayed teeth a tout stomach or tobacco smoke leaves the teeth with a beautiful wliiteno end Imparts to the breath a delightful fragrance ragrant being purely vegetable In It component parte perfectly safe for ladies and gentlemen hud children or children's teeth iu advantages are pa: amount because the tate aud sensation In tbe mouth i so exceedingly pleasant that iiutead ot taking up the tooth brush with reluctance they will on no account omit to use if it Is only left to their own clmlce The Chrietian World of March 17 1871ay with respect to bld fair to become a household word In England aud of peculiarly pleasant meaning It would be difficult to conceive oi more effieaciou and agreeable preparation for tbe teeth Those who once begin to ue it will certaloly never willingly give it The ragraut I put up In elegant toilet caes and sold by all perfumer and dealer in toilet articles in tbs colonies at 3 0d pew bottle bULD BY ALL CHEMISTS AND PERUMERS An improved Slop ping which harden iu the tooth Tbb new Preparation destroy tbe sensllive nerve of de cayed teeth Instantly cure tooth ache at the same time form a ttoppiug which harden in the tooth preserves the adjuiulng tooth from decay and renders tbe operation of extraction seldom necesfary Person sulject to tooth ache or having decayed teeth should not be without this Preparation Bold by ell chemist and drug iffri system and leave the patient a vigorous and healthy being It will require time with the use ot tbe Pill to ensure a lasting cure Uropcleal Swellinqef Paralyse and Stiff uinte Although the above complaints dlfflr widely la their origiu and nature yet they all require local treatuienl Muuy of die worst ctues of such disease will yield In a comparatively short space of time when this Ointment diligently rubbed into the parte affected even nfter every other mean have fulled In all serious maladies the ill ahould be taken according to the printed direction accompanying each box Both the Ointment and should be ucd in tbe following Bad teg Cancer Gland nlar Scald Bud breast hclgofoot Swelling akin iimAie Burn VhilbTalu Lumbago Tumour huaton Chapped Bite Wound Bites of Mo bud he uma Ulcaiw uuito and Cocoa bay tlm Yaw Mudfile ElephauU Scurvy Corn (coft) 4 Jf1 buI throat Gout Bull Joint Itetul Sure nipple Bore head Bold nt tike Etablblimenl of Puopsssob Holloway 244 Strand (war Temple Bar) Loiidun: aud by all respectable Druggtet aud Dealers li Medicine throughout tho civilised orld at the following prtoee 1 1 id 0d 4 Od 11 22 and 33 per Pot There considerable saving by taking the largest slsee Direction fortlie guidance of patients in every disorder sre affixed to each pot Dn NoLTntms or Pxopli are hopelessly suffering from Debility Ner vou and Liver Complaint Depression ot Spirit Delusions Unfitoeswior Burin or Study raiiure of Rearing Bight and Memory Luailude Want ot Power fco wuom caws admit of permanent cure by th new remedy PHOSPllODYNE (Otonio Oxj gsnj which at once allay all irritation and excitement Impart new energy and life to th enfeebled consti tution and rapidly cure every stage of these hitherto Incurable and dlitreaalug mated! Sold by all chemist and storekeeper throughout th colon! from whom pamphlet containing teatlmo nlal may be obtained idT Be particular to uk tor Da Bussy's ho*ruoDuti Imitation are abroad Berkeley Sept Gentlemen I feel It a duty 1 owe to you to expres my gratitude for the great benefit I have derived by taking Camomile Pill' 1 applied to your agent Mr Bell Berkeley for the above named Pills for wind on the stomach from which I suffered excruciating pain fora length of time having tried nearly every remedy prescribed but without deriving any benefit at all After taking two bottles of your valuable pills 1 was quite restored to tny usual state of health Please give this publicity tor benefit of those who mflv thus be afflicted I am Sir your truly Hbnhy Allpas To the Proprietor Camomile 900duio Gold Hill Nbvada poor ufierer who wa fast sinking under the weight of a complication of diseases writes to us from Gold HUI stating how be had tried one medicine nfrer another without benefit until he yot Pills and Sarsaparilla three use of which healed lib sores and made him a well man 090el Hollaway's Turn which way you will go where you please persons will be found who have a readj word of praise for thb Ointment or chaps chafe scalds bro ires and sprain It an invaluable remedy tor baa fogs caused by accident or cold it may be con fidently relied upon tor effecting a sound and permanent cure In cases of swelled ankle ervidpelas gout and rheumatism Holloway's OfntiDPut gives the greatest comfort by reducing tho inflammation cooling the blood soothing the nenes adjuuitig the circulation and expelling the impurities This Ointment should have a place In every uuiscry It will cure the long Ibtof skin affections which originally in childhood gniu strength with the growth TZBU8E8 YLITTD MAGNESIA cleanse the blood corrects acidity relieve sea ilckne indiges tion heartburn flatulence sod all disorders tool dental to a warm direst Sue testimonial from eminent medical practiUuar round each buttle TTHLUAMB AUSTRALIAN YEABT POWDER This baking powder la packed in half pound eealed csnlstets specially adapted fur th climate uf Australia It makes light wholesome bread without yeast also Uscuita cakes sad all kinds of pastry without sk and with leas than halt th usual quantity ofbutter Bold by all Provision Merchants aud Storekeeper IJIAN TRAGEDY The correspondent of tho Argue relates A serioui disturbance took place in the Totoga Gaol tbe other night which resulted in tbe shooting of one prisoner by the governor and tbe deaths of two others from injuries received TwoTokalau natives brought here by the Xate Grant concerned in tbe murder of Mr James Ross on board that vessel (hereafter noted) bad been confined in one large cell for eome days A refractory ijian pri soner was last Tuesday night taken from tbe cell occupied by his com patriots handcuffed and put into the cell with tbe Tokalaus About mid night one of the latter seized with some savage fit which will never be explained attacked tbe other two pri eoners with a heavy atick which had in some unaccountable manner found its way into tbe cell and been over looked by the warder beating them in such a fearful manner that both bare since died from the injuries received Tbe governor of the gaol roused by the outcries entering the cell was also attacked by tbe savage and in self defence drew his revolver and shot him causing instant death the bullet passing through tbe brain At an in quest lield before Mr Chas Truscott advocate of tbe Supreme Court (acting coroner) a verdict of justifiable homi cide wes re1 urned Tbe above tragedy tbe murder of Mr Jas Ross and atteoipted murder of Mr 11 on board tbe schooner Kate Grant at Drummond Island are supposed to be io some measure the result of atrocities committed by the crew of tbe brig Carl Ou the evening of November 5 when tbe above schooner was lying at anchor surrounded by a fleet of canoes she was boarded by three Datives one of whom after being on board some time suddenly drew a knife aud fatally stabbed Ross caus ing almost instant death Another triod to stab but failed and RMietsnce being at band two of them were securea and brought to Levuka to meet their death as above related Tbe murderer of Rossjumped overboard and escaped It is said that tbe three men were relations of natives killed by the Carl'e crew and that the above acts were done in revenge The crew of the schooner fearing to be attacked by tbe canoes on naeee slipped the cable and ran out to sea Returning to iji without an anchor shortly after entering the group she drifted on to a reef during a calm and a heavy gale coming on the following night sue became a total wreck THE HORSE DISEASE IN AMERICA In tbe early part of October last a kind of epiaemio in the nature of catiiarh made its appearance among tbe horses of Canada and committed extraordinary ravages It broke out first in Toronto and witbin a few days after its advent nearly every horse in the district was attacked rom Canada the disease was carried into the Eastern States of America and spread with great rapidity all over the count ry as far west as Chicago Scarcely an animal escaped and tbe interrup tions to the traffic were very serious At Boston New York Philadelphia Baltimore Chicago and scores of other places the street cars bad to stop running for tbe lack of horses to draw them In defiance of all pre cautionary measures tbe epidemic visited every stable in New York and other large cities Mort of the thoroughfares were for some time almost without vehicles The tram cars wore laid up the canal boats were stopped and the railroad warehouses wharfs were crowded with freight which could not be moved Ocean steamers had in many cases to post pone sailing owing to the impossibility of getting freight aboard In some places horses could not bo got for funerals Bo great was tbe incon venience caused by tbe disabling of tbe horses that oxen were used to draw tram cars and even men had to their shoulders to tbe wheel" iu a literal sense Tbe disesse seemed to be aggravated by wet weather Very few cases were fatal the malady run ning its course within from five to thirty days It began to abate about the end of tbe month and in New York tbe street osrs recommenced running on the 1st November Tho fire departments of tbe various cities bad to form certain of their members into divisions charged with the duty of drawing tbe engines and fre quently men were substituted for horses iu drawing carts trucks end waggons In New York alone some 70000 horses were disabled at one time Tbo disease is a kind of catarrh with fever accompanied by slight inflamma tion of the throat and bronchial tubes The Keto York Herald says: It is evidently the result of some atmos pheric influence Although very alarming the complaint is not attended if rationally treated with any great fatality Tbe disease ap pears to fake from ten to thirty days io run its course according to the severity of the attack It is character ized by a discharge from the nostrils severe backing cough quickened circu lation and labored breathing Impure air or exposure increases the symp toms and the lungs become affected which is the great danger from this disease On a calculation it appears that when rational means of cure and treatment have been adopted there baa been a small percentage only of loss The disease is beet treated by giving plenty of fresh air keeping the stable clean and well ventilated and feeding with easily digested food with small doses of mild febrifuge medicine morning and evening It is prefer able to work mildly affected animals rather than keep them standing iu dore stables breathing impure air When tbe cough is very severe mustard applications to tbe windpipe are found of great benefit in allaying irritation Stimulants have been found far preferable to sedatives in RESULT THE VICTORIAN EDUCATION ACT Great curiosity naturally centred about tbe working of tbe new Educa tion Act aud so far as it has gone the success of tbe experiment has been amply confirmed The school rooms have been literally rushed by all classes without discrimiuation and tbe diffi culty will be to provide accommodation for them At Ballarat the extra num ber of children ou the rolls counts by the hundreds and half hundreds and a great many of tbe new pupils are re cruited from the private schools In deed it looks as if these establishments would be deserted by tbe claise who formerly patronized them if the ex perience of the Geelong schoolmaster is repeated elsewhere who reports that be has bad to receive the families of three clergymen one wealthy money lender and several civil servants Tbe presence of tbo gutter children has evidently failed to frighten society away from the State school and the beat results may be hoped for from the association of classes in the persons of the children It is reassuring to find that tho withdrawal of the denomina tional non veated school from the operation of the act has been tbe exception and that the disposition is to take advantage of tbe lOtb clause This was particularly shown at Sand hurst where tbe Presbyterians insisted upon the committee of Myers street school cancelling their arrangements for letting the building for a private establishment and putting it under tbe act Leader DR SARSAPARILLA a plea lug Summer Beverage aad Meuidue Alterative end Abeorbent Spring Suid Id quart buttle 3 bd by all druggist and storekeeper wholesale by ELTON HIM WADE fc Co Melbourne The Mexican Hair Renewer NEW DISCOVERY OR THE HAIR Avery nicely perforat'd Hulr DreMlng called MEXICAN BAIR RRNEWER" now being told by moat Chemist and Perfumer throughout the country at 4 0d per bottle i hut superseding all tho old and dye for the purpose of changing grey or whit hair to It natural original colour for It will positively restore the heir In every case of greyneM to It oigliiAl colour without dyeing it or leaving that dltngreeHbte and offensive smell which most hair preparation of the dny do Tills prepANiiton hoe never been known to foil in restoring the hair to it natural coIorand gios iu from eiht to twelve day It promotes growth and prevent the holr foiling out eiodlcatiug dandruff and leaving the aoslp Id a clean healthy condition It imparl peculiar vitality to the roou uf the hair restoring It to It youthful vigour Daily application of this preparation for a week or two will surely restore faded grey or white hair to Its natural colour and riclinese It is not a dve nor tfo it contain any colouring matter or offensive substance whatever Hence It does not suil tbe hands the scalp or even white linen but produce the colour within tbe sub stance ot the liulr It may be hal ofanyrespectable Chemist Per fumer or dealer in toilet articles In the Colonie at 4s Ud per bottle In case the dealer ha not Mexican Hair tn dock he will procure it for you without any cost rpdlLET BOAP and PERUMERIES from the celebrated house of A bar London The undersigned have been appointed Agent for the sale of Pear1 TRANSPARENT ROAP TOILET REQUISITES and PER UMERY tablet brown Windsor glycerine elder flower roee honey and drcond oatmeal pink almond white almond gly cerine and slraond lavender and mallow Indent taken for toape perfumery and toilet requisite ELTON GRIMWADE and Co llndere lano West CHURCHILL'S HYPOPHOSPHITES for die Prevention and Cure of Coneump tlon DUeaue of tha Cheat Chronic Couyh and General Debility Prepared only by Swann Pbarmariau Parls Th preparation used by eminent member of the faculty in Rlmoet every country in the world for th cure of the above complaint ere the Syrup of Hypophosphite of Soda Syrup of Hypo PiioapHiTB of Limb and the Compound Syrup of the ypophoaphitp or tonic in noonies of blood and low vitality especially in female disorder and Irregularity oi the system SYRUP of HYPOPHOSPHITE of IRON The) valuable tnedlrinee have aaved the live of many thousandsofconsumptivepatlents Even In tho third or lut stig their beneficial efiecte have been manifested frequently In every In stance however far advanced In the disease theindent will find marked Improvetocnt Inthin iX'iil nnd general symptom There will ob served a re markable increase of nervous power letter appetite greater regularity of the bowels a better dlgetion les cough 1cm expectoratlou fou susceptibility catching cold Itna persuira tiuo at night Sold by all ohemlsts and druggists Whole sate agent ELluN GRIMWADE and Co Mcllkninio OUs finch genuine bottle bear the Slunaturo ot Dr Churchill and the trade mark ofH II Swann Pharmaclan 13 Rue Ctwtig HB TWO GREAT HAIR PREPARA 1 TIONU are BAK 1BIR DYE tbe only coloring free from dangerous ingredients and TR1C0PHER0U8 the fragraut hair renewar and delightful drenlog Mteblfebed over 70 yaare TBItXlPUEROVB is sovereign remedy tor dlMAsae ot tbe clp It remove scurf and dandruff cause the hair to grow chick end long and is sure to produce new growth ou bald 73 BABRYS TBICQPUE ROUS MADE It is the Juices and balsam of certain stimulating plants sud flowers preserved in a chemically pure spirit and 1 tho must fragrant and agreeable or all hair dressing it use always insuring soft thickloa hsdr Principal office 87 PcsjT treet New Boid by all chemists and perfumer If LUID MAGNK3U actsasan agreeabto A aperient peculiarly adapted for female and children It relieve the distressing sickness so troublesome in pregnancy Bold by 11 druggist Ubdib Ditimguihrd Patbonagb DR PHOSPHODYNE A Chemical Preparation qf Phoephirrua with the Vegetable Alkaloid Quinia Cypri peden Xanthoxylin fto DISCOVERED introduced and extensively prescribed by Charlb Lbslib Brigbt MD Resklent Surgeon to St Mary' HospittL London This Pbcephslk: oomHnation proneaneed by tbe most eminent membere ot tbe Medical Pro tection to be unequalled for its power la replen ishing the vitality of the body by its supplyingU the essential constituent at th blood end nerve bounce and for developing all tbo powera and function ot th system to th highest degree It to agreeable to too palate and innocent 1b It action while retaining all It extraordinary properties and a a specific surpaariog all the known therapeutic agent of th day for tho speedy and peraanent cure of Nervous prostration Lassitude Liver complaint Bbortnes ef breath Pulpitadou of the heart Trembling ot th handa Dlzxlnea and limb Noise in the head and Impaired nutrition ear Meatal and phyffical da LoasofoDergy andapp prearion HIV Hypochondria enale complaint General debility Indigestion latulence Incapacity for study or Jfwou fooefo buriueeo Impoverished bb mck headache Premature deetin and all morbid conditions of th qeteus artto from whatever cause Th action ot tu Pbo pbudyne to on the on bead ioorMatef the principle which constitute nervous energy sod on the other tho most powerful blood ana flesh generating agent known therefor a asar veiloua medicine for renovating Impaired and broken down ooMtkutfou It quickly improve the function of assimilation to such a degree that where for year an emaciated anxious cadaver ous end eml viial condition has existed the Arnte will rapidly increc to quantity end firmnem and the whole system return to a state al rotout health Tbo Pbcepbedyna act olealrieally upon tb organisation for instance It asatot nature to generate that human electricity which renew and rebuild the eou muscular nervous and organic symptoms It operate on the sys tem without exciting cart or thought upon the individual as to the procea It move the lungs liver heart kidueys stomach and intestate with a harmony vigour yet nuldne unparal leled In medicine Th Phosphodyue givee back to the humam structure in a suitable form th pbotpbori ot animating element at tile wbkihba been wa ed ami exert an important influence directly on the spinal marrow and nervous system of a autritivn toufo and Invigorating character i matotaiatoffi that buoyant snergy oi lb brain and mumulac ystem which render tbe mind ebeerhil bril ilant and energetic entirely overcoming that dull Inactive and alngrtoh dtopodticn wUeto many persons experience In all their action Tho beneficial effects uf tbo Pboapbodyna era frequeatiy shown from tbo first day it adntto fotratfoo by a remarkable toorea norvooe power wkh a footing of vigour and comfort to which the patient bat long been uuenustomod IMgmtion to improved the appetite Inereeeoo wonderfully the bowels become regular thm See brighter tbe kin rteer and healthy and hair acquires strength showing the uspart once of tbo action ot tbe Pbcupbcdyno tht organ of nutrition inally tbe Pbcepbodyno wstatala certain degree of activity ui tbo prevtoueiv debilitated nervous system it um enable all datoiitated organ to return to their sound state nd perform their natural function Persons flbring from nervous debility or any of the hundred syipptonte which this dial rearing dtoeaa me may twk assured of an effectual and even speedy euro by tbe judicious um of this moot Invaluable remedy DR BRIGHTS PHOSPHODTHX xa BOLD ORLY In ease at £1 1 oontalnlag gp bottle tndt 2m containing five betum Also in ialy cases at £5 contuntog sixteen bottla To be hid at all ehemtot and eg aounfrK storekeepers throughout tb eolonto ull direction for urn to tb kagtiih ProMh and German language accompany each case Select Medical OpMeno: Sir Charles Loooek Physical Acoouchmr to Her Majesty tbe Queen staled at a meeting at the Royal Medical and Cbfrurrteal Society that in thirteen case of debility ana nervous prostra tion bo had effected permanent cure by the use of Dr Bright's Pboepbodyn Hr Wm erguson Bart RS Surgeon to Her Majesty th Queen I have repeat edly prescribed Dr Bright' Pboopbodyue and found It an agreeabl and beotfldal remedy 1 bav but on otyectioa regarding it that to tbe elaborate process required to tb preparation will not allow of tbo recall price befog within tbe reach of ell Dr Lancaster th eminent Coroner my Dr Phoepbodyue to calculated to entirely supersede iron mercury sarsaparilla quinine and cod Uver oil" Dr Quoin RCP Physician to the Hospital tor Consumption Brampton remark It cannot be doubled that this Pbospbatic preparation will henceforth rank foremost In therapeutic it generate all tbo Important ele merits of th human frame the peculiar character of thi substance fitting it for vital Sir Lawrence soys 1 bar found Dr Bright's Pbotphodyne an excellent remedy inklu disease 1 presume it to by oxydimtioQ' Professor Brine eflbeta at th PhMpbodyn tn obstinate caaa oi diseam ar a astoutohiug as perplexing" Dr HandfisKl Jones RCP RB Phy sician to tit Mary's Hospital says to Atrophy and General Debility Pboepbodyn I a moot admir able remedy it invigorate the nutritive func tions and increases the vital not only acts a an abeorbent" but retard or repairs the waste of tissue ana restore the nutritive functiuns to their normal condition The Lancet consider the rhoepbodyn one of the moot ImportantcontributiM mad to Materia Medic during tbe last century Pamphlets containing testimonials may bo ob tained from all chemist and up country tore keepers 82?" Be particular to ack fir Phoephodyne ae imitation aro abroad and avoid purchaeing angle bottle the genuine article being eold in oaoee only Wholesale Ageuto for South Australia Paulding Co Adelaide B57du OICE COMMBROIAL BTXaXT MOUXT GAMaiaa rpHR published every Wedneoday and Saturday morning and te extensively circulated in Mount Gambier Port MacDonnell Allendale Tarpeens Penal Nsrra eoorte Hobe Kingston Border Town and throughout tb South East sod Victorian border gauerauy Subscription Advance Per Annum £1 0 0 Half Year 0 10 0 Quarter 060 Single copy Threepence Advbbtioin Two line our line Evers additional line Birth Death and Marriage notices each Bcalb or On 0 iMorifon 10 percent 2 Standing Advertisem*nts One Shilling per iaeh Advertisem*nts received up to 0 pm on tbo evening preceding publication Order for altera etion or withdrawal must be sent In by 4 pm ce Monday and Thursday afternoon Agxnt nor thb Bordbr Waycb 0 iat A McDougall Penole Chas Aubrey Narraooorte 4 idler and Webb (A Llmbert Robe Gell Kingston A Aedereoa Border Town Oliver Allendale Kerr Adelaide Roberts Melbourne Gerdes end Goteh Sydney Gordon A Goteh Lmdoa Gordon it Goteh (G Street rnOOTHACBI CURED BY BUNTIBB NIRVIN1 A The active property Nervine seldom fall to afford relief in all cam of ordinary toothache and by leaving the plug ot Buntur'i Nervine in the csvtty It forms a complete temporary stopping rendering extraction unneoeeMre rom Smith Esq Burgeon Bherton near Cirenoector I nave tried Bunter's Nervine in many vaaM of Mvr toothache anti in every instance permanent relief hoe been obtained I therefore strongly recommend it to the public Sold by all chemists and druggtet No 711 Eau Coloonb PKANCOIS MARIA AKlNA'S EAV DE OOLOGNI A in small fluke and in wicker half pint pints and quart The fragrance of this Ecu de Cologne has made it tbe prime favorite of all tho brand that have emanated from the old Cathedral City All lovers uf the exuuieite should require this Eau de Cologne from their druggtet or perfumer It may bo known by Its green and gold label Bold by all chemists and perfumers Great changes Lave recently taken place in tho proprietorship of iho Belfast newspapers The Banner of Relfcut (recently owned by Mr has been purchased by Mr Howes the Secretary of the Shire of Belfast and the Helfuel Gaulle (formerly owned bv Mr Smith) Em been purchased by Mr Oeburno at present manager of the Keaminer Office A singular case of the refraction of the suu's ray upon a wooden substance with dangerous ell'uct was brought under our (Adicrlier't) notice on Tuesday morning Id tho yard of Messrs Martin dt Murch ironmongers there was a cask standing in which some package of hardware had been imported The cask wa lined with tin which wa beautifully bright almost as a speculum and the lid had been thrown into the bottom of the cask when the contents wore emptied The sun's rays seem to have been focussed" by the bulgo ot the cask upon the wooden lid below which was ignited and a Jeon siderablo portion of it was consumed before attention was attracted to tho singular circ*mstance This may tend to throw some light upon some conflagra tions the origin of which have been enveloped in mystery The Newcastle miner offer to the Companies to continue the long hours if tbo irice of coals is raised Is per ton oue tourth of tho increase to go to the miner This offer is likely to bo ac cepted The Toowoomba Chronicle records the following The Bev Charles Anger pleaded not guilty to having meat ia his possession for which be could not account Evidence was given respecting a calf having been tracked to tbe prisoner's Louse and the Teal fouud in Lis posses sion and to the fact that the prisoner called the owner James Murphy inside and said you forgive me this time I will never do so again" The bench wero of opinion that the charge was most clearly proved and ia order to put down such offence they would sentence the firieoner to tbe heaviest punishment the aw allowed vis a floe of £60 or six months' imprisonment with bard labor" A proposal to erect one large annexe for tho whole of the Australian colonies at the London Exhibition hs met with the approval of the Commissioners and the Victorian Government A correspondent of the Coleraine Albion signing himself and bail ing from Merino writes: I know there are a number of persons who do not be lieve that snakes originate from eggs Perhaps the following may serve to con vince them that such is really the case: On Saturday last (the 11th) there were four of us cutting thistles in a paddock belonging to Mr Henty Merino Downs i in the course of the afternoon we accidentally came upon a large brown snako which we tried to kill but unfor tunately it was too expert for us and managed to get away aud into its hole However intent upon killing the venom ous reptile we set to work with our hoes to unearth it when to our great sur prise instead of finding one as we anti cipated we found two One of the two was twined round 80 eggs each egg being as large a small sised pullet's AV killed tho two snakes butt one sppeared to be very stout we cut it open aud found it contained 27 eggs each as large as those above mentioned Thi done we were all intently bent over the eggs counting them a second time when to our surprise there dashed in amongst us from tbe adjoining rushes another large snake with head it placed itself in the centre of us and amongst tho eggs We were all uncom fortably close together but soon separa ted and without any accident kiilud the intruder which measured 6ft lin This likewise we cut open aud found that it contained the same number of eggs as the last 27 in ell making a total of tk) Wo have destroyed all but 0 which were taken to tbo home station to convince the unbelieving" A patknt has been taken out in Paris by three Chinese fora new automatio and autographic continuous telegraph instru ment invented by them The peculiarity of this invention ia that by means of the patented apparatus the doepatch is trans mitted to tho receiver as so exact uc timile of the transmitter's autograph Springs Impounded black horse star (as under) near shoulder (in circle) off shoulder If not claimed will be sold 6lh ebruary 1873 Tho Long Poundkeeper OLLOWAY'd PINT MENT THE GREAT CURE ALL Bad Lage Bad Brtaetn Sort and Ulcere All descriptions of sure are remedied by the proper and diligent use ol tide IneotlHiable pre paration Tu attempt to cure bod leg by blattering the edges of tho wound together is a folly for should they unite a boggy diacuodkin condition remain underneath to break out with tenfold fury in a tew day The only rational end eucoral'ul treatment Indicated bv nature Is to reduce the inhumation to and about the wound and to eoath the neighbouring parte by rubbing In plenty of the Ointment a mH le forced Into tue This will cause the malignant humours to bo drained off from the hard swollen and discoloured parts round About the wound sure or ulcer and when these humours are removed the wound themselves will suun heal warm bread and water poultices Applied over the afflicted parts alter Uie Oint ment has been well rubbed In will soothe and solteu the surae aud greatly assist tu eure There Is a description of ulcer tore and swelling which need uot be nanied bore attendant upon the follies of youth ond fur which thi Ulutuint Is urgently recommended ns a sovereign remedy In curing euch pui otiuus sores It never fulls to restore lie eyetotn tu a healthy state If the Pills be taken accmdiug to the printed instructions Diptheria Ulcerated Sore Throat and Scarlet and other ever Any of tbe above diseases may he cured by well ruhblng the Ointment thrvo time a day Into the chose throat and neck of the patient it III soon penetrate and give Immediate relief Medicine taken by the mouth must operate upon the whole eyetum Its luflueuee cun bo felt in any local part whereas the Ointment will do its work Rtonco Whoever tries the unguent In thenbove manner for the dleeoM named or suy aimllur disorders affecting the cheat and throat will find them clvcs relieved as by a charm All eutlerert from three complaint should en relope the throae st bed (hue In a large bread and water poultlc after the Ointment Tim been well rubbed to and iflhe eulee of die feet are likewise rubbed with the Ointment every night it will greatly assist the cure of the tbroat and chest To allay the lever and lessen luttammatlon eight or ten Pills should be taken night and inoiniig The Olnt merit will produce perspiration the grand essen tial 111 all cares ot fevers sore throats or where there night be an oppression of the chest either from asthma or other causes Pile itulae Stricture The aluve cluse of complaint surely re moved by nlghily fomenting the pm ts wkh warm and then by moot effectually rubbing In this Ointment Persons suffering trom tuo direful cumplainta should lose nut a moment in arresting their progress it should be under stood that It is not siiffli leut merely to snieui' the Ointment on the utiocted parte but It must be well rubbl'd In tor some considerable lime two ur three times dny that It may Im taken Into the system whence li will remove any hidden sore or Wound as effectually as though palpable to the eye Then Again bread and water poultices aftei the rubbing hi of the Ointment will do great sen ice This is the only sure treatment for females eaten of cancer In the stomach ur hero there may be a general bearing down Imyrudencice qf Sore and Ulcere liJutchra as swellings can with certainty be radically cured If the Ointment bo used freely mid lint Pills lie tukoi) ulglit mid morning its re commended In tho printed hutriietl us Whin treated Iu any other way they only dry up in one I plnco to brcuk out iu miutlicr whereas this Omtmciit will remove tlio humour horn llu pELTON GRIMWADE and Co llnders Uns west Melbourne have been appointed by the proprietors wholesale agents tor the following valu able specialities Walton's Paste and Liquid Derby Anattos Collis Browne's Chlorodyne Swann's Churchill Syrup ot the liypophoephltM Bunter's Nervine and Dentine arina's Eau ds Cologne and Perfumeries Cooper's Blnaplns Tissue Taylor and Boos Sods Water Machins Professor Barry's Tricopberous Professor Pearl Cream and Uair Dye Gallup's ragrant loriUne Gallup's Mexican Hair Reaswer Chloralum Company's Liquid Chloralum Transparent Boone and Perfumeries Pears' Bar and Tablet brown Windsor and Honey Soaps Ifsw Bon and Sundries and Drug ware 0 Wilson and Botanic Medicines gBupplies of ths above always ou hand PAOPKIBTARIRS df uuonan i earsaparuia Yeast Powder luid Magnesia Syrups Lemon Yanffio Bateha elton Grimwade Co 84 inrotBS LABS MILBOVRXX BMduw.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.