Genesis is the first book of the Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy), the first section of the Jewish and the Christian Scriptures. Its title in English, “Genesis,” comes from the Greek of Gn 2:4, literally, “the book of the generation (genesis) of the heavens and earth.” Its title in the Jewish Scriptures is the opening Hebrew word, Beresh*t, “in the beginning.”

The book has two major sections—the creation and expansion of the human race (2:411:9), and the story of Abraham and his descendants (11:1050:26). The first section deals with God and the nations, and the second deals with God and a particular nation, Israel. The opening creation account (1:12:3) lifts up two themes that play major roles in each section—the divine command to the first couple (standing for the whole race) to produce offspring and to possess land (1:28). In the first section, progeny and land appear in the form of births and genealogies (chaps. 29) and allotment of land (chaps. 1011), and in the second, progeny and land appear in the form of promises of descendants and land to the ancestors. Another indication of editing is the formulaic introduction, “this is the story; these are the descendants” (Hebrew tōledôt), which occurs five times in Section I (2:4; 5:1; 6:9; 10:1; 10:31) and five times in Section II (11:10; 25:12, 19; 36:1 [v. 9 is an addition]; 37:2).

The Composition of the Book. For the literary sources of Genesis, see Introduction to the Pentateuch. As far as the sources of Genesis are concerned, contemporary readers can reasonably assume that ancient traditions (J and E) were edited in the sixth or fifth century B.C. for a Jewish audience that had suffered the effects of the exile and was now largely living outside of Palestine. The editor highlighted themes of vital concern to this audience: God intends that every nation have posterity and land; the ancestors of Israel are models for their descendants who also live in hope rather than in full possession of what has been promised; the ancient covenant with God is eternal, remaining valid even when the human party has been unfaithful. By highlighting such concerns, the editor addressed the worries of exiled Israel and indeed of contemporary Jews and Christians.

Genesis 111. The seven-day creation account in Gn 1:12:3 tells of a God whose mere word creates a beautiful universe in which human beings are an integral and important part. Though Gn 2:43:24 is often regarded as “the second creation story,” the text suggests that the whole of 2:411:9 tells one story. The plot of Gn 211 (creation, the flood, renewed creation) has been borrowed from creation-flood stories attested in Mesopotamian literature of the second and early first millennia. In the Mesopotamian creation-flood stories, the gods created the human race as slaves whose task it was to manage the universe for them—giving them food, clothing, and honor in temple ceremonies. In an unforeseen development, however, the human race grew so numerous and noisy that the gods could not sleep. Deeply angered, the gods decided to destroy the race by a universal flood. One man and his family, however, secretly warned of the flood by his patron god, built a boat and survived. Soon regretting their impetuous decision, the gods created a revised version of humankind. The new race was created mortal so they would never again grow numerous and bother the gods. The authors of Genesis adapted the creation-flood story in accord with their views of God and humanity. For example, they attributed the fault to human sin rather than to divine miscalculation (6:57) and had God reaffirm without change the original creation (9:17). In the biblical version God is just, powerful, and not needy.

How should modern readers interpret the creation-flood story in Gn 211? The stories are neither history nor myth. “Myth” is an unsuitable term, for it has several different meanings and connotes untruth in popular English. “History” is equally misleading, for it suggests that the events actually took place. The best term is creation-flood story. Ancient Near Eastern thinkers did not have our methods of exploring serious questions. Instead, they used narratives for issues that we would call philosophical and theological. They added and subtracted narrative details and varied the plot as they sought meaning in the ancient stories. Their stories reveal a privileged time, when divine decisions were made that determined the future of the human race. The origin of something was thought to explain its present meaning, e.g., how God acts with justice and generosity, why human beings are rebellious, the nature of sexual attraction and marriage, why there are many peoples and languages. Though the stories may initially strike us as primitive and naive, they are in fact told with skill, compression, and subtlety. They provide profound answers to perennial questions about God and human beings.

Genesis 1150. One Jewish tradition suggests that God, having been rebuffed in the attempt to forge a relationship with the nations, decided to concentrate on one nation in the hope that it would eventually bring in all the nations. The migration of Abraham’s family (11:2631) is part of the general movement of the human race to take possession of their lands (see 10:3211:9). Abraham, however, must come into possession of his land in a manner different from the nations, for he will not immediately possess it nor will he have descendants in the manner of the nations, for he is old and his wife is childless (12:19). Abraham and Sarah have to live with their God in trust and obedience until at last Isaac is born to them and they manage to buy a sliver of the land (the burial cave at Machpelah, chap. 23). Abraham’s humanity and faith offer a wonderful example to the exilic generation.

The historicity of the ancestral stories has been much discussed. Scholars have traditionally dated them sometime in the first half of the second millennium, though a few regard them as late (sixth or fifth century B.C.) and purely fictional. There is unfortunately no direct extra-biblical evidence confirming (or disproving) the stories. The ancestral stories have affinities, however, to late second-millennium stories of childless ancestors, and their proper names fit linguistic patterns attested in the second millennium. Given the lack of decisive evidence, it is reasonable to accept the Bible’s own chronology that the patriarchs were the ancestors of Israel and that they lived well before the exodus that is generally dated in the thirteenth century.

Gn 25:1936:43 are about Jacob and his twelve sons. The stories are united by a geographical frame: Jacob lives in Canaan until his theft of the right of the firstborn from his brother Esau forces him to flee to Paddan-Aram (alternately Aram-Naharaim). There his uncle Laban tricks him as he earlier tricked his brother. But Jacob is blessed with wealth and sons. He returns to Canaan to receive the final blessing, land, and on the way is reconciled with his brother Esau. As the sons have reached the number of twelve, the patriarch can be given the name Israel (32:28; 35:10). The blessings given to Abraham are reaffirmed to Isaac and to Jacob.

The last cycle of ancestor stories is about Jacob’s son Joseph (37:150:26, though in chaps. 4849 the focus swings back to Jacob). The Joseph stories are sophisticated in theme, deftly plotted, and show keen interest in the psychology of the characters. Jacob’s favoring of Joseph, the son of his beloved wife Rachel, provokes his brothers to kill him. Joseph escapes death through the intercession of Reuben, the eldest, and of Judah, but is sold into slavery in Egypt. In the immediately following chap. 38, Judah undergoes experiences similar to Joseph’s. Joseph, endowed by God with wisdom, becomes second only to Pharaoh in Egypt. From that powerful position, he encounters his unsuspecting brothers who have come to Egypt because of the famine, and tests them to see if they have repented. Joseph learns that they have given up their hatred because of their love for Israel, their father. Judah, who seems to have inherited the mantle of the failed oldest brother Reuben, expresses the brothers’ new and profound appreciation of their father and Joseph (chap. 44). At the end of Genesis, the entire family of Jacob/Israel is in Egypt, which prepares for the events in the Book of Exodus.

Genesis in Later Biblical Books. The historical and prophetic books constantly refer to the covenant with the ancestors Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Hos 10 sees the traits of Jacob in the behavior of the Israel of his own day. Is 51:2 cites Abraham and Sarah as a model for his dispirited community, for though only a couple, they became a great nation. Jn 1, “In the beginning was the word,” alludes to Gn 1:1 (and Prv 8:22) to show that Jesus is creating a new world. St. Paul interprets Jesus as the New Adam in Rom 5:14 and 1Cor 15:22, 24, whose obedience brings life just as the Old Adam’s disobedience brought death. In Rom 4, Paul cites Abraham as someone who was righteous in God’s eyes centuries before the Law was given at Sinai.

  1. Preamble. The Creation of the World (1:12:3)
  2. I. The Story of the Nations (2:411:26)
    1. The Creation of the Man and the Woman, Their Offspring, and the Spread of Civilization (2:44:26)
    2. The Pre-flood Generations (5:16:8)
    3. The Flood and the Renewed Blessing (6:99:29)
    4. The Populating of the World and the Prideful City (10:111:9)
    5. The Genealogy from Shem to Terah (11:1026)
  3. II. The Story of the Ancestors of Israel (11:2750:26)
    1. The Story of Abraham and Sarah (11:2725:18)
    2. The Story of Isaac and Jacob (25:1936:43)
    3. The Story of Joseph (37:150:26)




Why does Catholic teaching reject this interpretation of Genesis? ›

Catholics believe God created the world but Genesis should be read as a myth. A myth should not be understood as an invented fictional account. Catholics are willing to accept modern scientific ideas about the world. However, they still believe God is responsible for the creation of the universe.

What is the main message of the book of Genesis? ›

The main message of the Book of Genesis is the creation of the universe and the Israelite people. Throughout the text, the themes of creation and covenant demonstrate the connection between the Israelites and God/Yahweh as well as the fact that humans are unrighteous and deceptive.

Do Catholics believe in the book of Genesis? ›

Among the many other fundamental truths taught in the creation accounts of the Book of Genesis, according to the Catholic Church, are that God is the source of being to all things; that he creates freely and intelligently; that what he has created is good; that human beings are made in the image of God and have a ...

What are the key takeaways from the book of Genesis? ›

One of the most important themes of Genesis is God's love for humans and his involvement in our lives. God created the universe and all life, and he was pleased with his work. He gave the people the responsibility to take care of his creation.

Should Christians take Genesis literally? ›

Christians who oppose a figurative interpretation of Genesis 1-3 are correct to do so. However, they needlessly sustain confusion by insisting that we should interpret Genesis 1–3 literally. We are to read the text as written, which includes accepting its claim to presenting factual history that actually happened.

Do Catholics think Genesis is literal? ›

Answer: It is both real and symbolic. It is real in that it describes events that truly took place but symbolic in that it does not recount an exact scientific and historical rendering of events.

Are Adam and Eve real in Catholicism? ›

Even the Catechism of the Catholic Church seems to affirm the belief that Adam and Eve were not mere symbols but literally our first parents: It teaches that Eve in some manner was created from Adam (CCC 371). It contrasts the first Adam with Christ (CCC 359).

Is there any truth to the book of Genesis? ›

Based on scientific interpretation of archaeological, genetic, and linguistic evidence, most mainstream Bible scholars consider Genesis to be primarily mythological rather than historical. It is divisible into two parts, the primeval history (chapters 1–11) and the ancestral history (chapters 12–50).

What does the Vatican say about Genesis? ›

This process is believed to have happened during or around the Babylonian Captivity a few centuries before the Common Era. So the “official” doctrinal Catholic stance about Genesis is that it's a collection of divinely-inspired fables.

What is the nutshell of the Book of Genesis? ›

This book sets forth the Creation of the earth and all life thereon, the Fall of Adam and Eve and the introduction of sin into this world, the origin of the house of Israel, and the establishment of covenants by a merciful Father in Heaven for the salvation of His children.

What to take away from the Book of Genesis? ›

My Top 9 Takeaways from Genesis
  • God is the Great Initiator. He creates. ...
  • Human beings can have a relationship with God. ...
  • God is in control, yet we are responsible. ...
  • Sin has devastating consequences. ...
  • God is a redeemer. ...
  • God is patient. ...
  • Human nature is universal. ...
  • Our understanding of God through Genesis is limited.
Jul 11, 2018

What is the conclusion of the Book of Genesis? ›

The book of Genesis concludes with Joseph speaking to his brothers before he dies, telling them that he has forgiven them for their previous harm toward him and assuring them that what they meant for evil, God has turned to good.

Why did the Catholic Church oppose translating the Bible? ›

From a Catholic point of view, the censorship of the Bible in certain regions was done both by restricting Bibles from those lacking instruction and by censoring translations thought to encourage deviations from Catholic doctrine.

How do Catholics interpret the Genesis accounts? ›

For Catholics, rather than being a literal explanation for the origin of life, Genesis 1 teaches key information about God's nature. God made the world how he wanted it to be, and he is omnipotent. Creation also highlights God's transcendence.

What is the interpretation of the book of Genesis? ›

Based on scientific interpretation of archaeological, genetic, and linguistic evidence, most mainstream Bible scholars consider Genesis to be primarily mythological rather than historical. It is divisible into two parts, the primeval history (chapters 1–11) and the ancestral history (chapters 12–50).

Why did the Catholic Church forbid reading the Bible? ›

According to Tyndale, the Church forbid owning or reading the Bible to control and restrict the teachings and to enhance their own power and importance.


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