Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (2024)

Fatshark’s live-service co-op multiplayer FPS Warhammer 40k Darktide is finally here. Read on forour full guide to all the Warhammer 40k Darktide classes, and a breakdown of theDarktide release times, to find out precisely when the game will unlock in your area.

Darktide is shaping up to be one of the best Games Workshop-licenced Warhammer 40k games ever. For deeper dives into GW’s grimdark future, check out our guides to all the Warhammer 40k factions; the latest Warhammer 40k codex releases; and our primer on how to play Warhammer 40k.

Otherwise, it’s time to dive into Hive Tertium…

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes

There are currently fourDarktide classesthat we know will be playable when the game releases – they are:

  • TheZealot– An inquisitorial acolyte type with a bowl cut,a power hammer, and a scroll down their front
  • TheVeteran– An Imperial Guard stormtrooper with a gas mask and lasgun
  • TheOgryn– toting a massive slug gun and a cutlass
  • ThePsyker–A hooded, warp-powered psyker, who needs no equipment – their mind is a weapon – but has some anyway

Ever sincethe “writer reveal” trailer,we’ve known that the player starts the game as a prisoner (cribbing notes from The Elder Scrolls, are we, Fatshark?) but is then recruitedas an agent of the Inquisition – a secretive and hugely powerful faction within theImperium of Man.

It soon becomes clear (based on our time exploring the glorious hub zone during the Darktide closed beta) that the Inquisition has hired a small army of such agents– each of them from one of the above four classes– all bustling around completing missions all over Hive Tertium.

Fatshark has released badassClass Spotlighttrailers detailing the character, aspects, in-game abilities, and playstyle ofthe fourDarktide classeswe’ve seen so far– most recently the Psyker, whose video dropped on November 13.

Each of these videos gives its respective Darktide class a subtitle / secondary name; these are actually only the defaultsubclassesfor the Veteran, Psyker, Ogryn, and Zealot classes – and we expect to see further distinct variant subclasses released later, a la Destiny 2.

The videos lay out all the in-game specifics for the classes, including their:

  • Starting loadout
  • Active ability (tactical or psychic)
  • Passive abilities
  • Class ability
  • Coherency bonus (a buff you’ll get by sticking close to teammates)

Here’s a breakdown of the Class Spotlight videos so far:

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (2)

Psyker: Psykinetic

Perhaps our favourite Darktide class to play during the game’s Closed Beta, thePsyker: Psykineticclass combines surprisingly potent sword-and-pistol melee skills with its core playstyle: generating Warp Charges with every kill, and discharging them in glorious, head-popping psychic takedowns.

While the playable beta version of this class was limited to one version of this psychic smite (Brain Burst), the November 13 Class Spotlight video above showcases a wider spread of deadly warp abilities, namely:

  • a ‘flamethrower’ ability
  • a ‘chain lightning’ ability
  • some kind of area-of-effect psychic explosion ability

It’s not clear yet how and when you’ll get access to each ability – but it seems likely they’ll each be the trademark of one Psyker variant (for a total of four subclasses).


According to the video’s ‘dataslate’ text: “Psykers’ abilities are tied to the disciplines they learn to stave off madness and control their otherworldly gifts. Such disciplines run the gamut from showstopping to subtle, depending on the Psyker’s personality and tutelage.

“Psykinetics manipulate empyrean forces with the power of their mind, repurposing it to crush heads and inflict gnawing agony on their victims. They leave a trail of mangled bodies in their wake … most of whom never had a chance to react to their danger.”

A table also shows thePsyker Psykinetic‘s in-game stats and abilities – here it is in easier-to-read form:

Key features
  • Effective vs. Elite enemies
  • Warp Charge / Peril management
Starting Loadout
  • Melee: Combat Sword
  • Ranged: Stub Revolver
Psychic AbilityBrain Burst
  • Killing an enemy with Brain Burst stores a Warp Charge. This bio-energy increases the damage of your smite ability while active.
  • Peril generation is reduced proportionally to the number of Warp Charges.
Class AbilityThe Psyker discharges their accumulated Warp Charge, knocking enemies away.
Coherency BonusIncreased damage against Elite enemies.

Zealot: Preacher

In late September, a dev blog post revealed more information about theZealot–in particular the Preacher, one of several class options for the Zealot archetype. TheZealot class spotlightsays thisclass has “aggressive, in-your-face type” gameplay – as the Zealots are spurred on to deal even more damage when they suffer injuries.

According to the text in the video: “Preachers yearn for the release of death and arrival before the Golden Throne. Alas, it seems the Emperor yet has need of them in the mortal world and so they fight on, blows emboldened by pious rage as their lifeforce ebbs, and fury heightened by the knowledge that each scrap of pain brings them closer to reward.

“Preachers care not if they live or die, so long as the foe is vanquished. Their faith hardens as they suffer injury and grow weaker, empowering attacks with holy wrath and strengthening their will to fight on.”

Here’s a table of theZealot Preacher‘s in-game stats and abilities:

Key features
  • Health Management
  • High damage melee attacks
  • Good vs Armour
Starting Loadout
  • Melee: Combat Axe
  • Ranged: Autopistol
Tactical ActionStumm Grenade
  • Melee damage is increased based on missing health
  • Resists death on taking lethal damage
  • Increased melee attack speed
Class AbilityThe Preacher dashes forward, locking their target in Melee
CoherencyBonusDecreases Toughness damage taken

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Veteran: Sharpshooter

According to text in the video: “TheVeteran Sharpshooterepitomises the Astra Militarum’s combat doctrine: overwhelming firepower, honed through training, and delivered unflinchingly in the heat of battle.”

“The Sharpshooter specialises in ranged combat drills, keeping the foe at a distance while bringing firepower to bear against high-priority targets.

“Though they can spray and pray with the best of them, the Sharpshooter is at their most dangerous when they take the time to place their shots where the enemy is vulnerable. Breathe in. Breathe out. Blow them away.”

Here’s a tablefrom the video showingthe Veteran’s in-game stats and abilities:

Key features
  • Ranged Combat
  • Headshots
  • Good vs Armour
Starting Loadout
  • Melee: Shovel
  • Ranged: Lasgun
Tactical ActionFrag Grenade
  • Increased weak spot damage
  • Increased ammo capacity
Class AbilitySlows down their movement to take careful aim, increasing weak spot damage as well as accuracy and handling
CoherencyBonusIncreased chance of not using any ammo

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Ogryn: Skullbreaker

According to the text in the video: “Ogrynsare abhumans, a subspecies of humanity deemed useful enough to protect it rom the sanction of purgation.

“Stronger and Tougher than ordinary humans, Ogryns excel at work that requires extra muscle or indifference to pain and often serve as labourers, manufactorum workers… or, in the Astra Militarum, shock troops, and bodyguards, using their brawny bodies to shield their comrades and immense strength to smash their enemies.

“A Skullbreaker leans into the Ogryn;s foremost attribute: its prodigious strength. He loves nothing more than to charge into the thick of the fighting, shouldering aside any ‘punies’ that get in is path to delvier punishing, shattering blows against his chosen target. Often while laughing as the tiny, tiny foes tire themselves out flailing at him in return.”

Here’s a table for theOgryn Skullbreaker‘s in-game stats and abilities:

Key features
  • Good vs. Hordes
  • Effective stagger/suppression
  • Melee combat focus
Starting Loadout
  • Melee: Club
  • Ranged: Thumper Shotgun
Tactical ActionBox of Grenades
  • Increasedmelee heavy attack damage
  • Increasedtoughness from melee kills
  • Tough Skin – greatly reduces toughness damage taken
  • Increased revive and assist speed
Class AbilityBull Rush – the Ogryn charges forward and knocks enemies back. After the Bull Rush, the Ogryn has increased movement and attack speed for a limited time
CoherencyBonusIncreased melee damage

Warhammer 40k Darktide releasetime

The official Warhammer 40k Darktide PC release date is November 30, 2022 – but there are different release times depending on where you are in the world. Here they are:

  • Vancouver – 10am PST, November 30
  • Los Angeles – 10am PST, November 30
  • Chicago – 12 noon CST, November 30
  • Mexico City – 12 noon CST, November 30
  • Brazil – 3pm BRT, November 30
  • London – 6pm GMT, November 30
  • Berlin – 7pm CET, November 30
  • Stockholm – 7pm CET, November 30
  • Johannesburg – 8pm SAST, November 30
  • Istanbul – 9pm TRT, November 30
  • Singapore – 2am SGT, December 1
  • Beijing – 2am CST, December 1
  • Seoul – 3am KST, December 1
  • Tokyo – 3am JST, December 1
  • Sydney – 5am AEDT, December 1
  • Wellington – 7am NZDT, December 1

When FatShark first announced a delay to the game in July 2021, it estimated the game would release inSpring 2022. However, a further delay announced on 31 March, 2022 revealed the release date would then be 13 September, 2022.

This too was not to be, however – in July 2022, another delay pushed the PC release date back to November 30 2022.

Warhammer 40k Darktide Xbox release date

TheDarktide Xbox release dateis currently unconfirmed, but Fatshark CEO Martin Wahlund promised it wouldbe coming to Xbox Series X/S consoles“shortly after” the PC release date.

Xbox playersshouldn’t have to waittoolong, though – as the officialXbox Warhammer 40k Darktidepage lists its release date on the platform as simply “Coming 2022”.

Is Warhammer 40k Darktide coming to Game Pass?

Yes,Warhammer 40k Darktide is coming to Game Pass. It was originally slated as a day one Game Pass release, but – given Fatshark’s statement above – it’s now likely the game will arrive on Game Pass some time after the PC release on November 30.

We’ll keep this guide updated as soon as we hear more about the Xbox version’s release plans.

Warhammer 40k Darktide trailers

There have beensomanyWarhammer 40k Darktide trailersthat it’s hard to keep up.

Setting aside the Class Spotlight videos (check those out below, under Darktide Classes) the latest official Darktide trailer is theThis is Darktide Overview Trailer, released on November 22.

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Ostensibly, it’s an atmospheric dive into the opening of the game’s storyline,outlining what to expect in the first few hours of the game; how the different classes play;how the missionswork; and how your character will grow as the game progresses.

There are a few choice reveals, though, including the ability to upgrade your weapons’ rarity and customise their special stats via the warband’s Adeptus Mechanicus tech-priest.

Before that, we got the World Intro Trailer, released on November 10, 2022.

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (15)

It’s pretty damn epic. Narrated by a well-spoken Shipmistress (perhaps aRogue Trader) named ‘Brahms‘, the trailer describes the galaxy-wide war waged by the Imperial Guard and Space Marines in the name of the Imperium of Man – then contrasts it with the underground, secret wars of the Inquisition and its agents.

This trailer dramatically sets the scene and galactic context for the desperate, deadly, blood-soaked missions you’ll be sent on during the course of Darktide’s evolving, live-service campaign.

Before that, we got a new traileron August 23, during Gamescom 2022. This gives us a look at the game’s character customisation, as well as plenty of gory combat.

There was also aWarhammer 40k Darktide trailer during Summer Game Fest 2022 on June 9. This gave us our longest look yet at Darktide’s high-octane hack and slash (and shoot) gameplay.

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (16)

This followed hot on the heels of a trailernamed ‘Rejects will Rise’, which showed us the less than glorious backstories of the four playable characters, as well as providing hints about their abilities.

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (17)

The March 2022 announcement declaring the game’s delay also came with a new trailer for Warhammer 40k Darktide.

Before that, a Warhammer 40K: Darktide trailer was revealed as part of Games Workshop’s Skulls! Livestream on June 3, and dropped theintriguing news that veteran Warhammer 40K novelist Dan Abnett was working with Fatshark on the game’s writing.

The driving point of Abnett’s commentary here is to underline the game’s focus on human stories. Far from the hyper-energetic clashes of power-armoured Space Marines and Warhammer 40k Xenos horrorselsewhere in GW’s horrendous galaxy, Darktide is about baseline human fighters who simply have tomake it through,against the odds. The phrase “survival horror” is used – whether for good or ill, we’ll find out on the game’s release…

For a bit more depth on the human stories Abnett means to tell through Darktide’s gameplay, youneed to read this excellent Darktide interview with the man himself, over on our sister website PCGamesN.

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Before that, we got our first glimpse of Darktide’s gameplay in its first ‘proper’ trailer, released on December 11, 2020.

Here, we had adecent shifty at the playable squad members in the game (including the Ogryn), and some appropriately gore-soaked footage of first-person melee combat, with the player using a chainsword, power hammer and combat knife to chop through what look like Chaos-addled cultists and traitor guardsmen.

The second half gets all shooty, showing off the massive slug shotgun the Ogryn trooper carries, a couple of lasgun variants, an autogun, and the humble frag grenade, among other implements of death.

We also see a rather distinctive-looking spiky-helmed traitor guardsman, who seems like they may be important.

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (19)

Before that, all we had was the original teaser trailer from July 2020, which whet all our appetites for the idea of a four-person Imperial Guard squad trying to survive in the terrifying hellscape of a Chaos-dominated underhive, where all the lights are mysteriously out of action…

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We, er… we don’t think those guardsmen made it out. Just saying.

Warhammer 40k Darktide weapons

The three trailers we’ve seen so far have been fairly open-handed in showing the game’s gory, grimdark arsenal – we’veseen crunchy and blood-spattered footage of various melee and ranged Warhammer 40k Darktide weapons so far:

Melee weapons

  • Chainsword
  • Combat knife
  • Power hammer (we won’t call it thunder hammer ’til we see the lightning)
  • Ogryn-sized cutlass
  • Power sword

Ranged weapons

  • Lasgun
  • Autogun
  • Thumper Shotgun(A massive Ogryn-sized shotgun that looks like a China Lake grenade launcher)
  • Plasma gun
  • Frag grenade

Best Darktide weapons

According to Fatshark’s data from the October closed beta test, the best Darktide weapons (or at least, the ones that killed most baddies) were:

  1. Brunt Special Mk1 Club
  2. Kantrael MG Ia Infantry
  3. Catachan Mk I Devil’s Claw Sword

Future Darktide weapons we’d like to see

There are some classic 40k weapons we haven’t seen yet, too, which we’d guess may still make an appearance. Take your bets, folks…

  • Power fist
  • Boltgun
  • Flamer
  • Heavy Stubber
  • Storm Bolter
  • Heavy Bolter
  • Bolt pistol
  • Meltagun

Rest assured that our eagle eyes are out for any whisper of an update on Warhammer 40K: Darktide, and we’ll keep this guide updated with the latest on the game as we go along. The Emperor protects. Probably.

Warhammer 40k Darktide beta

Fatshark is running two Warhammer 40k Darktide beta test programmes prior to the game’s November 30 release: a closed beta (which ran from October 14-16) and a pre-order betaright before release, for those who’ve pre-purchased the game.

Fatshark has confirmed that all your pre-order beta progress will carry over into the full game on release.

Darktide pre-order beta

The Darktide pre-order beta will run from November 17 to November 29, and will be open to “anyone who pre-orders or has already pre-ordered the game” by that time, according to an October 21 Fatshark announcement via Steam.

On November 18, Fatshark shared a full rundown of what to expect from the pre-order beta. The broad experience is this: the pre-order beta lets your freshly created Reject access four missions in four zones from November 17. This changes to eight missions from November 21, then ten missions from November 28. The full 13 missions and five zones will be available on launch day.

There’s a new zone called Dust to explore in the pre-order beta. Fatshark also promises over 60 weapons to test out and four random conditions to ‘enhance’ your experience (expect power outages and a ‘ventilation purge’, yikes). There’s also a training ground to practice in before the full release.

The pre-order beta also includesmany, many tweaks based on how October’s closed beta went:

  • All-round optimisation, connectivity, and performance improvements
  • Extra mouse sensitivity
  • Options to turn off wobble and skip the tutorial
  • Chat sensitivity adjustments (looks like the filter had an issue with the word ‘snipers’)
  • Added options to test weapons before missions
  • Adjusted difficulty in the ‘Cooling’ mission
  • Improved lighting and HUD
  • Increased weapon handling for Veteran Sharpshooter’s starter weapons
  • Enemy tagging now more distinguished from smart tagging wheel
  • Malice difficulty is now locked until characters are level three
  • Strike teams can now play the highest difficulty level unlocked by any one party member
  • Smoother chaining weapon attacks, weapon swaps, dodges, and dodge timings
  • Adjusted stun and hit reactions to avoid stun-locking

Fatshark is also working on an end-of-screen scoreboard, a detailed view of weapon stats, and a mission board that doesn’t take an age to walk to. These, however, won’t be included in the game just yet.

Fatshark aims for all beta progression to carry over once Darktide releases, but says it “cannot fully guarantee at this moment” that all your progress will be saved. The progression systems are still being tested, and Fatshark may need to change or reset something as a last resort.It’s also important to note that downtime is expected on November 29 at 7pm GMT / 2pm ET.

Darktide Closed Beta

Fatshark announced on September 20 that it would be runninga two-day-longWarhammer 40k Darktide Closed Betafrom October 14 to October 16. The Closed Betaran on both PC and consoles.

As standard for such Beta tests, applicantswere sent a questionnaire about theirplatform of choice (and system specs, for PC players) before being accepted onto the Beta (or not). The Closed Beta is now over.

Closed Beta participants got to explorea restricted version of the game, says Fatshark, explaining “we will be limiting weapons, maps and missions, enemy types and other systems”. Game progression in the Beta buildwas be wiped afterwards, and willnotbe carried over into the final game.

Fatshark welcomed Beta members to stream their gameplay,however – and itinvited streamers to jointhe game’s dedicatedcontent creator programmefor more information.

Warhammer 40k Darktide characters


We don’t know much aboutShipmistress and potentialRogue TraderBrahms, other than that she narrates the November 2022 World Intro Trailer, and appears to be a servant of the Imperial Inquisition.

It’s not a great leap of the imagination to guess that she’s Shipmistress of the Imperial Navy vessel that serves as your home base during the game – but we don’t yet know what type of role she’ll play in the game’s story and events.

Inquisitor Grendyl

In the playable beta, wemetInquisitor Grendyl, lord of the game’s hub ship theMourningstarand leader of the inquisitorial warband active on Atoma Prime. He’s a shadowy puppet master who speaks to the warband’s recruits only via a spooky holographic face – but perhaps one day we’ll meet him in person…

Back in the original teaser trailer, the voiceover is heard – in plummy, aristocratic, British-English tones that scream ‘high-born Imperial citizen’ – reporting toInquisitor Grendyl that they have arrived at the planet, and assembled their “recon team” (that’s you, chum) to investigate certain levels of the hive city.

Sergeant Major Morrow

One of several senior members of Grendyl’s warband, the grizzled, storm-coated Imperial Guard vet Sergeant Major Morrow is one of the game’s primary quest-givers.

It makes sense that a high-bornInquisitorwould go through some intermediary when dealing withlowly indentured fighters like the heroes of Darktide, and this seems to be him. The sergeant’s voice popped up again and again in the trailer, and we now know he’ll be a ‘voice in your ear’ throughout the game.

The spiky-headed traitor guardsman

In the second half of the December 2020 gameplay trailer, we meet a distinctive, badass-looking chap, apparently in charge of some Imperial Guard soldiers who have turnedtraitor and joinedChaos.

Flanked by fellow corrupted troopers, this guy’s arrival seems choreographedtoadd maximum evil vibes. Standard Guard uniformmodified withchainmail, spiked plates and a spiky helmet; an etched human skull at his belt; and a face uncovered to reveal mouldering flesh and bone – it’s the very model of a scary(yet human) 40K villain.

Dollars to donuts, thisfella is one of our main antagonists.

Warhammer 40k Darktide setting

Darktide is set on the planet Atoma Prime, in a continent-sized, ultra-dense hive city named Tertium. In the writer reveal trailer, Black Library darling Dan Abnett describes Tertium as “a vital Imperial holding, essentially the capital of an enormous area of space,” and “home to billions of loyal Imperial citizens”.

“It’s not the sort of thing you want to lose – but it’s also a way for Chaos to get into the Imperium, which [the Inquisition] can’t allow to happen,” he adds.


In terms of in-game environments, the setting of a hive city allows for more variety than you might think.

Since these places house billions of people, spanning thousands of miles across (and often many miles beneath the planet’s surface, and miles upwards too), there’s scope for missions to explore all sorts: habitation blocks; vast market districts; factory units; acres and acres of churches, temples and cathedrals; surface level streets, hive ‘stacks’ (miles-high skyscrapers that make Judge Dredd’s megacities look like Lego villages), and more.

In Warhammer 40k lore, these sorts of places are pretty bleak, soulless and overwhelming at the best of times – but in Darktide, it would seem Tertium has an even worse problem: aWarhammer 40k chaosuprising.

In the 2020 teaser trailer, we saw the recon squad exploring “level six” of Tertium hive, and discovering a crowd of ghoulish, shambling humanoids (and one shadowy hulk that might be a corrupted Ogryn) which look suspiciously misshapen and diseased.

As such, it’s a pretty fair bet that Nurgle, the Chaos god of plague, decay and contagion, is working his feculent magics upon Atoma Prime.

What is Warhammer 40k Darktide?

Warhammer40kDarktidewas announced by developer Fatshark in July 2020 – supposedly after hordes of grimdark gamers beseeched the Swedish studio to make a 40k-themed version of 2018’s Vermintide 2 – and the game has only looked more promising since then.

In fact, with thepossibleexception of the turn-based strategy battlerWarhammer 40k Battlesector(which proved imperfect, buthighly playable at review and received a pretty solidNecrons DLC), we hadn’t been this excited about aWarhammer 40kgamein along time.

Darktide isbilled as another four-player co-op action extravaganza, taking Vermintide’s extremely successful hack-and-slash melee combat, adding in some classic 40k ranged weapons, and dumping you into the remarkably scary-looking, dark bowels of aWarhammer 40k chaosinfested hive city to survive(plus, if you’re lucky, bring the light of theEmperor of Mankindto some heretics).

With Vermintide 2, Fatshark proved it could produce a truly atmospheric, lore-appropriate Warhammer world, and match it to best-in-class first-person slasher gameplay, to create one of the bestWarhammer fantasy videogamesof all time. Now, the 40k community is eagerly waiting to see if Darktidecan repeat the feat for Games Workshop’s flagship sci-fi setting – and, so far… well, it’s looking pretty good.

Warhammer 40k Darktide classes and release time (2024)


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